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Messages - xxdemongodifuritaxx

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Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: June 02, 2005, 07:15:28 pm »
wow its that time again, it is time for Akon to begin tomorrow and I of course will be attending the con. I finally got my costume put together today. I will be going as KOS-MOS from the video game Xenosaga. I worked pretty damn hard on it so I hope it looks okay. I'll be sure to take loads of pictures of people in costume and myself so I'll have lots to show for the weekend when I return. I'm still trying to pack up stuff for the con as I type. god damn lot of stuff I gotta take. its in dallas so its a good 3-4 hour drive. ugh. ah well burned a couple cds to take along for the trip so I should be peachy. hope to talk to you guys soon, love yas!  *waves*


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: May 03, 2005, 02:00:13 am »
okay...I had to deal with some hard stuff last night that kinda affected me but I'm okay now guys! Iffy-chan had a full night of watching fights break out in the parking lot, wondering what people were going to use the weird concoctions of items they bought for what purpose, and making her coworkers think she is insane once again tonight. hahaha

The demon goddess is never gone for long. she just sleeps for a period of time ever so often but is always quick to bounce back at any given moment. yesh I am dangerous at times and sometimes I wonder if I will ever grow up. probably not nyah! :P


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: May 01, 2005, 09:10:49 pm »
Saucer.....if you can shoot me a message on AIM whenever possible.......I really need to talk to ya.....see ya


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: April 21, 2005, 10:14:11 am »
I also wanted to say that I know that some people have to pick up a shirt and unfold it, observe the entire shirt before buying it but do they have to go through an entire rack of them that have the same exact design on them and then just toss them back onto the rack instead of refold them? I had a lady do that last night at work and I watched the whole thing going inside my head, "NOOOOooOoooOoo, lady, which shirt you want? I'll find it myself but please...the horror, don't continue this insanity any longer!"   I got a great chocolate fix thought last night since our hershey bars are on sale for 4 for a dollar. oh my god, those are like my fav candy ever so I had like one of each of my fav kinds. I would have gotten four reeses cups but those never last too long. they had this one new kind called peanut butter lovers reeses and chocolate lovers reeses. I have always enjoyed the peanut butter part more so I got two of those. :D    though I do have to say I laugh at the wrapper all displaying this "Limited Edition!" I understand what it means but it makes it sound like its a collectors item. OMG, I must buy two of these! one for myself and one to hang on my wall in the trophy room! hehehehehe. anyways, my silliness random posting has returned. mwahahaa


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: April 20, 2005, 11:57:20 pm »
*smiles warmly* thanks Helio. I don't mind you calling me Iffy-chan. I kinda like the sound of it. Yeah, been through alot but I'm not broken. just got a few boo boo's here and there. hehehe. I cut my fingers twice today on cardboard the evil of evils. I thought paper cuts were pretty bad but geez, cardboard cuts deeper in my opinion.  I miss you guys alot and want to post more when I get a chance

*hugs Helio* about love, yeah, I'm pretty hurt myself from a recent disaster and am kinda feeling like the world is against me but I know in fact its not because I got lots of people to make me feel better and I know that things can only get better in the end ^_^V

feel free to drop me an IM anytime guys if you want. my name is KowaiNoNeko on AIM and I like have it running all the time. doesn't mean I'm actually on it all the time but running yes, all the time. mwahaha, thank god for cable internet. :D


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: April 19, 2005, 10:17:21 am »
Hey guys, sorry for the long fall of absence. I've been really busy for the last while working at my job and trying to find another one. This one just isn't working out like I had hoped and it was only supposed to be temporary til I find a better one. I come home really exhausted and crash immediately upon lying down in my nice comfy bed. We're always short handed so they put Ifurita to overdrive on a huge list of tasks to do around the store besides running the register and that must be complete before she is able to leave. I still am carless and still take the bus to and from everywhere I go and I can honestly say its kinda interesting the people that get on the bus day to day and you see some really bizarre things happen. I try to avoid this one guy who seems to be hopping from bus stop to bus stop to irritate people waiting for their bus by telling these huge ass lies!!! one day he told me he was really a billionaire from writing novels and that all the girls wanted his money but he wasn't like that. :P      bah...then he was all, I bet I can guess your favorite color. I'm psychic. He  must have guessed every color but mine. ah well, so I try to avoid him when I can either that or tell him a little white lie and say I have a big built boyfriend that will kick his ass if he doesn't leave me alone. hehehe. :D  

anyways besides work, yeah I have been playing eq2 still but alas, I am now lvl 50 so there really lacks stuff to do in game now since I'm as high as you can get in lvls. I am still lacking a few heritage quests to complete and then I will have officially done everything but I'm kinda bored in game. I usually spend all my time harvesting or chatting and that's not really worth the money spent on an account month to month.  the guild I"m in does raid but my work schedule kinda conflicts with it since I work nights.  I have started playing WoW but just started so I'm still only lvl 15 night elf druid on the server Darkspear.  if you want to give me a shout, my char's name is Clove.  

