WoW is "easy"? I guess it could be considered "easy" if you happen to love grinding xp from monsters like FFXI or EQ. The crafting could be considered "easy" if you like loosing materials when you (usually) fail while trying to level up a crafting skill...
Not to say other MMO games are bad (I have played several other MMO games including FFXI, EQ2, Shadowbane, DAoC, Asheron's Call 2, City of Heroes, Star Wars Galaxies, Matrix Online, and Guid Wars... some more then others), but WoW takes out a lot of the tedium associated with MMO gaming.
You can solo to 60 (though it will not be as easy as grouping to 60), grinding monsters is disguised as quests with a decent chunk of tangable reward, crafting isn't fustrating, and so on. Sure, there are people that hit 60 in a few weeks, but those are the people that have no lives and just blaze through the game quickly.
Ok, enough about WoW. You can read all about it at
the official site 
I usually play on Lightbringer as alliance, though I have a few alts scattered across a couple of other servers that I don't play nearly as much.