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Author Topic: My El-Hazard RPG [A VidGame, not a text RP]  (Read 30563 times)
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2004, 06:00:39 pm »

Ok, Nanami it is impossible because I want the head band to be visible. The head band going up is one pixel by one pixel so it really is imposible to get it shown and have less of it.

I think it could work if you removed or faded the black outline on Nanami's hair band from the side. When you look at the front and back images of Nanami, the hair band seems thinner because there's no black outline around the hairband. In the side pictures, though, the hairband has black along one edge, and that makes it stand out. Would it be difficult to remove that?

Forgive me if what I'm suggesting is unreasonable. I don't know how you created the sprites in the first place, so I don't know how difficult it is to change them...

I like the TV Ifurita but I'm basing the story line on the OVA and not the TV. Maybe after I get the OVA stories done (through Magnificent World 1 and 2 and Alternative) I could incorporate her. As in have Makoto go back through time get his Ifurita back.  Then maybe Galus controlling Diva with his weapon could you say , Ifurina? I don't know this is just something that could incorporate the TV one. Although if i was to do this, I would probably end up making her less ditzy and more happy evil.

I don't know this wont be probably how it goes, but it could work out maybe. What do you think?

Well... I like TV Iffy's ditziness. :) She's not as fun if you take that away. For a serious role, a character like Myuun might be better. (Myuun is another Demon God, from the El-Hazard radio plays. She resembles an older, sexier TV Ifurita, and is very cold and ruthless. I'm sure Rob has a picture and description of her somewhere on this site.).

I do not wish to tell you how to write your game, though. If you'd like to include TV Iffy as a more serious villian, that is your choice.

Do you think it'd be ok for Ifurita's just walking around sprite if i didnt put her key in her hand?

Sure! Sprite characters frequently never seem to carry their weapons unless they're brandishing them. Ifurita need not be different, right?

Another possibility you might want to consider: Perhaps Ifurita can carry the staff on her back, like TV Ifurita does when she's not holding her staff?

The 1337 poster
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« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2004, 07:45:46 pm »

I do not wish to tell you how to write your game, though. If you'd like to include TV Iffy as a more serious villian, that is your choice.

NO NO NO!!! I love that your telling me your info... It's excellent... The thing is why I would want a more serious one is because I liked the whole plot of Jinnai being run out be Diva and searching for Makoto for help. Since Diva would be controlled by something/somone else as in Galus who has control over some other machine. Then somehow i want the Ifurita to Apear... Maybe I coudl make the plot keep going like this... Mokoto gets his Ifurita. Jinnai gets his. There is some battling between whos better and what not... Mokoto wins ofcourse (or your goign to have to make him win) then Diva gets controlled. And they can get the other weapon Myunn (i thought it was ifurina). How does that sound?

I like how long my Forum post is getting :-D
« Last Edit: March 22, 2004, 07:48:31 pm by jopn » Logged
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2004, 08:08:23 pm »

One thing that I might incorporate from The Wanderers is that the priestesses all use their little things, instead of plugging something in (like afura and shayla have to do) Miz just had her ring. I'd like to make it that shayla and afura have the little arm band things in the fighting scenes

There's a view of a blown up picture of Ifurita Quality isnt the greatest... so heres the small small version

I decided to post them to see what you guys thought cause she is hard since i have nothing to base her on. tell me what you think tho. I'd like some info quickly so can finish her..

The grey part around her crotch i changed... to a Really light green color that looks almost white... just because the grey was their to stand for something because the color that i wanted to put their couldnt go their (stupid 256 colors) so yeah some criticism... cause i dont think its the greatest... tho its a pretty good attempt for me (i think)

I probably could bring out the purply color definition of the thing thats on her head

ok what do you think now

oops, i compared her head to other characters and it was small. so i made her head bigger... now how does she look

i dont know if its just me... but her head almost looks a little to big... although it could work

ok final one for tonight

« Last Edit: March 22, 2004, 09:43:23 pm by jopn » Logged
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #33 on: March 23, 2004, 12:21:34 am »

Again I say, for the scale you're working with and your skill level being set at "just jumped in the water", I think it looks great.


So, Ifurita for Makoto and Ifurita for Jinnai, eh?  That's oddly intriguing. :P

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #34 on: March 23, 2004, 06:30:37 am »

What exactly does intriguing mean? I looked it up but I cant figure out if its a bad thing or a good thing  ??? just my luck...

I did what i could to my Ifurita this morning and this is what she looks like.

