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Demon God Dementia
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Topic: Demon God Dementia (Read 22551 times)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #30 on:
January 21, 2005, 11:02:40 am »
seasons beatings? *laughs* just came back from my slumber to find that and that cracked me up. now I'm picturing a santa claus hanging out a car window with a baseball bat swinging at people's mailboxes while rudolph drives. heheheheh
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #31 on:
April 19, 2005, 10:17:21 am »
Hey guys, sorry for the long fall of absence. I've been really busy for the last while working at my job and trying to find another one. This one just isn't working out like I had hoped and it was only supposed to be temporary til I find a better one. I come home really exhausted and crash immediately upon lying down in my nice comfy bed. We're always short handed so they put Ifurita to overdrive on a huge list of tasks to do around the store besides running the register and that must be complete before she is able to leave. I still am carless and still take the bus to and from everywhere I go and I can honestly say its kinda interesting the people that get on the bus day to day and you see some really bizarre things happen. I try to avoid this one guy who seems to be hopping from bus stop to bus stop to irritate people waiting for their bus by telling these huge ass lies!!! one day he told me he was really a billionaire from writing novels and that all the girls wanted his money but he wasn't like that.
bah...then he was all, I bet I can guess your favorite color. I'm psychic. He must have guessed every color but mine. ah well, so I try to avoid him when I can either that or tell him a little white lie and say I have a big built boyfriend that will kick his ass if he doesn't leave me alone. hehehe.
anyways besides work, yeah I have been playing eq2 still but alas, I am now lvl 50 so there really lacks stuff to do in game now since I'm as high as you can get in lvls. I am still lacking a few heritage quests to complete and then I will have officially done everything but I'm kinda bored in game. I usually spend all my time harvesting or chatting and that's not really worth the money spent on an account month to month. the guild I"m in does raid but my work schedule kinda conflicts with it since I work nights. I have started playing WoW but just started so I'm still only lvl 15 night elf druid on the server Darkspear. if you want to give me a shout, my char's name is Clove.
I am soon to be attending an anime con in June called Akon and will be cosplaying KOS-MOS from Xenosaga because alot of people for three years now have begged me to since I am once again participating in an anime LARP and playing the role of her again. Going to try to make an attempt to sell my artwork but not too hopeful but at least I will try.
I hope you all have been doing okay. I'm the same ol same ol Iffy though alot of the time I think I act more like tv Iffy than ova Iffy with how silly I can be. come on I was sweeping the entire store's floor last night singing Go speed racer. hehehehe. customers were looking at me like I was a loon but I didn't care.
Will update more often, got emails and im's from people from here so I feel loved and missed and I thankyou for contacting me guys, Helio, Saucer, and Robert. you guys are the best! =D
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1562
EHOL Creator
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #32 on:
April 19, 2005, 01:02:16 pm »
No problem, Ms. Ifurita. I know how it feels to be in a rut, so I hope you can get out of this one eventually.
Dub vs. Sub
, let's keep quiet about it.
Helio Perroni Filho
Bugrom Forces
Posts: 62
It is the dream of those who remember.
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #33 on:
April 20, 2005, 10:29:43 pm »
Yay, our favorite demon godess is back! \ ^_^ / It's good to see you around again, Iffy-chan (mind if I call you Iffy-chan?
). It looks like you're going through some though times -- but don't give up, remember
the genius always comes at the end
Wow, so you're going to cosplay as KOS-MOS? Remember to take some pictures and upload them, I loved that picture of your Ifurita TV cosplay. And I didn't know you could draw, do you have anything on-line?
As of me, I've been keeping myself busy: working a lot on a webservices-based system for a big client, studying japanese, building a chatterbot engine in Java and even playing some Phantasy Star III on a Genesis emulator. It took me quite some time, but I'm also starting to once again feel alright about being alone, content to wait for love to come back around.
Well, it's way past midnight and I can't seem to find a good way to finish this post.
I guess all I wanted to say is feel free to update whenever you feel like, Iffy-chan, we'll always welcome you -- but I guess you already know that.
I'll try to be more up to date with the forums myself, and not vanish for six months ever again.
"If nothing is done, nothing will change. (...) Your world... I do not accept this world. To it, I must say... no."
-- Zorndyke
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #34 on:
April 20, 2005, 11:57:20 pm »
*smiles warmly* thanks Helio. I don't mind you calling me Iffy-chan. I kinda like the sound of it. Yeah, been through alot but I'm not broken. just got a few boo boo's here and there. hehehe. I cut my fingers twice today on cardboard the evil of evils. I thought paper cuts were pretty bad but geez, cardboard cuts deeper in my opinion. I miss you guys alot and want to post more when I get a chance
*hugs Helio* about love, yeah, I'm pretty hurt myself from a recent disaster and am kinda feeling like the world is against me but I know in fact its not because I got lots of people to make me feel better and I know that things can only get better in the end
feel free to drop me an IM anytime guys if you want. my name is KowaiNoNeko on AIM and I like have it running all the time. doesn't mean I'm actually on it all the time but running yes, all the time. mwahaha, thank god for cable internet.
