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Icy EyeG
You mean...there's a place just for me?
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Topic: You mean...there's a place just for me? (Read 9187 times)
You mean...there's a place just for me?
September 21, 2005, 01:41:11 pm »
Just saying hello to my new group of friends here, cause I didn't know other El-Hazard fans existed...I only hope this is the right place for this o.o
Anyway, I was introduced to El-Hazard a few years ago while looking up different anime. I found a sight that had a little info on it, so I said "Hm...sounds interesting." So I put it on my christmas list. Little did I know that my mother was about to order me OVA1, 2, and alternate world, as well as the Alternate world Soundtrack.
It was the first anime I ever owned, and it was my little peice of heaven, mostly because I thought I was one of the few who knew about it...
Now I have stumbled upon this place in which there are others just like me... *tear*
So I guess that will do for my first post!
Re: You mean...there's a place just for me?
Reply #1 on:
September 21, 2005, 03:57:32 pm »
Well then... Wellcome here! Another EH fanatic... Like us... Especially I'm fine with the movies on my computer. As I know my currency, I won't be able to order any DVDs. We hope you will enjoy the other topics in the forums! But for now being on the forums are very unusual just by looking the latest replys... (and I don't have any good ideas to write...)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83
Reverend Strawman
Re: You mean...there's a place just for me?
Reply #2 on:
September 21, 2005, 07:00:47 pm »
Yo. :] Always good to have someone new on board. Things are pretty slow anymore, though, but that's just how it goes sometimes.
And that's pretty cool. As for me, I found out about El-Hazard through some EH-based anime music videos, and I was curious about it and asked some of my friends (and out of around 20 only one had seen the series, heh). He recommended it so I downloaded the original series... and the rest is history, I guess.
As far as El Hazard goes, the original is still the best; but I sort of like The Wanderers TV series, too... not nearly as good, but not bad. I don't really care much for the 2nd OAV series or [especially] The Alternate World. :/
"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."
-Manfred von Rich
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1562
EHOL Creator
Re: You mean...there's a place just for me?
Reply #3 on:
September 21, 2005, 07:46:05 pm »
Yeah. It's a bit unfortuante that the El-Hazard fanbase is sporadic. It's also hard to find specialized "fanatics", heh. The series is not as popular as some of the "bigger names" out there, so new entries typically are hard to come by.
I once helped do an EH panel at an anime convention (I can't remember which one that was...) That was about the best I could do for EHOL's advertising I suppose.
The sad fact of the matter is that this place is very specialized on something that's just not that huge at this point in time. So, yes, I apologize, but this forum is a bit slow and everything is pretty much halted otherwise. Still, feel free to look upon past topics, and always be glad that there were still people here to greet you.
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Demon God(ess)
Posts: 967
Girls, Cars & Loud Guitars
Re: You mean...there's a place just for me?
Reply #4 on:
September 22, 2005, 10:30:17 pm »
Oh, more new blood! Welcome to the board yunnightseer! Yes we El-Hazard fans are out there, though we're few and far between. Bob's really got a great meeting place set up for us here. Stop by as often as you can and if you need anything, just ask!
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Bugrom Forces
Posts: 44
A Wandering Dreamer in the Land of Beautiful Girls
Re: You mean...there's a place just for me?
Reply #5 on:
September 23, 2005, 08:36:47 pm »
Welcome fellow wanderer! This site is a dream for those who remember!
Enjoy what this site has to offer. Believe me, I sure have!
Last Edit: September 23, 2005, 08:39:04 pm by nirvana
"Like a dream from a time faraway, a sweet memory lingers from the distant past. Like a kingdom that you reach. After many years of dreaming, El-Hazard is the eternal homeland and the land of never-ending adventures. As long as there is a challenging
Re: You mean...there's a place just for me?
Reply #6 on:
September 28, 2005, 11:43:34 am »
Muaha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!
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