Still not the greatest but yes the pixels to come to the point of not allowing her to look better. So yeah. I knid of enjoy the plot with doing it normally. Then after the actual plot is finished, go off to fairy tale land of fairy tales and make our own. Of course this means much more work for me because then in my huge If statement i'm going to have to add more. I don't know if ill add Jinnai just when he's their Groucho or Ifurita can fight for him... Maybe the same with Mokoto because now they do have these powerful weapons. I think Nanami shouldnt be able to fight at all during the game because she's also a complete panzy. Maybe ill cut those three off when I get deeply into the game. Seriously, Makoto might have some other hidden power because he can do the stuff with machines so maybe he could do stuff on his own kind of thing. But Nanami and Jinnai, theirs is more a form of communication/a visual type thing. All i know is we are going to get far in that part and then when Jinnai is on the team of Makoto he'll have to be their because he'll have to be a translator when Diva is saying bad bad things :-D. Alright enough of my fairy tale, got to get ready for school. Lator
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2004, 06:35:57 am »


I think it could work if you removed or faded the black outline on Nanami's hair band from the side. When you look at the front and back images of Nanami, the hair band seems thinner because there's no black outline around the hairband. In the side pictures, though, the hairband has black along one edge, and that makes it stand out. Would it be difficult to remove that?

^That any better?^
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #36 on: March 23, 2004, 06:54:34 am »

Interesting project, Jojo...

But what of Fatora? Admittedly if you're just recapping the first OVA then her part's going to be minimal, but if you go past that, it'd be good to have her as a playable character at some point...


Demon God(ess)
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The Bounty Of Blue Hair!

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« Reply #37 on: March 23, 2004, 09:55:15 am »

Fatora is going to be in the game. She really has no role in fighting, her sprite character is in the game. Ofcourse its going to look identicle to Makoto's when he's dressed up.  When/If I get to OVA 2 she'll have more of a role but again I dont think she'll be a fighter, She'll just be in the group. Alright?
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #38 on: March 23, 2004, 03:16:59 pm »

Fatora's always been a bratty princess.  I never directly imagined her as a fighter without fudging her personality.  :P  And when she and Alielle are teamed up, all you really have is comedy relief or trouble in the making.

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Demon God(ess)
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The Bounty Of Blue Hair!

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« Reply #39 on: March 23, 2004, 06:42:21 pm »

I agree... although Alielle probably really isnt the fighter type either, I still need to incroporate her into the game yah know because she wanted to go with Makoto. Yeah... man this game is probably going to end up with a lot of complications :-p
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2004, 06:38:06 am »

For anybody who does come here and reads this:

Any input on how my game looks like, what the plot is, or anything to do with the game is wanted. Just leave me a post here with either an idea or some criticsm. I'm looking forward to making this game, but I want it to turn out good so that is why I must have your input. Thanks Very Much.

Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #41 on: March 24, 2004, 06:42:40 am »

I'm sure Fatora could have some sort of ability that would make her useful (or at the very least, something other than a liability). She's quite adept at abusing her position to threaten people, so perhaps if you wanted to terrify some poor local into giving you free stuff... ^_^ And surely, there must be some use for her legendary seduction skillz...

(Don't mean to intrude, just doing my bit for the Fatora camp...)

A bit OT, but something I always thought would be great is an El-Hazard fighting game. Not exactly in the SFII sense, more in the Pocket Fighter way of things. (If you don't know PF, it's basically a chibi croosver of SFII and Darkstalkers, with bizarre comedy attacks and transformations) Somebody's already making an Azumanga equivalent of PF, and I've always wondered what an El-Hazard version would be like. Power levels wouldn't necessarily matter that much since the attacks are so silly (you'd have your standard attacks alongside the stupider variety), and even the art would be relatively straghtforward, since PF itself is quite simplistic and 2D. So if any of you programmers are looking for a new EH game project in the future... ^_^ well, that would get my vote...


Tim needs time to work it out
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #42 on: March 24, 2004, 09:18:41 am »

Of course we have been thinking about such an idea, Dooky.  A fighting game would be great.  We just need other things to be wrapped up before we go ahead with other projects such as that.

I do not know who to blame more...

My crapola mouse that needs to double click on everything... except when I need it to...

Or the new and more "convenient" version of PowerDVD (which will NOT let you take a darn picture fo
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2004, 09:19:56 am »


NO NO NO!!! I love that your telling me your info... It's excellent... The thing is why I would want a more serious one is because I liked the whole plot of Jinnai being run out be Diva and searching for Makoto for help. Since Diva would be controlled by something/somone else as in Galus who has control over some other machine. Then somehow i want the Ifurita to Apear... Maybe I coudl make the plot keep going like this... Mokoto gets his Ifurita. Jinnai gets his. There is some battling between whos better and what not... Mokoto wins ofcourse (or your goign to have to make him win) then Diva gets controlled. And they can get the other weapon Myunn (i thought it was ifurina). How does that sound?

I like how long my Forum post is getting :-D

Pretty good. I DO like the idea of Jinnai running to Makoto for help. :D And more Demon Gods running around is always a good thing, too. Heck, why not bring in Ab-Zahal and Jinnistacia from the El-Hazard manga, too?

Nah, there's such a thing as getting TOO complicated... Just look at our Round Robin!


^That any better?^

Yes, much! :) Your Ifurita sprites look great, too.

