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Demon God Dementia
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Topic: Demon God Dementia (Read 22555 times)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Demon God Dementia
October 15, 2004, 06:05:14 pm »
I just wanted to make up a place that I can talk off topic as much as I want because I tend to think of some really odd off topic comments to make in other topics and I kinda feel bad so I want to just let loose in here. today all I have to say is, Curse you Flu Vaccination! we did flu shots today and it was scary. I walk in around 7:30am to do a little reading before my shift at 8am and I go to get my usual chocolate milk and there are like a row upon row upon row of elderly people seated in the deli section staring at me. O_O I was all, "EEP!" I was told later they came in around 5:45am for the flu shots that don't start until 10am. geez...that's scary. it was amusing though today because there was an old man vs old man poking fest bitter feud between the fogies because they were getting irritable standing in line. it was amusing just seeing them all reaching out and poking each other. LoL. oh! and I found a new replacement wig for my ifurita costume! me soooo happy! now if only I could hurry up and make a tv ifurita staff before halloween....gah, too short notice. anyways, um, welcome to my insanity?! I serve cherry limeade with little umbrellas in the glasses? *gets all in a cute waitress outfit and holds out tray of cherry limeade drinkies in those plastic champagne flutes* whee! anyways, um, well, hmmm...didn't plan on this sudden pause. pause..and stuff. how about those cat earred hoodies? I found one at hot topic and got it and I like the odd looks I get wearing it. heh, beware the cat eared weirdo. heh. oh and onto another topic, has anyone seen anything else strange being sold on ebay as of late? I think I may go look later and give a link to whatever I find. ^^
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #1 on:
October 16, 2004, 04:47:06 pm »
oh geez, sometimes I wish there was really a way to travel through dimensions and end up in a beautiful world like el hazard.....days like these....but then again, I would probably end up forming a fourth party. okay you would have the bugrom empire, the royal palace of roshtaria, the shadow clan, and clover's zaniness. like I would just go off and do very spontaneous and odd things that would make people think. lol. ^^
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #2 on:
October 19, 2004, 10:15:34 am »
whee, okay, I'm in Austin right now and I must say, it is alot nicer than Dallas. there is so much to do here. too bad I don't have a car or money. ~_~ I go back home today though but I kinda don't want to. lol. ah well, it has been nice. on other news, my grandmother passed away yesterday so if I seem not as peppy, that may be why. I will be attending her funeral sometime this week. I am pleased to know however that she didn't suffer at all. she just passed in her chair last night. so that made me feel better. *smiles slightly* Hope you guys are doing okies! Ifurita signing off! *waves the keystaff causing a poof of smoke to rise up and conceal her. yeah it looks good at first but soon the smoke clears and she still is standing there in confusion* hey, this was supposed to make me disappear! *scratches head with head of staff until someone shouts at her* you were supposed to use it to make your disappearance as in run away, not just stand there you dope! *laughs uneasily* oh yeah! well my bad! *runs off* ^^V
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #3 on:
October 20, 2004, 08:44:36 am »
*sighs* I will be inactive for an entire week starting tomorrow, guys. I just had some depressing news yesterday that my grandmother passed. I'm either being picked up tomorrow morning or I'm taking a plane out to memphis on saturday, either way I am going to be gone until wednesday morning since monday is the actual funeral. this news has kinda left me feeling down and hit hard. my dad called up at my work when I was gone and said it was an emergency and to tell me if they could get ahold of me to call back immediately. so at first I thought it was something to do with my step mother. I was so scared to call back. I held the phone tightly and my knuckles turned white before I finally dialed the number. but my grandmother replacing my step mother still hit me just as hard. *sighs* I've gotta get together something nice to wear to the funeral today when I get off work. I hopefully will talk to you guys later. bye
*drags her feet behind her as she and her staff wander off*
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1562
EHOL Creator
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #4 on:
October 20, 2004, 01:24:07 pm »
I'm not sure what to say about it all. But I do have heart-felt sympathy for your loss. Good luck and take your time. We'll all try to survive without your presense.
Last Edit: October 20, 2004, 01:24:54 pm by rob_jinnai
Dub vs. Sub
, let's keep quiet about it.
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 967
Girls, Cars & Loud Guitars
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #5 on:
October 22, 2004, 07:11:32 pm »
I'm really sorry to hear about your grandmother, DGI. Good luck to you and your family, and come back when you're feeling better!
Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #6 on:
October 26, 2004, 08:00:04 pm »
I'm home. I just got back around 4pm today. my poor little demon god ass is aching though from the ten hour drive back. we drove through Mississippi, Tennassee, Arkansas, and then finally back through Texas. I saw alot of stuff I haven't seen in ages. I think my favorite part of tennessee is the giant bridges. they are so awesome with the curves of the structure. but alas, there is nothing to do in Mississippi. or at least the part we were in. we were in this rinky dinky town called Coldwater. its close to another city called Senatobia and Poagville. I did draw an amusing picture I might put up when I finish of Ifurita on the front of a postcard getting chased down by pitchfork and torch waving locals. lol. and an explosion in back. saying something along the lines of, "Wish you were here." hehehe. and ifurita is all waving all cheerful like. I get such inspiration especially when I listen to music from el hazard. I was listening to this one track on this one cd with Jinnai laughing hysterically in the background. it was awesome. it kinda set the mood. mwhahaha. anyways, it was a good trip. my grandmother looked very peaceful. I think she would have been really proud at how much family showed up to her funeral. there were even some that I didn't think would show but did so that was even better. ^^
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #7 on:
October 28, 2004, 07:12:55 am »
Halloween is almost upon us and I don't know if I have time to make a costume. I guess I could pull out my ifurita costume but I need to go get some replacement red tights. I was busy yesterday watching the second boxed set collection of GTO so I really wasn't online. I still have one more volume to go before I have completed watching it. I really enjoy it. leave it to Onizuka to destroy any endearing moment that goes on in the show. but its not a bad thing. he's pretty amusing. heh. I go back to work today so I get to return my life back to the hell of customer service but it will be short lived. I have given my notice of leaving to my manager and after this next week, I will be moving to Austin. I spent a great deal of yesterday packing also and have gotten to the nitty gritty items that I have no idea where to put them. I guess I need to get a lot of shoe boxes to separate them all and then put them into a larger box. *shrugs* I hate packing because of this. You would think I would get used to it after I moved five times last year. ah well. Its raining outside so I am trying to find my umbrella so I don't have to walk in the rain but not having any luck so far. oh, wait, what is that. there it is, right underneath my japanese school girl uniform. actually I've been looking for that too so I guess I killed two birds with one stone as they say. Good! *yawns and lays head down* darnit..I just don't have the energy this early in the morning for anything. Too afraid to get a frapachino in fear I may drop it like I did last time I tried to get one of those when I was this tired. I'm such an accident prone. my left hand says it alone with all the scratches on it from me cutting it open with cans of cat food, the cash register door, paper cuts, the list goes on forever. ah well, gotta run, bye! *runs off to work singing happily while carrying key staff alongside her until she is reminded that the key staff, wonderful as an accessory as it may be, makes an ideal lightning rod as a large bolt strikes down upon her*
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #8 on:
October 29, 2004, 07:12:54 am »
Hi everyone! its just your friendly residential demon god here reminding all of you to have a very cool Halloween this year. there were alot of rumors going around my job that my comanager was going to be an evil son of a gun and not let us dress up but we dissolved those nasty rumors and got the truth that in fact we can. I still need to go out and get a few pumpkins to carve into jack o lanterns. mwahaha, I am going to carve one with the resemblance to Master's face. heh. yours truly is going to dress like Ifurita again because I liked the responses I got out of customers last year. hehe.
"who or what are you supposed to be?"
"I'm a demon god" *smile smile*
"um...okay.....a demon and a god?"
"no, a demon god." *smile smile*
"okaaaaaay.....*blink blink*"
"its okay, I forgive you." *smile smile*
hehe ^^
I still am so excited about the move in a week. I am happy though that she has me working halloween during the day. but I also get to train the guy who's taking my place. no biggie. I will train him to be just as horrible and evil as me! then my Master will be so proud of me. Maybe I'll even get a big big COOKIE! oh I hope its chocolate chip. that'd be super! okies, I gotsa go to work now to terrori-I mean, help people! ^^ bai! *waves*
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #9 on:
November 13, 2004, 02:37:39 pm »
Wow, that was a very long drive! yes, I am in Austin now. oh geez, I drove all the way here with a rental truck in tow of my stuff. I had a small disaster at the beginning of the drive that terrified the hell out of me. I had to put on my brakes really sharply and I heard stuff moving around in back and all of a sudden, I could no longer hear the rapid meowing of my newest cat, Patches. I began to panic thinking something must have squashed her going from thinking, "well she would have meowed shrilly if something had" to "but what if it killed her on impact?" so for about an hour I was clutching the steering wheel tightly in hand thinking, "oh my god, what am I going to do? I just got a new kitty and I already in one drive killed her. oh how awful I am!" but when we stopped for a rest I checked just to be sure and she climbed out from under my seat. ohhhh, truly she is a miracle kitty and she knows how klutzy I am. So all in all I am here. I had alot of crap happen when I got here including: I sliced my finger open on a dresser drawer while unloading it, I got socked in the face by the corners of some books accidently leaving a small but noticeable purple line under my left eye, I overdid lifting a piece of furniture throwing out my lower back, turned my head the wrong way making me have a slight case of whiplash so my neck hurts like hell, and I slammed my hand in a drawer this morning. anyways, austin is treating me well. I hooked up all the game systems to the tv in the living room and w00t! I now have every system of supreme gamage! I also got a character on ffxi and have been running around like crazy putting on the front that I am a male elvaan red mage. lol. I missed you guys and shall return to posting like my usual craziness very very soon. mwahaha, face my squirre- I mean demongod post wrath! ^^
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 349
Here to make friends and destroy stuff!
