*sigh* I don't really have much to contribute to this topic, other than Helio sounds like a very nice person, and that I have heard that there is going to be an anime convention in May, though I don't know the exact date. I believe it's going to be in Richmond Virginia, but I need to check with my people on that *winks*. If anyone is interested in doing something at the convention, I know that it won't be on the exact date of the anniversary, but it might be fun anyway, and if anything, a good way to increase El-Hazard awareness.
Well, here's me in the completed Groucho armor.
Well, here's me in the completed Groucho armor.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v86/daguru/banner.jpgThere's tons more pics if ya want em.
To lazy to start a new thread. It sorta fits, I guess.Anyways, here's my Jack-o-lantern:http://images.cosplay.com/showphoto.php?photo=526546