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Author Topic: Ch.3 - The Week After.  (Read 40105 times)
« Reply #120 on: January 15, 2004, 05:57:08 pm »

Lana burst out of the room, Kane and Miles were speaking but soon left. Allan pulled the cavalry saber from underneath his bed, which he saved from the last fight.

He burst out of his room and downstairs, threw the door open and ran his way towards the castle. Kane was talking to a man, a strange man. Allan didn't delay his run.

Lana was at the Palace gates, ready to go. Allan ran by her side to speak.

"... The princesses were like sisters to me... I'm going with you."

He looked over to Lana's hand.

"Where's your staff?"
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Demon God(ess)
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Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

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« Reply #121 on: January 16, 2004, 02:18:07 am »

"This is pointless." I murmured to myself, and stammered down the stairs. "I'm tired AND I'M STILL DRUNK! Jeeze!" I said out loud in an isolated place, noone could here me yell.

I walked outside where Kane was. He was looking away from the house so I could suprise him a lil', but lucky enough for me, I was sober enough to know that would be a stupid idea.

"Hey Kane! I think Allan and Lana went ahead of us." I said, I drew my attention over to the left, where at somewhat of a distance, I could barely see someone awake at this time, peering out the window.

"Who the hell would be up this late at night?" I asked myself. Luckily I was a man with many gadgets. I pulled out a pair of night vision lenses and peered over to the house. His skin was very bright to the lenses, which blinded me. Poor guy must be very pale, either that or he has a blueish skin.

More imporntantly what was he holding? He seemed awfly still unless.... Nah that isn't it.

"Kane, we should get going."

But sure enough, something happened...

Ok... Your time to shine Wayne

Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #122 on: January 16, 2004, 03:30:00 am »

Alrighty, thanks. Heh, my first fight scene in... two weeks? I hope I still remember how. :D Thanks again, guys; for working with me (and for the future, of course). :]


Xan steadied his aim with the needle gun. Wait, wait... alright, there... and....

But even as he was pulling down on the trigger he heard the door shut near Kane, and adjusted the scope a few inches to the right... and in the crosshairs were the discolored lenses of night-vision goggles.

There was a pause, as both men took a second to register that they were, indeed, seeing someone through a lens that was looking at him the same way.

Bloody-- Xan cursed mentally, instantly shifting the scope back over Kane.

At the same time Miles lowered his lens, and turned back to his friend. "Kane, we should get go--"


"--ing." Kane wordlessly took a step forward-- and felt a sudden gust as something shot through the air, whizzing less than a centimeter behind his head, and his eyes followed the projectile-- a needle, smashed against the side of Yumi's house.

Xan snarled and aimed again, but the other man had already spotted him, and pointed toward his window. Kane looked up, nodded, and broke into a run toward the house Xan was in; his second shot going wide as Kane moved.

"What are you doing?!" called Miles, looking up at the window warily, readying his own weapon.

"What does it look like?!" the redhead snapped in reply. "I'm gonna kill him before he kills me!"

The Shadow Tribesman looked around, rapidly cloaking himself. The second level of the tenement was basically a loft; the stairs led up to the middle of a plain, large wooden room with four beds in the middle, and six windows; one each on the north and south walls, and two equidistant on the left and right... Xan had shot from the one window north, just several yards in front of the stairs... and Jeane was still lying there.

The man grinned and pulled Jeane close to the window, and put his needle gun in her hand, quickly detaching and putting away the sniper extension-- already he heard footsteps from below. He grinned, and stepped back from the stairwell-- he didn't expect the ruse to fool Kane, who got a decent look at him; but the delay was all he needed.

Kane nearly flew up the stairs, muscles tensed, mentally prepared for a fight... a stopped short, as he saw a young girl with what was clearly a needle gun in her hand... but she was still, and snoring quietly....

"Oh no, you're not fooling me." he said quietly, walking up behind her. In one rapid motion he flipped her over, grabbing the gun away at the same time-- but to his shock she was, in fact; sleeping soundly.