I am soon to be attending an anime con in June called Akon and will be cosplaying KOS-MOS from Xenosaga because alot of people for three years now have begged me to since I am once again participating in an anime LARP and playing the role of her again.  Going to try to make an attempt to sell my artwork but not too hopeful but at least I will try. :D

I hope you all have been doing okay. I'm the same ol same ol Iffy though alot of the time I think I act more like tv Iffy than ova Iffy with how silly I can be. come on I was sweeping the entire store's floor last night singing Go speed racer. hehehehe. customers were looking at me like I was a loon but I didn't care. :D

Will update more often, got emails and im's from people from here so I feel loved and missed and I thankyou for contacting me guys, Helio, Saucer, and Robert. you guys are the best!  =D


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: January 21, 2005, 11:02:40 am »
seasons beatings? *laughs* just came back from my slumber to find that and that cracked me up. now I'm picturing a santa claus hanging out a car window with a baseball bat swinging at people's mailboxes while rudolph drives. heheheheh :D

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: December 23, 2004, 12:57:33 am »
got the job guys. finally got a job. it isn't the HFH but its a job nonetheless and I start next week. go me! ^_^

El-Hazard Online / Re: Wow
« on: December 17, 2004, 06:24:02 pm »
wow, sometimes I wonder if I have a clone out there in the world because that sounds alot of what I like and you are 22 just like me. lol.  spooky....well not really. I already met a guy once that I swear we are like twins in personality so I'm not really that phased. lol. welcome to the boards!!!!!  I'm just your friendly residential demon god who likes to respond and be silly so don't mind me :P

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: December 17, 2004, 06:16:42 pm »
Well, things are looking somewhat up for me in job market. place called me yesterday to set up interview for this morning. I went in and was kinda curious what the job was for since I have in the last month sent off my resume to so many ads it isn't funny. well, the company is Habitat For Humanity and they need a cashier/floor person and got my resume so they wanted to talk to me. may not be the best job in the world but honestly right now I'll take what I can get. they want to talk to me again since the guy who wanted to interview me had an emergency today. I like the company though. They help low income families build homes and sell them supplies. I think that is a very good cause and I would be happy to help in any way I can. *smiles warmly*  call me a sucker for having a big heart but I have always been that way so nyah. heh. hope you all are doing well. I've been also playing my vid games and trying to keep warm during this month. its chilly out and in but at least I have heat. :)

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: December 12, 2004, 10:20:04 pm »
I suppose, but unfortunately I have not very much choice in the matter because I can't afford to buy my own account in anything right now and Jimi is offering it to me for free to share a character slot on his account so I guess all I have to say is free play is better than no play. =)

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: December 08, 2004, 05:23:40 pm »
do you not like eq or eq 2  because of the actual game or the company behind the game?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: December 07, 2004, 04:15:40 am »
lol, I always thought that was funny as hell that Nanbara was played by the same voice as Jinnai. when I first heard him I was all, "oh my god, a parrallel jinnai...that's awesome!!!" but I do like his japanese voice too especially when he's singing the virus song. lol. that guy is just messed up. hehehe. yeah, things are looking okay so far, I'm hooked on evercrack 2, oh god, I just stayed on the game for about six to seven solid hours. I'm screwed up. I hate though how you have to basically stay in your house to sell crap. I think its dumb because 1.) I'd rather be out killing things than sitting on my butt gaining no experience  2.) no one is really doing any selling til later at night before they go to sleep and what good does that accomplish?  *sighs* I just think its retarded. I also think its retarded that once something goes grey and you need an item for a quest that comes out of a chest, you won't get the item anymore. so I had to cap my experience from battles and try to basically grab every gnoll in sight. ugh...ah well, I'm feeling pretty good that I can take on two or three gnolls at one time with my druid by herself. heh. all thanks to my regrowth spell. anyways, I gotta get to sleep, night all ^_^V

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Video Games
« on: November 29, 2004, 09:15:21 pm »
I've been playing disgaea too. trying to get good ending since I got the normal ending last time and I just can't settle with a sappy sad ending like that. ugh....but then I found out that you aren't supposed to have any of your chars die and already have some deaths since I was using the second time around to give my lower chars a chance to level up *sighs* so it looks like I will be making a third time around the game. ah well, by the time that comes, Laharl will be so damn buffed. he's already 11,000 hp at level 230. lol. I am going to keep buffing him til he can whoop the pants off any of the big bosses. its going to take forever but I will do it because I like to kick boss's asses overkill. *grins* I'm evil, yesh I am. ^^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: November 29, 2004, 09:05:33 pm »
your happy residential demon god has turned sour. I have no job, no money, no car, nada. I've been trying to get work but I realized just now which means I'm pretty dense, "oh yeah, this is a college town....all the students have most of the jobs..." so I am having trouble getting someone to hire me. *sighs* so I haven't really had time to be online. but anyways.....I'm doing okay and I can at least say I'm still alive. I have the support of a very tolerable and patient Jimi to help me during these times with his wisdom and his overexceeding patience. did I mention he has patience? I can be quite a dark cloud when I get irritated and worried like this so I am thankful for him putting up with me. but hey, I still got friends, I still got food, I still got a place to sleep, and I still got games...ohhh yesh, video games are keeping me safe. and lots of anime that I haven't seen that Jimi owns. like ranma. I have never seen this anime before so I am watching it and have gotten through the first season and all I have to say is wheee, I love Ryoga. he is sooo cute and he is so amusing. never a dull moment with him around. hehe.  he's the kind of guy that you could give one of those cards that read, "how to keep an idiot entertained, turn card over" and have the same message on the other side. but he's still cute. anyways, I hope everyone is doing okay and I will say this. once things get better....I am getting me a dang laundry hamper....dirty clothes suck lying around house and this is the first time I have ever not had a washer and dryer open to me so it gets really ugly having dirty clothes lying all over the floor and no hamper. and washing clothes at a laundromat is expensive!!!!! it was like 2.50 to wash 3 loads in the washer and We had like 4 BASKETS of clothes. it was 10 dollars to wash all that!!! and then dryers were only 25 cents but dammit they didn't dry too well so they sure did get your money in the end having to keep putting quarters in the machine. damn greedy people that own these places. they make a killing, I admit and admire their business skills.

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