Hey, the gundam speaking. Is anyone here on Sages of Chaos?
http://www.livejournal.com/community/sages_of_chaosI'm currently RPing as 4 characters there, but no El-hazard character on site. Wanna join?
First things first about Sages, though: Ya have to ask a questions (as the character yer playing) everytime ya start a thread, or a thinly veiled one at that. And secondly, ya cannot do any "RP fighting" here, as there is a No-Violence rule running hard.
So think about it. Would love to see some fresh El-Haz characters there. But I'm playing Shayla, so no touchy (unless ya wanna do a multiple universe thing and have Shayla from Alt. World or a fan-fiction Shayla there as well, but ya need to explain the character and series if they do not know.)!
See ya there.
El-Hazard's Gundam