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #10 on:
November 15, 2004, 08:49:43 am »
Been sucked into the deep, black hole that is Final Fantasy, have you? My condolences.
What server are you on? If it's Leviathan, lemme know what your character's name is, and I'll say "Hi" sometime.
Glad to hear that your new kitty is all right. Sadly, the oldest of my family's cats passed away this weekend. Taffy was diagnosed with a terminal bowel disorder, and had to be put to sleep. I was so sad.
Having never lost a close family member, this is the closest I've ever come to it. Taffy came to our family while I was still in high school, and at 13 years old was way too young to have died so soon.
The 1337 poster
Ghost's Anime Kitties
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #11 on:
November 16, 2004, 02:43:55 pm »
I'm in the Pheonix server and my char's name is Mandos. so far all I'm doing is smashing up orcs, goblins, and the rare things I will come across like tainted hounds and undead scum. I'm leveling up slowly but surely but will probably start looking into getting a party. I'm a lvl 8 red mage right now. my recent expedition left me to be neck and neck with an orc grappler and I won with only 4 hp left. lol. I thought it was hilarious. I like to live dangerously. heh heh. but yeah, my cats are like children so I guess I don't need kids anytime soon. Isis and Patches come very close to being kids. they roll around and play, they are spoiled rotten by me, and they are very needy. *smiles*
as of right now, my computer is not working with our internet connection. I don't know why. I'm still trying to troubleshoot it. I can use Jimi's computer but I can't use mine. it irritates me because my fingers are itching to download stuff using the high speed connection he has. blargh....ah well, so today I have spent
a) playing ffxi (addicting yes)
b) unlocking stuff on ddr extreme (woot, new dancer)
c) getting close to smashing my computer to bits but it was told to me yesterday that my friends said they were highly impressed with my computer because not only is it very very old but it is running Windows XP on a computer with only 184 mgs of ram and that in itself is a miracle and it runs pretty smoothly too. who'd a thunk it? but it won't run the damn direct internet. *cries*
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 87
I will do anything to make my Master happy
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #12 on:
November 29, 2004, 09:05:33 pm »
your happy residential demon god has turned sour. I have no job, no money, no car, nada. I've been trying to get work but I realized just now which means I'm pretty dense, "oh yeah, this is a college town....all the students have most of the jobs..." so I am having trouble getting someone to hire me. *sighs* so I haven't really had time to be online. but anyways.....I'm doing okay and I can at least say I'm still alive. I have the support of a very tolerable and patient Jimi to help me during these times with his wisdom and his overexceeding patience. did I mention he has patience? I can be quite a dark cloud when I get irritated and worried like this so I am thankful for him putting up with me. but hey, I still got friends, I still got food, I still got a place to sleep, and I still got games...ohhh yesh, video games are keeping me safe. and lots of anime that I haven't seen that Jimi owns. like ranma. I have never seen this anime before so I am watching it and have gotten through the first season and all I have to say is wheee, I love Ryoga. he is sooo cute and he is so amusing. never a dull moment with him around. hehe. he's the kind of guy that you could give one of those cards that read, "how to keep an idiot entertained, turn card over" and have the same message on the other side. but he's still cute. anyways, I hope everyone is doing okay and I will say this. once things get better....I am getting me a dang laundry hamper....dirty clothes suck lying around house and this is the first time I have ever not had a washer and dryer open to me so it gets really ugly having dirty clothes lying all over the floor and no hamper. and washing clothes at a laundromat is expensive!!!!! it was like 2.50 to wash 3 loads in the washer and We had like 4 BASKETS of clothes. it was 10 dollars to wash all that!!! and then dryers were only 25 cents but dammit they didn't dry too well so they sure did get your money in the end having to keep putting quarters in the machine. damn greedy people that own these places. they make a killing, I admit and admire their business skills.
Punish me Master! I've been a bad demon god. ^^
Lord God Jinnai
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 383
In this house, I'm the man.
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #13 on:
November 30, 2004, 01:53:57 am »
Wow, that sounds really rough. I know exactly how you feel though. I can't get a job, cuz I can never find my way back to whatever place would hire me! I can't get a car cuz I'd always run out of gas since there are too many freakin streets around here and they ALL look the same! Plus, I can't do my laundry too since I turn into a damn PIG whenever I need to add something during the cold-wash cycle!
My life is HELL. And you know what? It's all
Aheh... sorry. Inside joke.
I Care Deep
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1562
EHOL Creator
Re: Demon God Dementia
Reply #14 on:
November 30, 2004, 02:21:58 am »
Aheh... sorry. Inside joke.
I swear it's like a Makoto/Jinnai pair from an alternate dimension. It really doesn't help that Bob Marx was cast as Kotaro. ;P But that's the only reason I bought HMM...
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