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Messages - xxdemongodifuritaxx

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Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: November 16, 2004, 02:43:55 pm »
I'm in the Pheonix server and my char's name is Mandos.  so far all I'm doing is smashing up orcs, goblins, and the rare things I will come across like tainted hounds and undead scum. I'm leveling up slowly but surely but will probably start looking into getting a party. I'm a lvl 8 red mage right now. my recent expedition left me to be neck and neck with an orc grappler and I won with only 4 hp left. lol. I thought it was hilarious. I like to live dangerously. heh heh. but yeah, my cats are like children so I guess I don't need kids anytime soon. Isis and Patches come very close to being kids. they roll around and play, they are spoiled rotten by me, and they are very needy. *smiles*

as of right now, my computer is not working with our internet connection. I don't know why. I'm still trying to troubleshoot it. I can use Jimi's computer but I can't use mine. it irritates me because my fingers are itching to download stuff using the high speed connection he has. blargh....ah well, so today I have spent

a) playing ffxi (addicting yes)
b) unlocking stuff on ddr extreme (woot, new dancer)
c) getting close to smashing my computer to bits but it was told to me yesterday that my friends said they were highly impressed with my computer because not only is it very very old but it is running Windows XP on a computer with only 184 mgs of ram and that in itself is a miracle and it runs pretty smoothly too. who'd a thunk it? but it won't run the damn direct internet. *cries*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: November 13, 2004, 02:37:39 pm »
Wow, that was a very long drive! yes, I am in Austin now. oh geez, I drove all the way here with a rental truck in tow of my stuff. I had a small disaster at the beginning of the drive that terrified the hell out of me. I had to put on my brakes really sharply and I heard stuff moving around in back and all of a sudden, I could no longer hear the rapid meowing of my newest cat, Patches. I began to panic thinking something must have squashed her going from thinking, "well she would have meowed shrilly if something had" to "but what if it killed her on impact?" so for about an hour I was clutching the steering wheel tightly in hand thinking, "oh my god, what am I going to do? I just got a new kitty and I already in one drive killed her. oh how awful I am!" but when we stopped for a rest I checked just to be sure and she climbed out from under my seat. ohhhh, truly she is a miracle kitty and she knows how klutzy I am. So all in all I am here. I had alot of crap happen when I got here including: I sliced my finger open on a dresser drawer while unloading it, I got socked in the face by the corners of some books accidently leaving a small but noticeable purple line under my left eye, I overdid lifting a piece of furniture throwing out my lower back, turned my head the wrong way making me have a slight case of whiplash so my neck hurts like hell, and I slammed my hand in a drawer this morning.  anyways, austin is treating me well. I hooked up all the game systems to the tv in the living room and w00t! I now have every system of supreme gamage! I also got a character on ffxi and have been running around like crazy putting on the front that I am a male elvaan red mage. lol. I missed you guys and shall return to posting like my usual craziness very very soon. mwahaha, face my squirre- I mean demongod post wrath! ^^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: "Ahh, you damn otaku..."
« on: October 31, 2004, 07:51:26 am »
you know if somebody nabbed her hat, there would be nothing standing in the way of seeing her topless because for all I can tell that hat looks like the only thing holding her top together. and wtf is with that guy's armor? actually if a woman was wearing that, you'd be inclined to stare at her chest because the eyes are over each breast. she'd be all mad screaming out, "What the hell are you staring at?" and it would be open to just reply, "your armor"

*yawns and lays head down* dammit, I have to go to work. ah well, I'll take lots of pictures and put them up of me in my costume today. bai! ^^


behind every able man, there are always

many sex hungry yahoos that want a piece of your ass, literally! heh ^^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Video Games
« on: October 30, 2004, 08:27:05 pm »
okay, this just really bugs the hell out of me. my soon to be roomie plays games through and then gets rid of them. am I the only one out there that keeps all her games and sometimes just for the hell of it, pops them in and plays them from the very beginning? I always have done that. I love popping in the original wild arms or maybe grandia and starting over from the very beginning and trying to outdo what I did before. I can't toss out such games. they are precious to me and I treat them all with such care. *sighs* I don't know, I just can't stand how he does that. I just think its wrong.....

