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Author Topic: How does one find good anime series?  (Read 7256 times)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 180

Demon Gods - as dangerous as they are cute.

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« on: August 27, 2005, 03:32:21 pm »

Well, due to various circumstances, I am the current president of my college's anime club.  Due to the same circumstances, most of the regulars from last year graduated, and since I'm somewhat inexperienced when it comes to finding good anime that hasn't been licensed in the States yet I'm having difficulty figuring out what to show this semester.  I've heard and seen good things about "Bleach" and "Tsubasa Chronicle", but does anyone have any recommendations in case those two series don't go over well?  Perhaps more useful, does anyone have any tips for finding good anime?  I suspect that looking for series that are popular in bit torrents and then crosschecking them at AnimeNfo is a good place to start.  Am I completely wrong about this?  Any help any of you offer would be appreciated.

Take care,
Rowan Seven -- *worrying about his new responsibilities*
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 01:25:41 am »

Most of what I know about anime comes from word-of-mouth. In general my online friends find out about new series through websites and download them before they're licensed via Torrent providers (I use Direct Connect; not a fan of BT), and spread the word as to how they like them. I'm not nearly as big an anime fan as most of them, so I pretty much only download good recommendations.

The rest of it comes from reviews on websites like this one; I checked out the new Ah! My Goddess TV series only after a thread popped up on EHOL about it, and a Final Fantasy forum I used to frequent has a pretty busy anime forum (which is where I got the tip about the new Full Metal Panic series).

Speaking of EHOL and spreading the word, that gives me an idea for a thread....

[But yeah, sorry I can't help any more than that. :/]

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Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 07:23:27 pm »

There aren't too many series that I've seen or would recommend that aren't licensed, or are at least being subbed at a reasonable pace that you could manage to show most of it before you graduate. But here's what I would recommend. Hope it helps!

Hanaukyo Maid Tai - The original series, not the remake that was recently licensed. More gag driven with a healthy dose of fan service. Also, focusing on chara development more than story. A better series than La Verite IMHO.

Kanon - I am suprised that this series has still not been licensed. One of the first of several non-hentai anime based on hentai games. It is a very touching love triangle type of story. A fan classic!

Lupin III - You've seen the second series, as broadcasted on Cartoon Network. Now watch the original series in all it's glory. Lupin and the gang in all their rambunctious, 70s glory.

Macross Zero - Whether or not you're familar with the original Macross TV series (AKA first season of Robotech), this 5-episode prequel OVA is not to be missed. Mind-blowing animation, writing and voice acting.

Mahou Sensei Negima - Based on the current manga in serialization by Ken "Love Hina" Akamatsu. A 12-year old boy from a wizard school in Wales must complete his magical education..... by teaching english at an all-girls school in Japan. 'nuff said  ;D

Momoiro Sisters - In the vein of Ebichu and Excel Saga, a "short-episode" series that focuses on the sex lives (or lack there of) of a pair of sisters (one in high school, the other an office lady) and their peers. Wrongness insues. Not for the squeemish. You have been warned.

Pita Ten - Another series that, quite frankly, I'm shocked that it has't been licesned yet. A cute and fluffy anime about an clumsy angel, a kind-hearted demon and their human friends.

St. Luminous Mission High School - One of my most favorite anime of all time. If you love mystery, suspense and intrigue then this is the series for you. A high school student suddenly finds that he has inherited a position from his recently deceased grandfather.... that of the chairman of an all-girls high school. But there will be no time for romantic hijinks, if he is to discover the reason for a recent string of disappearences before the entire student body disappears.

Tenshi na Konamaiki - AKA Cheeky Angel. Anime just wouldn't be anime without slapstick violence and gender-bending hijinks. With the voice of Megumi Hayashibara in the lead, you can't go wrong with this series. They did a great job of making the manga "come alive" so to speak. Including the chara's comical expressions. Male harem anime will never quite be the same (or was it ever?).


Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 93

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« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2005, 11:17:54 am »

Well, if you're insisting on unlicensed anime, here are a few good ones I've come across:

Mai-HiME (completely finished, 26 eps): Mai is just your typical high-school student who is on the way to her new high school with her brother Takumi. On the ferry to the island where the school is located, ship workers rescure a girl floating in the water, who is holding a large sword which drops into the water. Mai gives the girl CPR and in the process meets two other people going to the school she is now attending. That night, a battle takes place on the ship between the girl that was rescued (who has somehow gotten her sword back) and an unknown attacker with pistols and a mechanical dog mecha. The unknown girl warns Mai not to go to the school before the battle destroys the ferry, dumping Mai into the water. Mai then wakes up on the school grounds surrounded by a circle of still smouldering grass... (I recommend Static-Subs' fansub of this series)

Tsubasa Chronicle (unfinished, episodes released weekly, currently 19 eps released): Sakura is the princess of the Clow kingdom, Shaorin is the son of an archeologist in the Clow kingdom who is studying some mysterious ruins outside of the Clow kingdom's main city. The two become good friends quickly. One night, Sakura is mysteriously "called" to the ruins while Shaorin was working there. Seeing Sakura disappear inside the ruins, Shaorin follows her inside, where she activates something inside the ruins, growing large, luminescent wings in the process. In an attempt to rescure her, Shaorin tackles Sakura, who had begun to disappear through the wall. In the process the wings shatter and disappear in a flurry of glowing feathers and Sakura is now unconscious. In order to save Sakura, Shaorin must take her to the dimentional witch who will help him save her, for a price...

Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (unfinished, episodes released weekly, currently 7 episodes released): First of all, you should only watch this if you've seen the previous series (Fumoffu is optional, but very funny). Souske Sagera is still the bodyguard and classmate of Chidori. And he still has problems integrating into society. A rescue mission of several diplomats in an underground tunnel goes wrong when Mithril is betrayed from the inside and one of the diplomats is a plant from the terrorist group involved in the kidnapping. There is also at least one more lambda-driver-capable arm slave in operation aside from the Arbalist. New, very deadly (and quite possibly more insane) villians threaten Mithril and the safety of the world. (WARNING: This series has two twin assassin girls that seem to have a more then healthy "relationship" with each other... and there is nudity)

Hope that gives you a few ideas, all series are currently unlicensed and are available from AnimeSuki via Bittorrent.

Millenia: Aw. You're a sweetheart, aren't ya. This should be fun.

Ryudo: If your idea of fun is wading through rivers of blood, gobbets of flesh, and gut fresh upon your lips, then yes, it will be fun.

Millenia: Then what a
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2005, 01:10:19 am »

I don't have specific recs, but the 4chan and iichan image boards are good places for screencaps and comments on new series.  4chan has more traffic, but it has lots of trolls and other 'noise'.  iichan is a bit slower and a bit more friendly.

Off-topic... there are dedicated wakaba image boards for Azumanga Daioh and Evangelion.  This message board is relatively quiet, but I'm wondering if there would be any interest in either hosting or using a 'private' EHOL wakaba?
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 180

Demon Gods - as dangerous as they are cute.

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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2005, 10:10:07 pm »

Thanks for the recommendations, everyone.  I'm downloading the first three episodes of "Macross Zero" now and will probably show all 5 OAV episodes to start the semester off.  "'Bleach" and "Tsubasa Chronicle" look like shoo-ins at this point, and I plan on looking at "Mai-HIME", "Pita Ten", and possibly "Yakitate!! Japan" for the other two slots.  If one or more of these series proves to be unpopular with the club, 4chan and iichan seem like good places to seek replacements.
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 967

Girls, Cars & Loud Guitars

AOL Instant Messenger - djsaucerman
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« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2005, 07:26:56 pm »

Good luck and enjoy, Rowan!


Off-topic... there are dedicated wakaba image boards for Azumanga Daioh and Evangelion.  This message board is relatively quiet, but I'm wondering if there would be any interest in either hosting or using a 'private' EHOL wakaba?

That would be something I would gladly support with input as often as I could (at least on weekends).

Would this be a possibility Bob? Maybe uploading to the server with something like the old EHOL image loader?

Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
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