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 349
Here to make friends and destroy stuff!
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #35 on:
April 21, 2005, 08:51:00 am »
Ergh... Cardboard paper cuts are the worst. Cardboard is typically made of pretty loose fibers, which means that when you get a paper cut, you're almost guaranteed to get tons of tiny splinters.
Welcome back, Ifurita!
The 1337 poster
Ghost's Anime Kitties
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #36 on:
April 21, 2005, 10:14:11 am »
I also wanted to say that I know that some people have to pick up a shirt and unfold it, observe the entire shirt before buying it but do they have to go through an entire rack of them that have the same exact design on them and then just toss them back onto the rack instead of refold them? I had a lady do that last night at work and I watched the whole thing going inside my head, "NOOOOooOoooOoo, lady, which shirt you want? I'll find it myself but please...the horror, don't continue this insanity any longer!" I got a great chocolate fix thought last night since our hershey bars are on sale for 4 for a dollar. oh my god, those are like my fav candy ever so I had like one of each of my fav kinds. I would have gotten four reeses cups but those never last too long. they had this one new kind called peanut butter lovers reeses and chocolate lovers reeses. I have always enjoyed the peanut butter part more so I got two of those.
though I do have to say I laugh at the wrapper all displaying this "Limited Edition!" I understand what it means but it makes it sound like its a collectors item. OMG, I must buy two of these! one for myself and one to hang on my wall in the trophy room! hehehehehe. anyways, my silliness random posting has returned. mwahahaa
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 967
Girls, Cars & Loud Guitars
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #37 on:
April 23, 2005, 09:20:50 pm »
Glad to see you back Ifu-chan! Hang in there and stay upbeat as always! When life gets you down and it seems like there's no way out, remember that you have anime to turn to. It's always helped me out in my time of need.
Work comes and work goes, I know you won't be stuck in that job forever. As long as you don't ressign yourself to your current job and get comfortable with it, you'll never loose that drive for better work. Hang in there and keep searching!
Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #38 on:
May 01, 2005, 09:10:49 pm »
Saucer.....if you can shoot me a message on AIM whenever possible.......I really need to talk to ya.....see ya
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #39 on:
May 03, 2005, 02:00:13 am »
okay...I had to deal with some hard stuff last night that kinda affected me but I'm okay now guys! Iffy-chan had a full night of watching fights break out in the parking lot, wondering what people were going to use the weird concoctions of items they bought for what purpose, and making her coworkers think she is insane once again tonight. hahaha
The demon goddess is never gone for long. she just sleeps for a period of time ever so often but is always quick to bounce back at any given moment. yesh I am dangerous at times and sometimes I wonder if I will ever grow up. probably not nyah!
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #40 on:
June 02, 2005, 07:15:28 pm »
wow its that time again, it is time for Akon to begin tomorrow and I of course will be attending the con. I finally got my costume put together today. I will be going as KOS-MOS from the video game Xenosaga. I worked pretty damn hard on it so I hope it looks okay. I'll be sure to take loads of pictures of people in costume and myself so I'll have lots to show for the weekend when I return. I'm still trying to pack up stuff for the con as I type. god damn lot of stuff I gotta take. its in dallas so its a good 3-4 hour drive. ugh. ah well burned a couple cds to take along for the trip so I should be peachy. hope to talk to you guys soon, love yas! *waves*
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Helio Perroni Filho
Bugrom Forces
Posts: 62
It is the dream of those who remember.
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #41 on:
June 03, 2005, 10:05:38 am »
Yay, hope you have a great time at Akon!
I look forward to hearing from you about it. And please don't forget to take some pictures of your KOS-MOS cosplay, I'd love to have a look at it.
"If nothing is done, nothing will change. (...) Your world... I do not accept this world. To it, I must say... no."
-- Zorndyke
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 93
Couldn't find a EH avatar, but likes Mai-HiME alot
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #42 on:
June 03, 2005, 10:24:38 am »
Good luck! I want to see pics too!
Is it KOS-MOS from Xeno 1 or 2? Or maybe... it's KOS-MOS from 2 with the swimsuit on...
Millenia: Aw. You're a sweetheart, aren't ya. This should be fun.
Ryudo: If your idea of fun is wading through rivers of blood, gobbets of flesh, and gut fresh upon your lips, then yes, it will be fun.
Millenia: Then what a
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 967
Girls, Cars & Loud Guitars
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #43 on:
June 03, 2005, 10:31:51 pm »
Have a blast Iffy! I look forward to hearing about it when you get back.
Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
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