*sighs*  ^^;     just a personal opinion of mine...

whee, another one I got

a firm friendship will prove the foundation of your success in life- in bed

wow, well that's kinda true in some cases. some great lovers in life start out as good friends. that's kinda cool. hmmm....who are all my good friends? *looks around sheepishly* um, no, nothing...nothing at all! *runs off*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: "Ahh, you damn otaku..."
« on: October 30, 2004, 08:17:25 pm »
whoa, someone scalped nabeshin and superglued his scalp to their chest! whoaaaa..... O_O

*ish in between really creeped out and really impressed*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: THIS is why Japan rules...
« on: October 30, 2004, 07:01:40 am »
American Pie Halloween Special

"what's it like?"

"it's like warm fresh pumpkin pie"

"ooohhhh, yeah..."

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: October 29, 2004, 07:12:54 am »
Hi everyone! its just your friendly residential demon god here reminding all of you to have a very cool Halloween this year. there were alot of rumors going around my job that my comanager was going to be an evil son of a gun and not let us dress up but we dissolved those nasty rumors and got the truth that in fact we can. I still need to go out and get a few pumpkins to carve into jack o lanterns. mwahaha, I am going to carve one with the resemblance to Master's face. heh. yours truly is going to dress like Ifurita again because I liked the responses I got out of customers last year. hehe.

"who or what are you supposed to be?"

"I'm a demon god" *smile smile*

"um...okay.....a demon and a god?"

"no, a demon god." *smile smile*

"okaaaaaay.....*blink blink*"

"its okay, I forgive you." *smile smile*

hehe ^^  

I still am so excited about the move in a week. I am happy though that she has me working halloween during the day. but I also get to train the guy who's taking my place. no biggie. I will train him to be just as horrible and evil as me! then my Master will be so proud of me. Maybe I'll even get a big big COOKIE! oh I hope its chocolate chip. that'd be super! okies, I gotsa go to work now to terrori-I mean, help people! ^^  bai! *waves*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: October 28, 2004, 07:12:55 am »
Halloween is almost upon us and I don't know if I have time to make a costume. I guess I could pull out my ifurita costume but I need to go get some replacement red tights. I was busy yesterday watching the second boxed set collection of GTO so I really wasn't online. I still have one more volume to go before I have completed watching it. I really enjoy it. leave it to Onizuka to destroy any endearing moment that goes on in the show. but its not a bad thing. he's pretty amusing. heh. I go back to work today so I get to return my life back to the hell of customer service but it will be short lived. I have given my notice of leaving to my manager and after this next week, I will be moving to Austin. I spent a great deal of yesterday packing also and have gotten to the nitty gritty items that I have no idea where to put them. I guess I need to get a lot of shoe boxes to separate them all and then put them into a larger box. *shrugs* I hate packing because of this. You would think I would get used to it after I moved five times last year. ah well. Its raining outside so I am trying to find my umbrella so I don't have to walk in the rain but not having any luck so far. oh, wait, what is that. there it is, right underneath my japanese school girl uniform. actually I've been looking for that too so I guess I killed two birds with one stone as they say. Good! *yawns and lays head down* darnit..I just don't have the energy this early in the morning for anything. Too afraid to get a frapachino in fear I may drop it like I did last time I tried to get one of those when I was this tired. I'm such an accident prone. my left hand says it alone with all the scratches on it from me cutting it open with cans of cat food, the cash register door, paper cuts, the list goes on forever. ah well, gotta run, bye! *runs off to work singing happily while carrying key staff alongside her until she is reminded that the key staff, wonderful as an accessory as it may be, makes an ideal lightning rod as a large bolt strikes down upon her*



Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: DEATHMATCH!
« on: October 26, 2004, 08:25:27 pm »
oh awesome! I just saw Patrick Stewart on there. *giggles*

I just think he is such a great actor. hehe, he should go against Chi.

