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Topics - Xel

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That's right, friends-- I've dyed my hair purple. Honest-to-god Ayeka purple.

I have purple hair, I'm seventeen, I go to a private school. I have transcended the reality of this world. Adieu, my friends... adieu...

And now, there seems to be a tentacle lurking about my feet. I'll be... going... over... here now. *RUNS*

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / It's my turn.
« on: February 18, 2004, 01:02:07 pm »
It's my birthday too. But I deserve a post all my own.

Seventeen today. Someone draw me a birthday-banner-clad Jinnai bursting out of a cake. >O

Does that image make anyone else laugh as much as it does me?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Big O. Just because I'm proud of it.
« on: December 31, 2003, 02:39:07 am »
Though maybe given the subject material, I shouldn't be. Case in point:

I don't know what dark and sinister recess of my mind this came from exactly.

Yes. I'm going to hell. I am fully aware of this.


Okay. So I ran over to GameStop last weekend to pick up Vagrant Story, which I had previously seen there for 15 bucks. Got it. Yay. So then I inquired as to the existence of Silent Hill (the first. 0ld sk00l!), and they (MIRACULOUSLY, as it's somehting of a rarity 'round these parts) had it. For 12 bucks. Score.

And THEN, they told me that I could get anything in the store for 12 bucks or less FREE. I cried tears of joy that day, my friends. Tears of joy.

It was then that I spied Galerians: Ash. I remembered reading about the first Galerians in Game Informer some time back and thinking "say... this sounds pretty damn interesting!" Not being one to strictly adhere to the rule of not playing sequels first, I decided to go ahead and make off with G:A.

Curious, I decided to start with that in my gaming experience, not wanting the bejeezus scared out of me or getting hopelessly addicted to an RPG before finals rolled around. I played the first hour or two and found myself amused by being forced to play the last stage of the first game, the rampant drug use, CRAZY PSYCHIC POWERSS, and the protagonist, Rion's navel-gazing angst. To the ladies who possess even a modicum of fangirlishness in them, pretty boy + angst = good, good eatin'. Oh, and the story's interesting and stuff too. :P Dubbing is a bit cheesy sometimes, but I'm not being picky. After a while, though, I started to think this game would take a slightly more macho turn and cease its cruel teasing of the YAOI! center of my brain.

Boy, was I wrong.

For what should I see when I defeat Ash, Rion's nemesis after an epic boss battle less than a third into the game, but a full-on, in-your-face MAN KISS. Cue Xel staring dumbfounded, going "OMGWTFBBQAOL."

Being a despicable whore, I read a spoiler or two and found that it really doesn't get a lot less ghei between those two. I am greatly pleased to hear this, and am looking forward to continuing with this game.

The moral of this story? Take a chance on things you aren't entirely familiar with sometimes. You might be surprised at how FREAKING MUCH they wind up suiting your tastes. =,]

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Commemorating my 60th post!
« on: August 08, 2003, 09:36:21 pm »
I took the time to collect some personal EHOL stats for your enjoyment (or abject horror... but who's keeping track, anyway?). YOU WILL ENJOY THEM.

Total number of times Xel has mentioned Jinnai: 58
Number of posts in which Xel has NOT mentioned Jinnai: 31
Number of posts wherein the subject matter otherwise pertained to Jinnai: 29
Number of posts that referenced illicit Makoto/Jinnai relations: 16
Number of posts wherein any mention of Jinnai or his varying titles was used to address or refer to LGJ: 19
Most overwrought title used by Xel: Phantasmagorically All-Powerful Supreme Ruler Lord God Jinnai

EH Pairings Referenced:
Makoto/Jinnai: 16
Jinnai/Ifurita: 3
Diva/Jinnai: 2
Jinnai/Shayla: 1
Afura/Shayla: 1
Fatora/Nanami: 1
Diva/Makoto: 1
Makoto/Afura: 1
Jinnai/Nanami: 1

So there you have it!

...where is everybody?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Commemorating my 60th post!
« on: August 08, 2003, 09:36:21 pm »
I took the time to collect some personal EHOL stats for your enjoyment (or abject horror... but who's keeping track, anyway?). YOU WILL ENJOY THEM.

Total number of times Xel has mentioned Jinnai: 58
Number of posts in which Xel has NOT mentioned Jinnai: 31
Number of posts wherein the subject matter otherwise pertained to Jinnai: 29
Number of posts that referenced illicit Makoto/Jinnai relations: 16
Number of posts wherein any mention of Jinnai or his varying titles was used to address or refer to LGJ: 19
Most overwrought title used by Xel: Phantasmagorically All-Powerful Supreme Ruler Lord God Jinnai

EH Pairings Referenced:
Makoto/Jinnai: 16
Jinnai/Ifurita: 3
Diva/Jinnai: 2
Jinnai/Shayla: 1
Afura/Shayla: 1
Fatora/Nanami: 1
Diva/Makoto: 1
Makoto/Afura: 1
Jinnai/Nanami: 1

So there you have it!

...where is everybody?

Gnarg! Erm. Yeah. So... y'know that fic?


It's done.


So. It's 5am. I'm gonna...


...sleep now. Fner.

Gnarg! Erm. Yeah. So... y'know that fic?


It's done.


So. It's 5am. I'm gonna...


