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Topics - dooky

Pages: [1]
Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / "Sonikku!"
« on: June 28, 2004, 07:32:41 am »
(end flashback to Mission Street)

I was a big fan of the Sonic games in my teenage years, and I've recently become reacquainted with the series via the Gamecube. Since I've noticed that there are one or two Sonic otaku here (I pick up on these things, you know ^_~) I was wondering... what does everyone think about Sonic's transtition to the 3D format?

I started out with SA2B, which I found incredibly difficult (still stuck on the final level of the Dark story). I've just acquired SADX and Heroes too, both of which seem slightly easier. I must say that the quasi-RPG format of SADX stumped me to begin with... and the fact that some of the characters had such short games was quite offputting. I'm the sort of person who doesn't like to complete a game too soon after buying it. On the other hand, the story parts of the game are spectacular... I really didn't expect to find a Sonic game based around an ancient mass genocide...

By comnparison, Heroes seems a bit shallow. Everything about it is extremely slick, and I'll probably enjoy it more as it gets harder, but it doesn't have the story of SADX or the variety of SA2B (while Rouge's later stages in that game had me swearing like a footballer, I feel a certain nostalgia for them now). The lack of a Japanese dialogue option is also frustrating... while I'm usually pro-dub, there is a total of two decent English voices amongst the entire Sonic cast.

I'm also slightly startled by the array of new characters that have arrived since my Megadrive days. I do vaguely remember reading about the Chaotix guys appearing in some 32X job, back in the days when Sega seemed to be releasing a new console every six months, and I think Amy was on the Mega CD, but the rest are new ones on me. Particularly Big the Cat, whose very existence seems to fill me with a strange sense of injustice.

Oh and one question- not really connected to the games, but one that I've been unable to find an answer to... What does SatAM stand for? (The only animated Sonic I've ever seen is that bizarre American version and a single episode of Sonic X, which I enjoyed quite a lot).

One more thing... one day, very soon... I will write a plausible Rouge/Tikal yuri fic ^_~


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Weird reviews
« on: June 07, 2004, 06:15:25 am »
This is sort of EH related, but I thought I'd stick it here anyway. The question is to the fanfic writers: what's the oddest review you've ever had, and how do you deal with such oddities? While I've never been flamed outright, a fanfic review site once accused me of not being able to spell (they didn't realise I was using British English). I seem to attract nutters rather than flamers, such as the person who claimed to be Alielle's best friend. The latest one has me scratching my head though...

This story is good, considering the fact that it managed to entertain a die-hard
hater of homosexuals like me...

This was for The Adventures of Alielle and Fatora. The same review was left for my Cardcaptor Sakura fanfic. The dilemma comes from the fact that the reviewer has emailed me personally and asked me to review his own El-Hazard story. Going over to fanfiction.net, I find that in his bio he describes himself as a "small, wiry faggot-basher supreme."

Now, I'm not in the business of flaming, but part of me is just itching to respond in some form. Of course, he hasn't insulted me directly (although for all he knows I could be gay), so I'm sort of at a loss. One thing is quite certain- I'm not massively keen on reading his story now... -_-


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Battle Athletes-nya
« on: May 24, 2004, 05:56:39 am »
Well, after Spanner expressed surprise that I hadn't seen Battle Athletes, I somehow felt that my credentials as a connoisseur of the yuri arts were under threat. So, one bulk purchase later...

I'm some way into both continuities of the series. The yuri is, well, refreshingly obvious. Kris is definitely the sort of person I'd want around if I was a cute anime girl (if you can imagine that for a moment). Tanya is just adorable and will probably end up as my favourite character, but the character who's made the most impact so far is Anna, whose plight is utterly tragic in both versions, either a victim of bad parenting or extremely bad parenting. She is, without a doubt, the character in greatest need of a hug.

