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Author Topic: Hello from 2014  (Read 32910 times)
Ray Von Blaue
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« on: March 25, 2014, 03:30:39 pm »

After 10,000 minutes of searching, I've finally found you all!  Fellow El-Hazard fans!  :)

It seems I have stumbled upon the remains of a once-great society.  Is this a lost civilization?  Or has my journey only just now begun?  If there is anyone left here to read this, congratulations for having maintained a fan forum for so long, this series isn't "old" it's aged like a fine wine, and by gum young folk as well as the "aged"  ;) should know about it. 

I've long known of El-Hazard via its creative connections with Tenchi Muyo! OVA, but as you all know life happens, and EH went from being on my list, to being set on the back burner, to being almost forgotten entirely...

...BUT as fortune would have it, thanks to the internet I have re-discovered the series and, now having the time to finally do so, I took the plunge into the first OVA: it was love at first viewing.  So where's that leave me?  Obviously scheduling time to experience the rest of The Magnificent World and heck even the TV series, all while hopefully sharing my love for this series with like-minded individuals.

Anyway here's to EHO! *takes a Fujisawa-sized swig

"No matter what you do in life, nothing's a waste." - Oji Tanaka
Thomas Jerome Newton
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« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2014, 01:00:42 am »

Hayashi really had a damn good thing going, didn't he? El-Hazard feels very much like what Tenchi could have become but in its own right I'm glad it got to become its own thing.

We can only hope some old guard are sitting around somewhere. I'm sure it'll be quite a surprise to see a blip of activity on the radar.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 01:19:47 am by Thomas Jerome Newton » Logged
Icy EyeG
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« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2014, 07:53:40 am »

After 10,000 minutes of searching, I've finally found you all!  Fellow El-Hazard fans!  :)

It seems I have stumbled upon the remains of a once-great society.  Is this a lost civilization?

We can only hope some old guard are sitting around somewhere. I'm sure it'll be quite a surprise to see a blip of activity on the radar.

Welcome both! It's always nice to see posts around here.  :)

Yeah, you can probably say this is a lost civilization, in a way, hoping to come back to life somehow.

this series isn't "old" it's aged like a fine wine, and by gum young folk as well as the "aged"  ;) should know about it. 

I could have said better myself!  ;) That's why I keep looking for new activity.

Ray Von Blaue
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« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2014, 10:40:28 am »

Welcome both! It's always nice to see posts around here.  :)

Yeah, you can probably say this is a lost civilization, in a way, hoping to come back to life somehow.

Thanks for the welcome! Glad to see when I knocked, someone was home.  Dunno if it'll be anything like your glory days, but maybe some new life will indeed be breathed into this place in 2014.

And hello what's this? Did I bring about another lurker? Sup (if you're actually Mr. Bowie using an alias, I won't tell).  ;)

edit: I guessed as much, but now I've figured out I've introduced at least one friend here by way of Tenchi!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2014, 03:51:46 pm by Ray » Logged

"No matter what you do in life, nothing's a waste." - Oji Tanaka
Thomas Jerome Newton
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« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2014, 11:56:19 pm »

Welcome both! It's always nice to see posts around here.  :)

Yeah, you can probably say this is a lost civilization, in a way, hoping to come back to life somehow.

It was really unusual to see how little of an online presence this series has. I guess it is the cost of having come out before the internet had really taken off. Even the facebook pages were woefully inactive.

edit: I guessed as much, but now I've figured out I've introduced at least one friend here by way of Tenchi!

Indeed, after we got to talkin about wanting to find some other fans and found this place we had just about the right idea. I was only waiting  to see if you'd go first.  ;)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 11:56:49 pm by Thomas Jerome Newton » Logged
Icy EyeG
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« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 05:56:41 am »

It was really unusual to see how little of an online presence this series has. I guess it is the cost of having come out before the internet had really taken off. Even the facebook pages were woefully inactive.

I think one of the biggest problems with El-Hazard is the fact that no one ever really published affordable DVD's for this series. Geneon started doing that for OVA 1 and 2, but it went kaput.
The Geocities demise also took down most of the El-Hazard fansites. We were able to merge one of the best, because the creators were old members of this forum, as explained here.

Thomas Jerome Newton
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« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2014, 03:00:17 am »

It was really unusual to see how little of an online presence this series has. I guess it is the cost of having come out before the internet had really taken off. Even the facebook pages were woefully inactive.