I'm sure Fatora could have some sort of ability that would make her useful (or at the very least, something other than a liability). She's quite adept at abusing her position to threaten people, so perhaps if you wanted to terrify some poor local into giving you free stuff... ^_^ And surely, there must be some use for her legendary seduction skillz...

(Don't mean to intrude, just doing my bit for the Fatora camp...)

Well, to be truthful, Fatora's seduction skillz really aren't terribly l33t... Most of the time her attempts to seduce are of the "pin them down so they can't get away" variety... Admittedly, she HAS had some success with individuals that are so confused or naivethat they can't see through Fatora's flimsy disguises. ;D

I agree, though, that it'd be great if it could be arranged so that non-combattants in the party can make significant contributions. Here's some ideas for special abilities non-combattant characters could have:

Alielle: In the anime, she often takes on the role of a guide for the party. She seems to know the layout of El-Hazard pretty well. Perhaps in the game, having her in your party enables you to see the world map whenever you like. Maybe she could be a diplomat, of sorts, too, able to get the party past certain guards by talking them into letting the party pass.

Fatora: Heh... Perhaps when fighting female enemies, she can use her PowerGlomp (tm) technique to completely immobilize them for a few turns in combat, perhaps with a chance of having them run away, leaving the battle entirely? Outside of combat, perhaps her Royal Influence can help the party get discounts on goods, and as with Alielle, can get the party past certain guards and other obstacles. Perhaps, as in the Wanderers, being part of the Roshtarian royal family gives her the ability to activate certain ancient relics. (Of course, with Makoto always in the party, this shouldn't really be a problem anyway, right?)

Rune Venus: You said you were considering having her be a party member at times, right? It's tough to think of much that she can do... She could probably have the same diplomatic and relic-activating skills that Fatora has. In the anime, though, she rarely ever does anything other than worry about stuff, though. It's tough to make RPG abilities based on that, unless you're willing to be very silly. (Angst Boost! Scene cuts to show Rune Venus standing on her balcony, staring into the sky... Cut back to battle. Allied units all gain strength enhancements, in their determination to protect the princess!)

Nanami: Perhaps you could make battles against Phantom Tribesmen difficult, or even impossible without Nanami in your party. Without Nanami, the best option while facing a Phantom Tribesman is to run away. With her in your party, Phantom Tribesman are treated just like normal enemies. Additionally, you could make her a "White Mage" of sorts. In many RPGs, food restores HP when a character eats it. Perhaps Nanami can serve up food during or after battle to heal her allies. Maybe some foods can even have special effects, like having her cook up some really spicy curry to bestow the "Berserk" status on a character. Nanami... SuperChef! ^_^V

Jinnai: When in your party, Jinnai should not actually do any fighting on his own. He prefers to get other people to do his dirty work for him. I think it'd be neat if he had all kinds of special attacks that involve getting his minions to do the thrashing for him. When he flees from the controlled Diva, he should be able to take a few Bugrom with him - definitely Groucho, and maybe Gummo, Cheeko, Harpo, Zeppo, and Margret, as well. These Bugrom will do all the fighting for Jinnai. ;D Jinnai can also use his communication abilities to allow the party to speak with the Bugrom that they come across.

Makoto: Makoto should probably be a noncombatant, too, unless you plan on hooking him up with some cool ancient El-Hazard artifact weapons. His abilities, of course, are pretty self-explanitory - he can activate and control pretty much any artifact the group comes across.

So, do you plan on making Ura a party member, or a piece of armor? ;D

A bit OT, but something I always thought would be great is an El-Hazard fighting game. Not exactly in the SFII sense, more in the Pocket Fighter way of things. (If you don't know PF, it's basically a chibi croosver of SFII and Darkstalkers, with bizarre comedy attacks and transformations) Somebody's already making an Azumanga equivalent of PF, and I've always wondered what an El-Hazard version would be like. Power levels wouldn't necessarily matter that much since the attacks are so silly (you'd have your standard attacks alongside the stupider variety), and even the art would be relatively straghtforward, since PF itself is quite simplistic and 2D. So if any of you programmers are looking for a new EH game project in the future... ^_^ well, that would get my vote...


That'd be pretty cool. XD As always, though, the biggest obstacle is the art. Even simplistic, superdeformed characters tend to be more detailed than an amature artist can draw without the result looking spectacularly lousy. As I mentioned in a previous thread, though, I think it'd be awesome to be able to take a character like Nanami and have her completely thrash Ifurita in battle. XD It could only happen in a video game...

The 1337 poster
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2004, 09:51:57 am »

Hmm... do you know of a method for doing such drawings- ie, is there any specific program for pixel art, or is it just a case Paintshopping on a tiny scale? I'd love to participate in the making of such a game, and given enough time and pracitice I could probably come up with some non-sucky character art. Any idea what scale would be required (eg height in pixels, etc)?

dooky, momentarity compelled to initiate another improbable project...

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