"What the hell--" he began.

He heard a floorboard creak behind him, just in time. Kane cursed and sidestepped, ducking quickly as a man about his size suddenly appeared now in front of him, sword in hand; slashing at his neck. The gleaming steel passed inches above his head; but the assailant recovered from his own surprise just as quickly, giving Kane a swift kick to his left shoulder, forcing him back-- but it wasn't a bad hit, though it did knock the needle gun free; it landed several feet away from Jeane; and as he brought the sword down for another slash Kane dropped low and kicked at Xan, connecting at his waist and knocking him back.

The 'blonde' attacker frowned, unwilling to give up his advantage that quickly, and lunged again, extending the blade as though to skewer Kane; but the youth twisted aside with remarkable speed. Kane grinned, and began summoning fire into his hand... and so enhanced he struck forward, countering with a rapid punch; but Xan seemed to fall back to the ground, catching himself on his free right hand, and scissored Kane's legs as he charged; and the surprised redhead barely managed to call off his flame before he struck the wooden floor.

He had taken far worse in his experiences, though; and while any normal man would've been stunned from a fall like that Kane jumped back to his feet, Xan likewise skipping back a few steps, holding his blade at the ready.

Both men narrowed their eyes, waiting for the other to make the next move-- verbal, physical, or otherwise.


Yes, flammable, and no one else to get hurt besides an Alliele-clone. ;D I figure a lot of fights don't really take terrain into account-- so why not start off in a furnished (beds and dressers, mostly) room and play around with that for a post or two before we get back to the [literal] street fight? *grins*

Edit: Thank all that is holy I Copied before hitting post. I got some strange error (cache?) and would've lost this entry otherwise. I sincerely hope everyone else is doing that for posts you'd rather not lose after typing once, heh.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2004, 03:31:34 am by wayne » Logged

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #123 on: January 16, 2004, 05:44:52 pm »

Lana blinked for a minute. "Hmm...I think I left it in the palace...give me a minute." Lan closed her eyes, calling for her staff, it took quite a bit of energy, but she needed the staff. she held out a hand, palm upturned, the staff slowly materialised in her hand. "There we go. You ready to fight? Could be dangerous you know." she smiled. I know you aren't going to turn back now, so be careful...

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #124 on: January 16, 2004, 11:28:19 pm »

Kane eyed the man in front of him. Looking for any sign of further action, but the man remained still, so it seemed. He surely was a skilled fighter and he was masking his movement perfectly, so that Kane couldn't foresee his next move. He is a skilled fighter, I can tell! Well, finally some real challenge. Let's see how good he really is....., Kane thought with a slight smirk.

He dashed forward and attacked his opponent with a sequence of different placed punches and kicks, but the "blonde" dodged every blow with an amused grin. Then he came to action again, attacking Kane with his sword with a cascade of horizintal and vertical strikes, combined with a few well placed kicks. This time Kane doged the sword and the opponents leg, getting impelled until he almost reached the wall in his back. The "blonde" twisted around and tried to place a spinkick, but this time Kane didn't dodge, but grabed the leg and twisted it around. His opponent gave a suppressed sound of pain, got whirled horizontally in midair and hit the ground hard, not without placing another hit at Kanes neck with the other leg. Kane quickly was above him and punched a fiery fist down, aimed on the enemys chest, but the man evaded the blow rolling sidewards and jumped on his feet again.

Kane, now kneeling, spinned around and placed an upwards pointing kick right on the others jaw. The man reeled backwards. Meanwhile Kane got up again and positioned himself a few feet away from him. They where back to sqare one......

Both starred at each other for a moment, then a slight grin appeared on their faces. Each one of them scored a hit, so that they where equal. Kane cracked with his neck while the "blonde" massaged his jaw, still focusing each other with a grin.