Chi: chi?

Patrick: what?

Chi: chi!

Patrick: no I don't want any tea, thankyou very much!

Chi: chi! chi!

Patrick: what language are you speaking?

Chi: *frustrated* Chiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Patrick: I can't understand a bloody thing you are saying

Chi: *gives him the finger and then walks away*

Patrick: now that I understood perfectly

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: THIS is why Japan rules...
« on: October 26, 2004, 08:10:59 pm »
Oh jeebus! there are some real pervy japanese people out there! I mean, geez, vibrating bunny rabbits and eggs. Have an orgasmic easter everybody!

Ohhh, mister bunny rabbit, you need to go down the rabbit hole. its not safe out here.

geez, I am kinky, but not that kinky.....*sticks tongue out*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: October 26, 2004, 08:00:04 pm »
I'm home. I just got back around 4pm today. my poor little demon god ass is aching though from the ten hour drive back. we drove through Mississippi, Tennassee, Arkansas, and then finally back through Texas. I saw alot of stuff I haven't seen in ages. I think my favorite part of tennessee is the giant bridges. they are so awesome with the curves of the structure. but alas, there is nothing to do in Mississippi. or at least the part we were in. we were in this rinky dinky town called Coldwater. its close to another city called Senatobia and Poagville. I did draw an amusing picture I might put up when I finish of Ifurita on the front of a postcard getting chased down by pitchfork and torch waving locals. lol. and an explosion in back. saying something along the lines of, "Wish you were here." hehehe. and ifurita is all waving all cheerful like. I get such inspiration especially when I listen to music from el hazard. I was listening to this one track on this one cd with Jinnai laughing hysterically in the background. it was awesome. it kinda set the mood. mwhahaha. anyways, it was a good trip. my grandmother looked very peaceful. I think she would have been really proud at how much family showed up to her funeral. there were even some that I didn't think would show but did so that was even better. ^^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Demon God Dementia
« on: October 20, 2004, 08:44:36 am »
*sighs* I will be inactive for an entire week starting tomorrow, guys. I just had some depressing news yesterday that my grandmother passed. I'm either being picked up tomorrow morning or I'm taking a plane out to memphis on saturday, either way I am going to be gone until wednesday morning since monday is the actual funeral. this news has kinda left me feeling down and hit hard. my dad called up at my work when I was gone and said it was an emergency and to tell me if they could get ahold of me to call back immediately. so at first I thought it was something to do with my step mother. I was so scared to call back. I held the phone tightly and my knuckles turned white before I finally dialed the number. but my grandmother replacing my step mother still hit me just as hard. *sighs* I've gotta get together something nice to wear to the funeral today when I get off work. I hopefully will talk to you guys later. bye    :'(

*drags her feet behind her as she and her staff wander off* -_-

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: jobs
« on: October 19, 2004, 10:23:04 am »
geez....I could never work in a job like that. I have no knowledge really of computer lingo and stuff so I'd be lost in three seconds. I just have good people skills and can make the impression that I am doing good and am in a good mood when I'm really not and I want to throw half the customers into the ocean. heh. but its gotten me lots of jobs and has some previous ones wanting me back so I guess I'm doing something right. either that or I've noticed that good reliable people that come in on time and come in when they are supposed to are hard to find. we had two girls quit this week and its not like its going to be that harmful to us except we will be short of help. they weren't that good. one I think really didn't care about the job since she's still in school, the other is just too slow. she took so much time getting through one transaction that I had to call for a surge checker and I really hate doing that because the surge checkers kinda ignore me since I somewhat resemble an innocent looking nobody so they think they can walk all over me but in fact if they do, I'll just call management. *shrugs* ah well, what can you do honestly? sometimes you just have to throw those lemons back at life ya know? ^^  

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