Incidentally, I'm a little uncomfortable with the way Anna's OVA plot twist was revealed. It seemed to be played entirely for laughs when it was in fact an incident that would probably scar the girl for life and totally estrange her from her mother (not that it would necessarily be a bad thing, but still...). Given the similarities between that scene and certain scenes from the El-Hazard OVAs, I'm tempted to conjecture that this was Hiroki Hayashi up to his old tricks again.

Well, that gripe aside, I think the only other element preventing me from fully enjoying the series is Mylandah, who really needs a kick in the head. And if she gets one, I'm not convinced it'll be hard enough. I know you're not supposed to like her, but her very presence worries me, like living next door to an axe murderer...

Anyway, the series has surpassed Sailor Moon as "series most likely to get the fanfic treatment next time I can build up the energy". In fact, I'm having to repress the urge to start writing stuff before I've seen the whole series. How about "Anna and Elaine go on the run from their insane mother who's trying to inject them with oestrogen"? (You may laugh, but my actual idea is frighteningly similar to this... ^_~)

One more thing...

Woong-a-ji ownz your ass.


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Seiken Densetsu 3?
« on: May 13, 2004, 10:15:45 am »
Considering the number of gamers on this forum, I'm wondering if anybody's heard of this. I'm not generally an RPG fan, but I've just acquired a SNES emulator and I'm enjoying this game hugely. Apparently it's another fan-translated venture that never got a US or European release. Anyone else played it?


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / A Portrait From Space (Shameless plug)
« on: December 10, 2003, 08:09:10 am »
Well, I couldn't resist. There's a new chapter of my original anime fiction project (contradiction, I know) up on my site: http://darthbirdie.com/dooky/portrait.htm

It's sort of sci-fi comedy, if you like that sort of thing. Yes, it does contain limited amounts of yuri. And a catgirl ^_~ I'm also working on an encyclopaedia dealing with the universe described in the story, as well as attempting to get into some sort of writing routine so that I can update more often than every six months...

the dooky
"Sometimes, I ponder: What if the Caspian Sea should merger
Over my shoulder, with Irish lakes and Seoul suburbia?"

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Warning: Topic may contain catgirls
« on: December 04, 2003, 12:26:50 pm »
Evening, kids. I thought I'd stop by and ask or a wee bit of help with a current project of mine. For various secret reasons, I'm trying to assemble a list of catgirls in anime series. I've found several incomplete lists on the web, but I'm sure I'm missing some, particularly from newer series...

Anyway, here's my list, currently at 34 catgirls...

Aisha Clan-Clan (Outlaw Star)
Annapuma (Dominion Tank Police)
Battia Rou (Outlanders)
Charlotte (Magical Catgirl Taruto)
Cheshire Cat (Miyuki-chan)
Chinaki (Mao-chan)
Chitose (Magical Catgirl Taruto)
Dejiko (DiGi Charat)
Eriya (Escaflowne)
Felicia (Darkstalkers)
Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Kizna (Candidate for Goddess)
Koboshi (Pita Ten)
Kokubunji Koyori (Nurse Komugi Magikarte)
Koma (Asagiri no Miko)
Konyako (Eden's Bowy)
Lime (Jewel Bem Hunter Lime)
Mao (Angelic Layer)
Maya (Geobreeders)
Merle (Escaflowne)
Miruru (Tenshi ni Narumon)
Naria (Escaflowne)
Natsuki (Hyper Police)
Nova (Rayearth)
Nuku Nuku (Nuku Nuku)
Nyako (Eden's Bowy)
Puchiko (DiGi Charat)
Ropponmatsu 2nd (Excel Saga)
Ryuquir (Villgust)
Tamami (Tenshi no Shippo)
Taruto (Magical Catgirl Taruto)
Tin Nyanko (Sailor Moon)
Unipuma (Dominion Tank Police)
Yuriko (Mao-chan)

Certain characters have been considered but then dropped, such as Lum and Shampoo. I'm also not including catgirls who are manga/games/hentai only... not that there's anything wrong with those media (especially if catgirls are involved ^_~), but anime is the field I'm most able to research.

