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Messages - dooky

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El-Hazard Online / Re: Ok...so who's actually here?
« on: January 16, 2003, 07:40:02 am »
And I have a feeling Afura was enjoying it the most.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that ^_^

Anyway, to a new topic I will go...

El-Hazard Online / Re: Ok...so who's actually here?
« on: January 15, 2003, 07:40:00 am »
Admittedly, Alielle is my 'true' favourite character, but I became a Fatora fanboy mainly out of sympathy- she used to get a right kicking by most fans, although it's not as common now. I wasn't massively keen on Fatora in OAV1- although keep in mind that she was basically a one joke character... Plus, given that Ura can absorb a blast from a Demon God with only minor discomfort, I think it's unlikely that Fatora could do any harm to the cat by dropping it from the dizzying height of four feet. ^_^

It's true, she practically made OAV2 and Alternative World. And I'd advise taking Alt World Ep 13 with a pinch of salt... the entire cast were out of character in that episode, not least Alielle and Fatora (I think I'll save my Episode 13 rant until a more appropriate time, though).

And Jewel, I take your point on the issue of portrayal of lesbians. They do have the odd sweet little moment together, but not as often as I would have liked for proper development of the charcters. Still, life isn't all about positive role models ^_~ Interestingly, there really weren't that many lesbian anime characters around back in 1995, when OAV1 was first released (well, leaving hentai aside...). It was around this time that Sailor Moon was causing a bit of a stir with Haruka and Michiru... lesbian relationships really didn't happen in anime. And Alielle and Fatora are WAY more blatant about their sexuality than Haruka and Michiru. Which might make them pioneers of some sort. Or maybe not. Ugh, it's too early in the morning...

(Incidentally, the first fanfic I ever wrote explained how Fatora started out as your standard anime princess, the acquired her 'unique temperament' ^_^)

El-Hazard Online / Re: Ok...so who's actually here?
« on: January 13, 2003, 10:58:22 am »
Salutations from across the big pond they call the Atlantic Ocean! (Uh oh... one sentence and already I'm quoting Chris Morris...)

Name: dooky

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Location: Coventry, UK

Personality: Apparently feminine, since most people on the web assume I'm female ^_^

Hobbies and Interests: Writing, drawing, anime and punk.

Favourite Non-anime Movies: Empire Records and anything featuring the Bratpack.

Anime you've seen: (Uh oh...) El-Hazard (all of it bar Wanderers), Tenchi Muyo, Slayers, 801 TTS Airbats, Oh My Goddess, Burn Up W, Phantom Quest Corps, Dragon Half, Sailor Moon, Nadesico, Lost Universe, RahXephon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Jubei-chan, Mahoromtic, Alien 9 and probably quite a few others.

Religion: Technically Catholic.

How did you find El-Hazard online?: Via the Yahoo ML.

Misc: I'm a Fatora fanboy and a shameless shoujo-ai advocate ^_^V

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