"Not bad, my firend........not bad!", Kane commented. "But can you evade this one?"
With that Kane started to unleash a extremely hot aura, setting every inflammable object on fire around them. Fortunately the sleeping girl was at the other side of the room......
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #125 on: January 17, 2004, 07:54:54 pm »

Xan backpedaled as his enemy summoned a whirling sheet of flame around him, radiating outward; nearly instantly igniting the floor and ceiling below and above him, and the fire began to spread.

The Shadow Tribesman narrowed his eyes, unable to approach through the heat; and his needle gun was still across the room, where it'd landed. In one motion he bent down to his boot, withdrew a throwing knife, and hurled it Kane... using his powers to obscure the weapon until it left his hand.

Kane's eyes widened as a dagger suddenly appeared in the air, hurtling at him; and jerked his head to the right-- wincing as the sharpened metal, heated by his own flames, left a shallow cut on his cheek just below his eye; and the dagger stuck into the as-yet unburning wall behind him.

Xan charged forward, leaping over the spreading blaze on the floor, and kicking at Kane's chest as he left the ground; but the redhead raised both arms to block, stopping Xan's boot; and with a grunt Kane pushed back, forcing his enemy away.

Xan landed gracefully and lunged at Kane with his sword, but the young man had seen it before and evaded to the side, charging forward to counter. He projected a blast of fire at Xan, who nimbly jumped sideways, pivoting as he landed, circling even closer to Kane, who, grinning, pulled his arm to the right, and the torrent of fire followed.

The Tribesman was unprepared for the continuous attack and hissed in pain as he fell back, the heat alone causing him pain; but he fell to the ground as the fire spread shot over him. Xan rolled the opposite direction as the fiery attack faded, grabbing his second dagger from his boot, and again hiding it.

Kane advanced, kicking low as Xan rose; but the Shadow Tribesman blocked it with his arm. But Kane knew he had the advantage and gathered another ball of fire into his hand, cocking back his hand to fire... then Xan dexterously flipped to his feet, slashing at an upward angle, and Kane wrenched himself back to dodge, which he did easily; the sword blade passing cleanly beyond his neck-- but that was a feint. Xan twisted with the momentum of the slash, bringing up his other hand-- and though it looked empty, Kane suddenly felt the stab of pain of heated metal on skin; and he then saw the dagger in Xan's hand cut his upper arm, near his left shoulder.

It wasn't a deep wound, nor a permanent one-- but it was painful. And the fire still in Kane's hand burned brighter as the pangs he felt gave him another surge of strength. He kicked at Xan, who checked it with his own leg-- but for a second the Tribesman could not evade as he stopped the attack, and Kane had his opening.

He swung down with a fiery right cross-punch, catching Xan cleanly in the chest; the force of the blow coupled with his elemental strength behind it catapulted his enemy backward. Xan flew through the railing around the stairwell, the shattered wood barely slowing his fall, and landed roughly on his back on the opposite end of the room from Kane.

The fires in the room were spreading faster now, and Kane knew to try to hurry the duel-- his own fire might not burn him, but the smoke and debris from the collapsing room certainly would. He darted forward, quickly clearing the distance; and when Xan didn't immediately counter as he neared he threw a weaker, faster shot of flame at him-- which the fallen assassin didn't seem to dodge.

Kane began to relax as the body caught fire, and turned back toward the north window; the girl was still asleep by it, but the fire was nearing her. Kane took a step toward her.

Then abruptly fell, face-first, on the heated wooden floor. He sprang back up to his feet, only to see Xan already up, though his sword was tucked into his belt on the right side instead of in his hand.

Kane opened his mouth in surprise, but before he could speak a now-angry Xan punched forward, catching him in the face, pushing Kane back. The redhead whipped his right arm around in a powerful backhand, but Xan leaned back and out of the way. He kicked at Kane's torso-- his enemy raised his cut but not badly hurt left arm to block-- and when his right leg was stopped against Kane's arm he tensed. He quickly lowered his right leg and then, as Kane began to counter, flipped upward, swinging his left up. It connected against Kane's jaw and lifted him off the ground; and as both landed Xan twirled around with a potent spinkick which flung Kane back against the wall-- and into the sheet of fire which had since wreathed that window.