Cosplay catgirls are allowed, provided the character wears the costume a lot- so I couldn't really include the likes on Neko-Ruri, Neko-Excel or Neko-Guu -_- However, Dejiko, Puchiko and that girl from Pita Ten are okay, since they're catgirls almost all of the time. A catgirl doesn't even necessarily have to have neko ears... but she'd better be pretty damn catlike to make up for it ^_^

Any omissions you can find would be greatly appreciated. I know, for instance, that there are more catgirls in Taruto, but I've only seen one episode so far. I think there may be numerous catgirls in Candidate for Goddess... so I suppose I'll have to find that series ^_^


the dooky

El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard Cosplay?
« on: November 17, 2003, 07:51:38 am »
Anybody here ever tried this? It seems that next summer, I'll finally get to go to a con, and I'm in a cosplayin' mood. And the character I want to cosplay as is...

(pause for effect)

(realises that everyone has already guessed)

Yeah, Fatora. Not Makoto dressed as Fatora, but actually Fatora (there is a subtle difference ^_^) I have 9-10 months to make a costume, which might seem like a long time... but you see, I don't have that much sewing experience. My qualifications in the subject amount to basic plushie engineering and making some Azumanga daddy hats to promote our anime club. I've never sewn actual clothes before, so this is going to be one hell of a challenge ^_^

Incidentally, the one I've chosen is the mostly blue one from OAV1 (probably harder than the green one, sadly ^_^). I might also cheat and throw in one of the hats from the other costumes, to disguise the fact that I don't have Fatora's fringe. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone on the forum had anecdotes to share about costume-making. Alternatively, you may have just lost all respect for me ^_^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Plea for help from computer types
« on: August 26, 2003, 05:21:02 am »
Wondering if anyone can advise me on a bizarre email/spam issue I've discovered...
I came back to work today to find one of my hotmail accounts full of 'mail delivery failure' messages- each one containing a 100k attachment that I had allegedly sent. Of course, I hadn't sent any of these messages, and in the headers it looks like they originated from somewhere else, and were using my account as a cover. For instance, they all contain something like:

Return-path: <spookydooky@hotmail.com>
Received: from [] (helo=COMPUTER)
     by server1.24hostingnow.com with esmtp (Exim 4.20)
     id 19rQER-0007N3-Mi
     for broken@godesktop.com; Mon, 25 Aug 2003 18:54:41 -0400

or something. The exact details vary, but the 'received from' message is always the same. I've tried contacting hotmail about this, but it's nigh on impossible to find an actual 'help' email address. I don't have a clue what's going on, so can anyone help me?


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Plea for help from computer types
« on: August 26, 2003, 05:21:02 am »
Wondering if anyone can advise me on a bizarre email/spam issue I've discovered...
I came back to work today to find one of my hotmail accounts full of 'mail delivery failure' messages- each one containing a 100k attachment that I had allegedly sent. Of course, I hadn't sent any of these messages, and in the headers it looks like they originated from somewhere else, and were using my account as a cover. For instance, they all contain something like:

Return-path: <spookydooky@hotmail.com>
Received: from [] (helo=COMPUTER)
     by server1.24hostingnow.com with esmtp (Exim 4.20)
     id 19rQER-0007N3-Mi
     for broken@godesktop.com; Mon, 25 Aug 2003 18:54:41 -0400

or something. The exact details vary, but the 'received from' message is always the same. I've tried contacting hotmail about this, but it's nigh on impossible to find an actual 'help' email address. I don't have a clue what's going on, so can anyone help me?


El-Hazard Online / Karaoke!
« on: June 24, 2003, 04:50:26 am »
Right now, I have a sheet in front of me with the Japanese lyrics to Boys Be Free. Yes, tonight is karaoke night at the Warwick Anime Society, and despite being cursed with a voice several octaves lower than the lovely Kozakura-san, I'm going to give it my best shot (I feel it's my duty as the society's chief yuri advocate). So bering in mind the horror that my fellow anime fans will have to endure tonight, which El-Hazard song would you choose to delight and/or traumatise your friends?