I think one of the biggest problems with El-Hazard is the fact that no one ever really published affordable DVD's for this series. Geneon started doing that for OVA 1 and 2, but it went kaput.
The Geocities demise also took down most of the El-Hazard fansites. We were able to merge one of the best, because the creators were old members of this forum, as explained here.

Ah yeah, quite a lot of places got taken out in the geocities purge (including one of my own, which I am most thankful for its eradication ;) ) from all kinds of fandoms. Sites going down in general sucks since that information may be lost entirely to time. Even the Wayback Machine can't save everything. It's why I'm glad to see a place like this still up and running even after all these years of little activity. The information still has a home.

Having any kind of media release would be nice, even a digital high resolution stream/downloadable copy would do wonders. Shame that the Magnificent World BR set got canned, would have been nice to see El-Hazzy on shelves again somewhere.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 03:00:53 am by Thomas Jerome Newton » Logged
Thomas Jerome Newton
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« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2014, 09:41:51 pm »

Well well well, it looks like the goddesses have heard my call. Blu-Ray set is back on track for release July 30th.
Icy EyeG
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« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2014, 03:35:14 am »

Well well well, it looks like the goddesses have heard my call. Blu-Ray set is back on track for release July 30th.

Hah, this is the spark of life El-Hazard is needing. ;D  However, let's see the price and if it gets released elsewhere.

Ray Von Blaue
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« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2014, 05:42:47 pm »

Well well well, it looks like the goddesses have heard my call. Blu-Ray set is back on track for release July 30th.

Hah, this is the spark of life El-Hazard is needing. ;D  However, let's see the price and if it gets released elsewhere.

Yes!  Spread the word to the faithful!

El-Hazard fans, assemble!!!

"No matter what you do in life, nothing's a waste." - Oji Tanaka
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2014, 03:20:03 pm »

In a very, very late reply, yeah, this age-old forum (and really the whole website) has been propped up over time. It was born somewhere around May 2002, and actually had quite a bit of activity at its peak an era ago. A lot of good times, a lot of friends met. ou can think Icey there for keeping the dream alive. He really did the major legwork to rebuild the site into its current infrastructure. When I was in charge, it was a real early-2000s Internet site, built of raw HTML, some dynamic content by Perl, and a forum driven by a text file database. :)

El-Hazard seems to have only continued to age and I figured mostly be forgotten, but now these Blu Rays have appeared, which is interesting.

My Internet name has changed over time, Captain Southbird is the current permutation.

Randomly, happened to notice Ray posted in the old "Pic of the Moment" forum and the image was broken. I updated the links in all the legacy PoTM's so they should work now. The original PoTM was actually a separate engine (not built into the forum) that would grab one of the episode screenshots and present it periodically. IIRC someone (administrator class) had to manually go in and hit a random button until something that looked usable would show up. Then for a while my brother decided to make it interesting by Photoshopping together situations that didn't occur from the show. And then it just sort of died after that, along with the rest of the community. I believe I based it on something else I had seen on another El-Hazard forum years ago.

Ah, well. Memories of a bygone era. Just glad to even get the trickle-in of passersby.

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Thomas Jerome Newton
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« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2014, 05:47:25 pm »

Regardless of the time of death, I still check in once a week or so, just in case.  ;)
Dimension Traveler
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« Reply #12 on: September 21, 2014, 06:45:51 am »

holy **** my account here is still alive.
this is one of my oldest accounts, 13 years old and running.
will be reading around while reminiscing for the next few days.

Ray Von Blaue
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« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2014, 07:38:05 pm »

Even if it's just a trickle, it's great to see some replies from the old guard!

BTW I'm a tad late on this, but remember talk of a certain several-times-delayed blu ray set?


Also btw, they are going (more like "went" by the time anyone sees this) FAST!

If out of stock, some amazon-user vendors might be looking to make a profit on the turnaround, so don't lose faith too soon!

If I manage to get my hands on a set, I'll let you all know if the bang is worth the buck (which, I mean, come on....).  ;D
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 07:50:45 pm by Ray Von Blaue » Logged

"No matter what you do in life, nothing's a waste." - Oji Tanaka
Thomas Jerome Newton
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« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2014, 01:31:28 am »

A pleasure to see another older member pop on by, hello from a new face.

I wish I had the money to spend for the set right now, but until then some teaser screenshots will have to do.


Full set of shots here.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2014, 01:35:06 am by Thomas Jerome Newton » Logged
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