Xan gave a mocking salute toward his seemingly-immolated opponent and ran back toward the north window, turning to the right to pick up his needle gun. He swooped down and grabbed and holstered it, and reached for his sword, intent on slicing out the window so as to avoid the shards of glass from breaking through it.

But as he drew back his sword-arm there was a defeaning roar of fire and Kane, fazed more from the impact than the flames, gestured forcefully toward Xan's back. The swath of fire knocked Xan down-- but Kane was prepared this time. He was carefully watching his enemy, eyes so used to the blinding heat and light of the fire he summoned; and he did not see Xan's sword fall from his hand as it should have.

Another illusion, Kane mused. "You're not fooling me this time." he said firmly, hand raised; ready for another attack. He was getting wearied from the exertion of using so much energy, not to mention the hits he'd taken-- but his enemy was in similar condition.

There was a shimmer of light in front of him, distinct from the refraction caused by the growing conflagration, and Xan appeared before him, in his stance.

"Heh," Kane said simply. Xan hadn't escaped the sudden blast after all. The right side of his face was reddened, and he could see singe marks on his jacket and clothing; and his trained eyes could see that Xan was favoring his wounded arm; it rested limp at his side instead of in a ready position, as before.

Both men attacked at the same time. Xan, having reach, struck first, slashing twice, at Kane's head and then low to his knees, but the redhead cleanly evaded both, countering with a high crescent kick, but the illusionist ducked under it. Xan fell to one hand and sweeped forward, which Kane lightly jumped over, making sure he didn't hit the low ceiling; and as Kane landed he punched downward with fire, and Xan barely rolled out of the way.

Xan stepped back toward the window, and Kane followed, punching once toward Xan's head-- blocked-- then a followup to his gut, which his enemy couldn't stop with his wounded arm, and the blonde doubled over. Kane smirked and lifted his arm into an uppercut to finish the attack, but Xan had impaled his sword into the wall by the window for leverage, and yanked himself back; Kane barely missed. The redhead prepared a final fiery attack....

But Xan, gripping the blade tightly with his hand, used it to remain steady as he jumped off the ground. Kane's eyes widened as Xan swung his leg around in a powerful kick, connecting to the side of Kane's head. The force he'd generated with the spin, using the embedded sword as an anchor, was such that Kane was shot through the window, shattering it; and he landed roughly on the ground below, groaning as he pulled himself back up to his feet.

Xan pulled his sword from the wall even as the fire had finally finished consuming the room. He bent down and scooped up Jeane, sheathing his sword on his back at the same time, and lept from the same window even as the sheet of fire reached it; tongues of flame licked at the Shadow Tribesman as he fell to the ground, sticking his landing below; and he gently put Jeane down.

"Why'd you... rescue her?" Kane asked, panting; incredulous.

Xan took a breath. "...I'm... ruthless. Not heartless." He half-smiled and reached for his sword.

Both men, battered and wearied, but with enough strength and resolve to continue; stared at each other, both knowing that the fight had moved to its final chapter.

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
« Reply #126 on: January 18, 2004, 04:38:43 am »

Nolan watched Lana and Allan leave, hearing them exit the house downstairs as they headed to the palacde to warn the royal family. Meanwhile Kane was downstairs too, and Miles had followed him.

Nolan sighed deeply. "Alright.. Time to go again." muttered Nolan as he proceeded downstairs.
He exited the house behind Miles and Kane, who were more or less loitering outside in the street.

As he joined them Miles looked up at the window of a nearby building. He looked puzzled.
"Who the hell would be up this late at night" he asked himself out loud. Nolan glanced up and sure enough, a silhouette was visible in the darkened room above.
"In all likelyhood we may have very well woken him or her up, what with all of Lana's outbursts" replied Nolan.

