Has anyone else noticed that alot of the Disney films were based on anime?
some examples:
Lion King- Kimba the white lion
In the case of Kimba I wouldn't say based... I'd say COMPLETELY RIPPED OFF. Put images from the manga, or cartoon series right next to the Disney movie and you will see EXACTLY what I mean... Just type "Kimba and the Lion King" into Google and you will get all the images you need... I will not waste space or time by posting them here...
If you're gonna rip off something rip off the best, I guess... disrespectful Disney bastards... It's like they busted out old reels of Tezuka animation, watched it and said... hey... that's good... we should do that scene... Ok guys do some gestures of the characters you see in this scene starting......... NOW! Nearly identical...
; they practically traced some of that shit... And I don't buy them saying "they didn't know..." that's bullshit...
Some animators reportedly even COMPLAINED that it was TOO much like Kimba... the higher ups more or less told them if they wanted to keep their shitty contracts that they should shut their yaps... and do what they were told... such is the life of an animator... always bringing to life SOMEONE ELSE'S dream.
An interesting side note... my animation major friends always point out how funny it is to watch Disney rip off anime... they say, "they are copying themselves" since Tezuka's influence came from animation pioneers like Disney and the Fleischers...
So Disney is ripping off themselves... O_O; That is kinda sad...
Like I said... I've decided that I will not watch another Disney movie again... not unless they go through some major company changes... that includes their shitty hiring policies. Not to discourage anyone who wants to be an animator... but Disney is a shitty place to work... they contract you for 2 years, put you to work on one movie and then terminate your contract when the movie is made... there is no loyalty no pat on the back... IF (and this is a BIG IF) they like you... (and you have to impress the HELL out of them) they MIGHT give you one more 2 year contract... The university I went to (Edinboro University of PA for those who care) is a BIG animation college... (not sure why... all I hear is bitching from the students but meh...) Some of our Profs. (who aren't that old... we're talking 40's here) worked for Disney... and they can tell you how hard it is... I have very little respect for Disney and it's mangement... and I feel bad for it's workers...
I actually decided I DIDN'T want to be an animator after touring a Disney studio... they basically OWN YOU. You scribble some shit on a napkin in a resturant... TECHNICALLY, by the wording of your contract, THAT SCRIBBLE is THEIR property... THAT IS BULLSHIT.
I have my own characters... my own stories... my own ideas... being an animator means you are someone elses' bitch. You do what you are told... I can't deal with that... You don't get to animate what you want...
The only way to do that is to become the BOSS. I admire Tim Burton for that... he worked for Disney back in the early 80's they told him his work was shit... After he made a name for himself as a director they wanted his ass back... now they do HIS bidding. TAKE THAT DISNEY!
Incidentally... I DO like Burton and I WOULD go see his movies even if the Disney Company had a hand in them... I respect him as an artist and for sticking it to them! He doesn't NEED to take crap from them now... He managed to keep his integrity as an artist without selling out to them... his style and humor is evident throughout all of his work... even if it is produced using their facilities etc. Heh they are a means to an end for him ^_^