I just discovered this large El Hazard community, but I am impressed with what I see.

It is heartening to find an active group of El Hazard fans, considering how many such fansites seem to be slowly disappearing...

Anyway, I was wondering if members here are familiar with a PC (Windows) game called "Freedom Force"? It is an advanced, 3D action/RPG game in which players control a team of customized
superheroes! It even offers tools to custom design your own superhero, right down to the specific powers, abilities, 3D model and skin. (Not to mention tools for advanced things, like designing your own campaign.)
[Note: This game dates back from 2002, so it is highly probable that it will run even on slightly outdated computers and that it can be had relatively cheaply on places such as
eBay... Further, it is still fun to play one player and does not necessarily require a monthly online play charge - unlike a lot of other games today.]
Further, there is an absolutely
huge user community, with many dozens of sites, dozens of full game mods (user-created
games), dozens of custom add-ons, and literally thousands of skins and meshes! Oh, and it's possible to play multiplayer on LAN or Internet, too. If you can think of a DC or Marvel superhero or villain (
any of them), chances are fans have made more than one version available for download somewhere. They have even converted some extremely obscure and ancient superheroes that practically no one has heard of. (Like the "Blue Tiger", "Lightray", "Mister Terrific"...??)
reason I bring this up is because I was really wanting to see an
Ifurita skin/mesh made available. (Having a Shayla-Shayla, Afura, and/or Miz Mishtal skin would be real nice too, but I'm not pushing that at the moment.) I'm actually put off by such overly-hyped superheroes as Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman and Spiderman. So, instead, I really wanted to play something fresh - a character I like. However, while I do have some artistic talents, I am brand new to making skins and I have no experience in 3D modeling of meshes and the like.
So, I posted on the Freedom Reborn Forums in the "Requests for Skins and Meshes" section with a polite request if someone would consider working on such a project. I even included numerous reference pictures and explainations about the character.
http://www.freedomreborn.net/invision/index.php?showtopic=32362&st=0&p=453134&Further, I pointed out that Ifurita has been voted number 5 of the "Top Ten Anime Babes of All Time", beating out the likes of the dark elf
Pirotess from the Record of Lodoss War and
Priss from the Bubblegum Crisis! What other motivation is needed?! (I think Ifurita should have gotten 1'st or 2'nd place myself, but it's still a respectable standing.)
Top Ten Anime Babes of All Time - NUMBER FIVE IFURITA from El Hazard!!
http://therossman01.tripod.com/top10babes/five.htmlI'm trying to be polite and patient about it, but a couple days have passed and still no one has replied at all. I still have hopes that someone will eventually pick this up, but it does not look very promising. For one thing, the character design/outfit for Ifurita necessitates that a custom
mesh be created, as well as a custom "keyframes" file (pre-programmed character movements).
Anotherwords, it would take a lot of work to do, unlike most generic superheroes. Also, primarily being comic book affectionados, it almost seems as if most Freedom Force fans have an allergic reaction to anything anime related...
So, here I am posting about this to the El Hazard Online community. I'm hoping that I've peeked the interest of another Freedom Force player reading here. It would be of tremendous help if
additional people replied to my Freedom Reborn thread in support of my proposal to make an Ifurita skin/mesh.

Just a suggestion...

[hint! hint!]
P.S.: At some future point (if it gains enough interest), perhaps several of us El Hazard fans could get together to make an El Hazard
MOD for Freedom Force... (Anotherwords, custom design a game scenario/campaign based in the El Hazard universe.) That would be very cool!

Again, though, this is just an idea I'm throwing out there - to see if it lands anywhere.