...sleep now. Fner.

El-Hazard Online / Now I think it's time we all took a few minutes...
« on: July 24, 2003, 09:17:18 pm »

Because it makes me feel good.

El-Hazard Online / A LOT of Jinnai-centric rambling ^^
« on: June 25, 2003, 09:32:55 pm »
Erm... I'll just start by saying that I just REALLY had to get this off my chest... figured this was the ideal place to do it.

Also warning you all that this is slightly yaoi-tinged, based almost (well, at least when I mention specific events) entirely on The Wanderers, and will probably be the approximate length of a small book when I'm through-- a book filled from cover-to-cover with nonsensical theories and rantings at that. Oh, and of course, it's all entirely my decidedly twisted opinion. :P That said, here I go!

Yes, well. It's an undisputed fact that Jinnai is fairly obsessed with Makoto, right? Indeed. He HATES him with a passion. Some say... that when one feels this hatred with such an overwhelming intensity, it has a tendency to... blur the line between hate and a twisted sense of love.

At the very least, he loves the way Makoto makes him feel, in a sense-- the feelings it evokes in him become familiar, comfortable. Maybe a little addictive. No, I haven't experienced this firsthand or anything.  :-/

We're all familiar (or most of us, at least ^^) with episode 20, which deals with the rivalry between Nanami and Jinnai when the Bugrom start to love her more than they do him. And in this ep, we get some really kinda interesting glimpses into Jinnai's childhood...

From what we're shown, Jinnai really seems to resent Nanami a lot for her long-time popularity... and I kinda wonder how much of that has been misdirected towards Makoto. Whatever kind of inferiority complex Jinnai has (come on-- how else do you explain some of this motives? That and his power issues... No, the "he's just a nutcase" explanation doesn't cut it. :P), it really seems likely that his relationship with Nanami was just fuel to the fire... But the Jinnai/Nanami dynamic is a whole 'nother can of worms. There is one neat flashback that deals more with Makoto, though...

It looks as though Makoto and Jinnai were sort of... tentative friends in the beginning. In both the OAVs and Wanderers, Makoto seems to regard him as a friend, anyway...  :-/ but anyway. There's that scene where little Jinnai is lying in his room reading Tenchi (props go out to AIC for such a colossal plug XD) and then cute lil' Makoto yells "Jinnai-kun! Come play with me!" through his window. The way Jinnai decides to handle it is a fairly good indication of his mammoth ego at so early an age...  ;)  but on the way down, little Nanami-chan tackles and hugs Makoto and drags him off by the hand...

And lo and behold, our good buddy Jinnai looks utterly shocked and devastated when he comes outside and sees the two of them retreating into the distance. Now I ask you! If Jinnai hates Makoto so much, barring the aforementioned perversion of affection that I mentioned earlier, then WHY does that memory stand out in his mind when he thinks of all the things Nanami has taken from him...?  :o

An' I'm through. *snaps fingers*

... Wait, no I'm not.  ;D

It's sort of left up to interpretation whether or not Makoto dies/disappears to save El Hazard, isn't it? Sure, he comes back all winged-like to smooch Rune, but still... was that supposed to be symbolic or what?  :-/ Though I guess everyone seems to react when he "comes back", so... But that's not the point. >_<

Anyway, remember how the last scene in the Bugrom Empire shows Jinnai acting, well... like he normally does? And Diva says something about him getting back on his feet so soon after the near-end of the world, and he says something to the effect of "But it isn't the plan that's important, it's the way his face would look if he could hear me laughing!"

Iffy is sweeping the floors like she usually does and smiles to herself... and then says something like "It's nice to hear him so happy until he remembers."... Cue Jinnai with his maniacal (and sexy, sexy) laugh. Then he sags and looks all despondent-like.

If you wanna get overly dark about it, one might say that Jinnai falls deeper into insanity by the end of Wanderers-- he has devoted so much of himself to hating ("hating"  :P) Makoto that he's started to delude himself into believing that he isn't really gone at times... This is, of course, supposedly ALL he ever wanted throughout the series, so why so unhappy, Katsuhiko? ...I find it really rather sad, honestly.  :'(

... You're probably all completely assured of my madness now. I'll, um. Go hide under the table. Carry on.

El-Hazard Online / Just a humble n00b... ^_^
« on: May 29, 2003, 10:26:15 pm »
Greetings! *waves frenetically* I've been hovering about for the past couple days and finally got around to posting... I'm Xel!

If you're on the EH ML, you're no doubt familiar with (and sick of  :P) me and my overwhelming Jinnai fanaticism. *wink* I can't help it... the man's brilliant! (I'm disappointed because there's no "maniacal" smiley available for my frequent use...  ;D)

Anyway, it's great to be here... I suppose I'll start up my first topic for discussion right now, then!

Alrighty. I ask to you, the humble people of EH Online... Jinnai and Diva: what is your take on their relationship? Nothing there? Purely sexual? Love somewhere? One-sided? Mutual? Don't wanna think about it?  ;D  Taking into consideration, of course, matters like the infamous Alternative World ordeal, Jinnai's obsession with Makoto (not insinuating anything here... well, not really... this time.), et cetera, what's YOUR standpoint? ^_~

*excitedly awaits the board's replies~!*

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