Myllandah is my favorite chara in the OVA. Can you guess why? She bares a remarkable resemblance to a certain somebody.
A rare disappointment from AIC!
Well, after Spanner expressed surprise that I hadn't seen Battle Athletes, I somehow felt that my credentials as a connoisseur of the yuri arts were under threat. So, one bulk purchase later...
I'm heartened that you like Mylandah... it makes me think that maybe she'll be redeemed at some point
I particularly like filler episodes: though cursed by the majority of fandom, to me they give the characters a chance to come into their own, unburdened by plot constraints (pretty much all of my favourite Slayers episodes had little to do with the plot).
Yes... not only does Mylandah look like Iffy, Tanya also looks like a smaller, cuter version of Shayla.Oh yeah... the show also shares most of the same dub artists (although the dub script isn't quite up to the El-Hazard standard). Not sure about the Japanese, but I know Rio Natsuki (Nanami) plays the main character.dooky
So Dooky, how far did you get? Have you finished the series yet?