In one class today I mentioned that the only reason we treat computers like unfeeling machines is cos they cannot talk back to us. When we try to do things the computer can't do, we MIGHT be causing it "pain" but it has no way of expressing it. When you hit all the keys at once and it makes that "beep" noise, it might actually be crying out in pain with the only voice it has -- it's telling you to STOP what you are doing because it cannot handle it... I mean think about how many times the PC speaker beeps at you... that's your computer saying "owie!" ;_;
Here are some signs your computer is having a bad dream:The print on the screen quivers and shakes.The computer makes strange clicking sounds.It shuts down for no apparent reason.
Well, I always thought computers had some sort of feeling.
The idea of a computer feeling anything is ludicrous, the way it works is not at all similar to a human brain.
I wasn't talking about computers of the future though, I was only talking about the computers we have now. I think its very possible for us to develop thinking feeling computers eventualy. You're reading to far into what I was saying.
**brutally beats his computer, ignoring its electronic pleas and crying**
(borrowing an image from Spanner...)Ifurita: (holds computer like a kitten) NO!! Please don't hurt li'l Compy!!