Ok, Nanami it is impossible because I want the head band to be visible. The head band going up is one pixel by one pixel so it really is imposible to get it shown and have less of it.
I like the TV Ifurita but I'm basing the story line on the OVA and not the TV. Maybe after I get the OVA stories done (through Magnificent World 1 and 2 and Alternative) I could incorporate her. As in have Makoto go back through time get his Ifurita back. Then maybe Galus controlling Diva with his weapon could you say , Ifurina? I don't know this is just something that could incorporate the TV one. Although if i was to do this, I would probably end up making her less ditzy and more happy evil. I don't know this wont be probably how it goes, but it could work out maybe. What do you think?
Do you think it'd be ok for Ifurita's just walking around sprite if i didnt put her key in her hand?
I do not wish to tell you how to write your game, though. If you'd like to include TV Iffy as a more serious villian, that is your choice.
I think it could work if you removed or faded the black outline on Nanami's hair band from the side. When you look at the front and back images of Nanami, the hair band seems thinner because there's no black outline around the hairband. In the side pictures, though, the hairband has black along one edge, and that makes it stand out. Would it be difficult to remove that?
NO NO NO!!! I love that your telling me your info... It's excellent... The thing is why I would want a more serious one is because I liked the whole plot of Jinnai being run out be Diva and searching for Makoto for help. Since Diva would be controlled by something/somone else as in Galus who has control over some other machine. Then somehow i want the Ifurita to Apear... Maybe I coudl make the plot keep going like this... Mokoto gets his Ifurita. Jinnai gets his. There is some battling between whos better and what not... Mokoto wins ofcourse (or your goign to have to make him win) then Diva gets controlled. And they can get the other weapon Myunn (i thought it was ifurina). How does that sound?I like how long my Forum post is getting :-D
^That any better?^
I'm sure Fatora could have some sort of ability that would make her useful (or at the very least, something other than a liability). She's quite adept at abusing her position to threaten people, so perhaps if you wanted to terrify some poor local into giving you free stuff... ^_^ And surely, there must be some use for her legendary seduction skillz...(Don't mean to intrude, just doing my bit for the Fatora camp...)
A bit OT, but something I always thought would be great is an El-Hazard fighting game. Not exactly in the SFII sense, more in the Pocket Fighter way of things. (If you don't know PF, it's basically a chibi croosver of SFII and Darkstalkers, with bizarre comedy attacks and transformations) Somebody's already making an Azumanga equivalent of PF, and I've always wondered what an El-Hazard version would be like. Power levels wouldn't necessarily matter that much since the attacks are so silly (you'd have your standard attacks alongside the stupider variety), and even the art would be relatively straghtforward, since PF itself is quite simplistic and 2D. So if any of you programmers are looking for a new EH game project in the future... ^_^ well, that would get my vote...dooky