El-Hazard Online / Scripts, PICA-1166, and ME-diaahh
« on: April 04, 2003, 06:51:00 am »
Out of curiosity, how are the scripts coming along? I'm asking because it occurred to me that I have scripts for OAV1 that I made a few years ago (at least, I THINK I still have them, I'll have to check my floppies ^_^). I didn't mention this initially because I assumed you already had them, but taking a look in the scripts section I noticed you only have episode 1 so far.

I could even be persuaded to write some up for the occasional Alt World episode...

El-Hazard Online / Alternative World Episode 13 Rant
« on: January 16, 2003, 08:18:05 am »
I think I've done this on every board I've been on, so this will be no exception. Here it is, dooky's Alternative World Episode 13 Rant, or "Why That Episode Was More OOC Than Most Tenchi Fanfics".

First off, let me just say that this episode had some redeeming features: Fujisawa, in a bizarre exception to the general rule of this episode, is actually more in character than he's been throughout the whole series. Jinnai's scene was amusing enough, and let's not forget Alielle and Fatora's bikinis, which justify the episodes existence by themselves ^_^ The problem is that almost everyone is out of character. So here they are, in ascending order of OOCness.

Makoto: He gets a nosebleed. Because, like, he's never seen naked women before. Oh, apart from OAV1 Episode 3, when he's surrounded by naked women for a long time, and doesn't get a nosebleed. And let's not forget that incident with Alielle in OAV1 Epiosode 2. Suddenly he's a bigger wuss than ever before (although yes, on refelection, this particular flaw could be applied to the whole Alternative World series).

Qawoor: There is a difference between 'naive' and 'brain dead', you know. Throughout Alternative World, Qawoor might not have been the sharpest tool in the box but at least she had some brains. Now she's something akin to Shin Tenchi Mihoshi. The idea that Fatora could trick her by pretending to be a FICTICIOUS priestess defies belief. And another thing... doesn't Qawoor usually attack whenever she panics? Why couldn't she have dealt with Fatora herself?

Alielle and Fatora: It's strange... my favourite couple actually got some GOOD development in this series. Alielle became increasingly mature and sensible, and Fatora was shown to be more affectionate to her. Then this happens...
Fatora's first plot (the one with the Sansukes) doesn't even make sense. What form of gratification are they supposed to get from it? Are supposed to be able to actually FEEL the girls through those giant furry suits? Unless they had a video camera rigged up somewhere, I can't understand what the point of this one was.
The second plot was more Fatora's style... apart from the end. Fatora usually backs off when her cover's blown (particularly when there's a powerful priestess involved). You could argue that this was the closest Fatora's ever got, and her actions can't really be predicted, but I'm not the only person to think that this was going way too far, even for Fatora.

Shayla, Afura and Nanami: This one annoys me. Firstly, they all seem mildly disturbed by the antics of the Sansukes, and they TELL them to stop, but they don't actually DO anything. Nani? We know how quick to anger Shayla and Nanami are. Shayla would have knocked the Sansukes into next week. Are feeble complaints really the best they can do?
Secondly, their reaction on finding out that the Sansukes are really Alielle and Fatora is even more confusing. Yes, they freak out... but think about it. In what way is being felt up by a woman worse than being felt up by a large furry animal? I'd have been mildly relieved.

Parnasse: Doesn't have a single in-character moment throughout the whole episode. Has he been neutered or something? In the rest of the series, he was hitting on Fatora, Rune AND all those harem girls. Now he's swimming past naked women without batting an eyelid. And why was he allowed in the women's section anyway? I know they said he's a kid, but I wouldn't take any chances when it comes to Alielle's family members... would you?

Let's not forget a major chronological arse-up: Makoto and co have obviously been back from Cretaria for some time (since Fujisawa and Miz are back frrom their honeymoon) but Jinnai and Groucho are acting like they've only just got back.

Oh well, that's my rant. If you're good, maybe I'll let you in on my theory of how the El-Hazard cast are moonlighting as the cast of I Me My Strawberry Egg...

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