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Messages - xxdemongodifuritaxx

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Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: October 19, 2004, 10:15:34 am »
whee, okay, I'm in Austin right now and I must say, it is alot nicer than Dallas. there is so much to do here. too bad I don't have a car or money. ~_~  I go back home today though but I kinda don't want to. lol. ah well, it has been nice. on other news, my grandmother passed away yesterday so if I seem not as peppy, that may be why. I will be attending her funeral sometime this week. I am pleased to know however that she didn't suffer at all. she just passed in her chair last night. so that made me feel better. *smiles slightly* Hope you guys are doing okies! Ifurita signing off! *waves the keystaff causing a poof of smoke to rise up and conceal her. yeah it looks good at first but soon the smoke clears and she still is standing there in confusion* hey, this was supposed to make me disappear! *scratches head with head of staff until someone shouts at her* you were supposed to use it to make your disappearance as in run away, not just stand there you dope! *laughs uneasily* oh yeah! well my bad! *runs off* ^^V

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: jobs
« on: October 17, 2004, 08:30:17 am »

oh, that's not the best, we had someone else do that before and when I told them that I couldn't ring it up for that, she was all, "but the guy in the market was doing that to all of them just now" and I knew for a fact that no one was in market since like hours ago so I was just staring at her blankly before going, "Um...that'd be pretty hard since he hasn't been at work for a couple hours now. when exactly was this? *sighs and gets out the giant red stamp of doom reaching out and stamping the woman square in the forehead with the word "Dumbass"*

I would feel better if I could actually do that, but eventually, every customer would be wearing one. ~_~

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: age
« on: October 17, 2004, 08:25:11 am »
I like poker, it truly is a game of chance. which reminds me *back on topic* when I was 10, my friend that lived next door had this huge craps table in his living room so I would come over with my brother in tow and we would play on it, poker, craps, black jack, etc. and we would even have the candy cigarettes. lol. ah those were the days. that is the only way you'd ever catch a cigarette in this girl's mouth. if it was made of sugar. hehe

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: DEATHMATCH!
« on: October 17, 2004, 08:22:08 am »
awwww, poor Shinobu-chan! what'd she ever do to Devastator?!  maybe she can get through to him with her good cooking, you know the saying, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. but this is a machine. perhaps substitute a case of motor oil for food? go Shinobu! scrap him!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: THIS is why Japan rules...
« on: October 17, 2004, 08:17:32 am »
 *after only staring for one minute*
XO   Oh nooooo! Master! I'll be good! I promise! Take the image away! he looks like a teenager going through puberty, his face is all warped and misfigured. how could they do that to link? oh god....the horror....

*after 45 minutes she is now sitting there with a vacant expression on her face mumbling to herself*

hair...his hair....what is with his hair.....


El-Hazard Online / Re: Who gets Jinnai?
« on: October 17, 2004, 08:11:11 am »
I already have a few books, Master. See! *holds up a copy of Stephen King's Dark Tower II The Drawing of the Three* I only have gotten through the first chapter but its pretty good. ^^  

there was this one part where the gunslinger was getting his body hacked into by these crab monster things on the beach! it was really adventurous!

but I promise I won't go into the hentai section, Master. I already have alot of that on my computer anyways. ^^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Revolutionary Girl Utena
« on: October 16, 2004, 10:31:48 pm »
did you know that if you play Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku backwards, you can hear evil chanting and the falling apart of the world?

lol, sorry, just playing around. I like the song too. I like alot of utena music including the song from the movie "Toki Ni Ai Wa" that was just a beautiful song and beautiful scene dancing on a floor of floating roses *smiles warmly*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Your DVD Collection
« on: October 16, 2004, 10:22:54 pm »
oh wow, I love you!!! lol. nah, j/k. I wasn't meaning it intentionally as trying to move in with you. I just was saying it would be cool to move in with someone with alot of anime too. ^^  nice though, really nice.

El-Hazard Online / Re: Visit El-Hazard!
« on: October 16, 2004, 10:15:54 pm »
geez, some really cool stuff here. especially the school project. Helio, that is very impressive. my school never let me do anything like that. he just made us do alot of boring stuff. *sighs*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: "Ahh, you damn otaku..."
« on: October 16, 2004, 10:03:49 pm »
you put that as if I should be ashamed to be an otaku! *sticks tongue out real big and gives a fat raspberry*

nah, I know its not meant that way. lol. just yanking on your chain

*yanks on it and tugs* oof, heavy chain!
*yanks harder but falls over instead* oof! ouch! geez, strong chain! I give up!


El-Hazard Online / Re: Who gets Jinnai?
« on: October 16, 2004, 09:59:54 pm »
yeah I thinks so too. ^^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: jobs
« on: October 16, 2004, 09:56:52 pm »
yeah, we had someone do that once but it was so amusing because they took off a tag from some chicken wings and put it on a pack of t-bone steaks and tried to come through my checkstand. I picked it up and saw that. I looked at her and said, "yeah, these are kinda funny looking chicken wings, I don't think you should get these." and I stuck them in my register cubby hole and stared at them point blank. they just smiled and left without another word. *shakes head* I'm not that stupid. ^^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: age
« on: October 16, 2004, 09:51:07 pm »
so many birthdays! *runs around in circles* I have to get more cake! but what of cards? *runs off in one direction* wait, I need drinks! *runs off in other direction* but what about cups and plates? *runs off in yet another direction* cake! *zoom* drinks! *zoom*

Tea and Cake or Death!
Tea and Cake or Death!
Little Red Cookbook!
Little Red Cookbook!

start the fucking flick!
start the fucking flick!

forget the flick, start fucking!
forget the flick, start fucking!

I thought she was 18!
I thought she was 18!

I like pie!
I like pie!


okay, that was random but hey why not!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: THIS is why Japan rules...
« on: October 16, 2004, 09:45:09 pm »
OH MY GOD!!! I finally get to see this image. oh jeebus! I know people who would want those sheets....but...that's just wrong!

um...unless they came with one with Larva from Vampire Princess Miyu.....

or maybe um...*blush blush* Master? *blush blush*

oh I can't take this anymore!

*puts paper bag over head*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Video Games
« on: October 16, 2004, 05:45:55 pm »
lol, it reminds me of that show Mystery Science Theater 3000! hehe, I loved that show.

I really need to sit down and play more of my games. either that or go out and get ddr extreme for the ps2. I was told that Neverending Story was on it and I loved that song even more playing along. I think I just may hit the arcade later and mess on the hard pads a little before I get some dinner...no..wait..its saturday..everybody is up there. bah..it will have to wait til a week day. *shrugs* no biggie

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