(And can someone explain why fanboys find Rei so fascinating?)
(And can someone explain why fanboys find Evangelion so fascinating?)
Beats me, but I'll tell you one thing: they sure as hell don't like humorous stories. JSM
I'm sorry--didn't mean for you to think I was bashing Evangelion. Quite the contrary, I think it's an incredible series that deserves all the praise it receives. I just don't understand why so many male fans find Rei so fascinating.
I mean...my God, why settle for that when you could have a redhead?
But I had an odd experience with the EVA contingent that still leaves me scratching my head. I wrote a humorous story called "Semper Ubi, Sub Ubi" (Latin for "Always Wear, Under Wear" for them not in the know). Basic premise is that Touji and Kensuke force Shinji into a bet--he has to produce a pair of Asuka's panties by the next day or terrible things will come to pass. Got some good response from it on ff.net, and a few buddies suggested I submit it to evafics.org.Boy, was that ever a mistake.You'd have thought I'd pissed on Gendo's orange goo from their reaction. JSM
--didn't mean for you to think I was bashing Evangelion.
I, however, was.....
Yeah, YOU were the one I was targetting specifically with that statement.
wow... I kinda like the art on that pillow actually ;;;I must be tired.