Actually (Saucer correct me if I'm wrong) I think that Shinkon Gattai Godannar isn't hentai... At least, it's at the same level of Love Hina, in terms of "female graphics design style".
combining robots.
Mmmyes, well. While I do find that heartrendingly beautiful, Saucer, I believe our otakuism has lost its feminine touch.That said, if you'll all please direct your eyes to the left...Why, hello there again. ;3
100,000 slavering shoujo maniacs could probably all your bluff, Xel dear. BTW, welcome back!
From a cloud of fog appears the mysterious Xel to enlighten us once more, carting her delightful Makoto x Jinnai avatarisms.
It's a funny feeling, really-- it's like coming home, in a sense.
All together now-- "And I don't mean 'punish' in a happy fun kind of way."