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Topics - xxdemongodifuritaxx

Pages: [1]
Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Demon God Dementia
« on: October 15, 2004, 06:05:14 pm »
I just wanted to make up a place that I can talk off topic as much as I want because I tend to think of some really odd off topic comments to make in other topics and I kinda feel bad so I want to just let loose in here. today all I have to say is, Curse you Flu Vaccination! we did flu shots today and it was scary. I walk in around 7:30am to do a little reading before my shift at 8am and I go to get my usual chocolate milk and there are like a row upon row upon row of elderly people seated in the deli section staring at me. O_O  I was all, "EEP!" I was told later they came in around 5:45am for the flu shots that don't start until 10am. geez...that's scary. it was amusing though today because there was an old man vs old man poking fest bitter feud between the fogies because they were getting irritable standing in line. it was amusing just seeing them all reaching out and poking each other. LoL. oh! and I found a new replacement wig for my ifurita costume! me soooo happy! now if only I could hurry up and make a tv ifurita staff before halloween....gah, too short notice. anyways, um, welcome to my insanity?! I serve cherry limeade with little umbrellas in the glasses? *gets all in a cute waitress outfit and holds out tray of cherry limeade drinkies in those plastic champagne flutes* whee! anyways, um, well, hmmm...didn't plan on this sudden pause. pause..and stuff. how about those cat earred hoodies? I found one at hot topic and got it and I like the odd looks I get wearing it. heh, beware the cat eared weirdo. heh. oh and onto another topic, has anyone seen anything else strange being sold on ebay as of late? I think I may go look later and give a link to whatever I find. ^^  

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Video Games
« on: October 13, 2004, 03:32:45 pm »
I loves them. they are most of my life. my precious video games. lately I've been hooked on alot of nippon ichi games like disgaea, la pucelle, rhapsody, and the newest one, phantom brave. I just can't get enough. I want to unlock everything in these things. I finally got the goddess ring in la pucelle and I have the angel shoes so I pretty much kick butt and take names in that game. when I'm not watching anime or at the arcade playing ddr and initial d, I'm at home playing video games while I chat. yep yep, I'm an A-1 geek, but that's okay. I got told once that I am too old to play video games. I just gave the guy a really odd look and said, "Um...you know I know alot of people that would skin you alive if they had heard you tell me that" *grins* I guess that's why I like playing Ifurita so much. I can so see her using that key staff as a game controller and kick the tar out of bugrom on the console. mwahahaha. eat my dust, bugs! hehe ^^

El-Hazard Online / Dub Jinnai or Sub Jinnai?
« on: October 13, 2004, 02:53:12 pm »
I got to thinking and I was wondering which laugh did you like better, my Master's laugh in dubbed or my Master's laugh in subbed?

to me, it doesn't matter if its done by a japanese man or an american, they both send shivers down my spine and would cause me to jump a mile high if I heard it in a dark alley on a quiet deserted night.

I do think that the dubbed laugh though has a more maniacal feel to it. *shrugs*

either way, it still chills me to the bone.

psst! but don't tell Master I said so because he'd punish me good and I don't have the strength for his punishments. it isn't fair that I'm ticklish everywhere!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / El Hazard in the Workplace
« on: October 10, 2004, 07:07:56 am »
I work in the lovely world of retail. I, Ifurita, do my part and serve the customer's needs in customer service. I think sometimes I spot people in the store that remind me personality wise or physically wise of el hazard characters. I have seen someone who resembled my Master. it was way cool. I wanted to take a picture but I had no camera unfortunately. I have had a few others including someone who to me made a very good argument with me on the concept of our cereal sale reminding me alot of Nanami. Scary....@_@

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Who wants to be my Jinnai?
« on: October 09, 2004, 04:41:44 pm »
okay, I've got a request. I went to akon this year as Ifurita but I kinda felt alone because I didn't have a Jinnai to cackle and bark orders alongside me. I also attend other cons like animefest and ushicon so if anyone else attends any of those three and would like to help me out and be my Jinnai-kun, please let me know. if you would like to see my ifurita costume, I have a link on my profile. ^^   I plan to have alot of fun with this and do some really amusing things at the con with my Jinnai-kun. I thought of doing something silly like do a cosplay skit of Jinnai trying to conquer the con and posting up fliers if allowed of Jinnai in an Uncle Sam like pose like, "Lord God Jinnai wants you!" LoL. okies, I'm done making a fool of myself. ^^

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