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Messages - Saucer

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:: promptly ignores challenge ::

Fujisawa: M*HICK*Miz........

Miz: Fujisawa-sama....

Fujisawa: Mish......

Miz: *UNZIP*

Pic of the Moment / Re: "Where'd You Learn to Drive?!"
« on: May 28, 2004, 07:11:00 pm »
Ifurita: Who says I'm too dumb to master the art of "Keeping Your Eyes On The Road Without Using Your Eyes?!"

Fujisawa: AAAAAHHH WAIT!!!!!! Lemme at least have a drink first!!!

Groucho: BRGRK?!?!???

Shayla: Run if you will, demonic tart! In the name of Love & Justice, Devil Hunter Shayla-Shayla will chase you to the ends of the earth!!

Fujisawa: Jefferson Airplane! Hhheee*HICK*eeyyy... yer dat broad from Jefferson Airplane!


Ifurita: :: squeals :: Oh master, look! The kittie is going potty! Just like in that book! No wonder the ferns grow so well in this forest?

Jinnai: Damn you Mizuhara! Steal that lousy, wind-up witch and leave me with this idiot will you?!? Maybe I can sell this on eBay at least....

Pic of the Moment / Re: "We're Quite Busy, y'know..."
« on: May 18, 2004, 10:00:00 pm »
Jinnai: Well Mizuhara, are you coming or not? The whole place is going up in 5 minutes!

Makoto: I just don't know if I'm cut out for this spy business.... that chick may have been our enemy, but she had really big boobs! Gawd she was hot... *SIGH* I think I'm going to go back and die with her....

Jinnai: Suit yourself. :: mutters :: Sap....

Pic of the Moment / Re: I'm going to kill him
« on: May 13, 2004, 08:32:00 pm »
Shayla: Safe!

Nanami: Out!

Shayla: Safe!

Nanami: Out!

Shayla: Safe!

Nanami: Out!

Alliele: Ummm.. O-Onei-sama...........

Once again, the Annual Palace Softball Match ends in conflict.....

Pic of the Moment / Re: Fuji's Dancing in the Fire
« on: May 07, 2004, 12:53:00 am »
Fujisawa: I'M-AN-OR-DI-NAR-Y-GUY....

Makoto: Ummm... Sensei.....


Pic of the Moment / Re: Ifurita's "Oopsie"
« on: April 17, 2004, 10:10:00 pm »
Londs: Heil, Ilpalazzo!!!!

Ifurita: Oji-san! Shouldn't we like.....erm, run or something? I think the moon just exploded?!?

Pic of the Moment / Re: Objection!
« on: April 08, 2004, 12:21:00 am »
Mark Gregaros: And so Mr Bugrom, where were you on the morning Laci Peterson disappeared?

Jinnai: Objection! Council is trying to lead the witness!

Ifurita: Hi! My name is Ifurita and I'm a Demon-Goddess. I've been Scott Peterson's mistress since... oh let's see....our first time was....... oh my I shouldn't be thinking about such things in court!

Judge: >_<

Pic of the Moment / Re: Underground the El-Hazard World
« on: April 04, 2004, 02:09:00 pm »
Jinnai: Run, Diva! RUN!! I'll hold this thing off as long as I can! Aaaaahhhhh!!!! Nekophobia!!!!!!

Diva: Jinnai! I.... I swear... I wil avenge you!

El-Hazard takes a horror-survival turn, when Diva and Jinnai uncover an ancient armorcat burial mound during an inspection of the fallout they discover in some ancient ruins that actually carry an even darker secret blah blah etc......

There is a very good reason why Anime Production Houses were reluctant to switch to digital cell painting until as recently as 2001. Observe, this failed attempt by AIC to do compositing for El Hazard on a 486......

Pic of the Moment / Re: At the Haunted House
« on: March 27, 2004, 12:31:00 am »
Nanami: W-What are they doing?!? I mean..... yeah it's Exotic Erotic Ball....... but.......d-don't these people have any discretion?!? Look at all the other people in this room!!!!!

Shayla: I'm sorry Affie, this atmosphere........ please hold me.......

Afura: S-Shayla?? What did you order at the bar anyway?

Pic of the Moment / Re: Ruckus in the Library
« on: March 21, 2004, 12:48:00 am »
Shayla Shayla: I didn't take nothin'!  I uh..... used the self-check out machine! Schwatch!!

Nanami: Shayla, the alarm means you have to stop! STOP!

Alliele: Shayla Nei-san, just let us see if you checked those out! Show us your receipt!

Pic of the Moment / Re: She walked away
« on: March 16, 2004, 07:57:00 pm »
Nanami: I can't believe you, Makoto-chan! Dressing up as a woman, just to sneak into a Buddhist Nunery! What do you have to say for yourself?!?

Makoto: Ummm... the Buddha forgives you three times???

Pic of the Moment / Re: Showing old videos
« on: March 12, 2004, 09:05:00 pm »
Jinnai: And so you see gentle....... eh "gentlemen," the most effective way to defeat the hordes of Roshtaria is to swarm upon them and self-destruct. The following explosion of cyclopean proportions will result. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten for days to come. Any questions?

Bugrom #35454: BRGRGRK? (translation: WTF are you on about mate?)

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