"We should get going" muttered Miles. As he said this, a projectile struk the side of Yumi's house, barely missing Nolan's head by inches. He felt his hair rustle from its close proximity.
"Gah!" he exclaimed, pacing a hand on his head. He looked around frantically for what had just passed him, but then Miles pointed up to the window the two had just been observing.

"Sniper!" Yelled Nolan.
Quickly Kane began to run towards the house the sniper was in.
"What are you doing?!" yelled Miles to Kane as he eyed the window.
"What does it look like?! I'm gonna kill him before he kills me!" he replied.

As Kane ran inside the Inn, Nolan joined up with Miles.
"Miles, I think we need to help.." said Nolan matter-of-factly as he eyed the upstairs of the Inn. "Got a weapon I could use, I seem to be... heh.. Unarmed." Nolan laughed nervously.

(end of post)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2004, 11:54:25 am by theravenisdead » Logged
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« Reply #127 on: January 18, 2004, 04:54:42 pm »

"Hmm.. Perhaps.." I said to Nolan, but looking at my arms, moving them around. The implants made my arms feel lighter, and as well as more powerful. I grabbed my sidearm and tossed it over to Nolan, which he caught it with ease.

"It's an energy pistol. Don't worry about reloading it. The grip contains a Quantum anti-matter charge. It basically has a crapload of ammo.

"You've still got a weapon in store, right?" Nolan asked me.

I looked at my arms again. "I don't know if you would call these weapons."


I got permission from Shayla's Raven for the little bit of godmod, and for those who don't know why i'm looking at my arms, It's because there are implants in them.. I said it before in a different post

« Reply #128 on: January 19, 2004, 12:59:37 am »

"I see......", Kane gasped. ".........who are you........anyway.....? You're no ordinary man, you're working with illusions, right?..........I have the feeling......that we have met before......you are from.....the Shadowtribe......aren't ya?", it was more a ascertainment than a question. He looked at his opponent, who was grabbing his sword firmly. It slightly quivered in his hands, so it seemed that he was weakening.

Kane felt how he was growing weaker as well. Meanwhile he had lost quite a mentionable amount of blood, running down his arm and dripping from his fingers. But he would keep it up for some time, the wound wasn't too deep.

The man in front of him just stood there starring at him and catching his breath. It seemed like he was thinking about an answer, but then he moved into a get-ready-position. Kane sighed and rolled his eyes. Well ok. No answers yet. Seems that I have to beat the crap out of him first....

The man dashed forward and slashed at Kane again with various angled strikes, which the redhead dodged quickly ducking, jumping and evading to the one or other side. Kane barely saw any chance to strike back so he just let his enemy impel him a little to let him think himself safe for now. While dodging he had a quick look over his shoulder and saw that they were getting closer to the house again. Kane waited for the perfect moment....

The "blonde" stroke out with his sword over and over again. He managed to hit Kane twice and injured him lightly at his chest and left thigh. There was still no counter attack. Then suddenly, when they almost had reached the wall of the house Kane made a backward flick-flack to the wall, pushed off and jumped over the sword swinging man. In midair he took aim and fired a fast fireball into the man's back. The "blonde" reacted fast, leaped up the wall and jumped off to avoid getting injured through the impact of the fireball. That was the moment Kane was waiting for.....he landed, whirled around and hit the man right in midair with a spinkick, smashing him to the ground.

Lying on the ground, the man gasped hard and suddenly changed his appearence. His skin changed into a blue colour and his hair turned dark, he was no longer the "blonde". Kane watched him getting to his feet again. Both of them were out of breath again and Kane could feel the wounds burning as his sweat ran into them. The tribesman grabbed the left side of his body where the kidney was and where Kane's leg had hit him. He was trying to ignore the pain, but it was too hard. After some time that the men just stood there gasping and dealing with their pain, finally Kane gave a slight grin. "Well, I knew it! You are from the shadowtribe......who are you? Is it possible that we have met before? And why are you trying to kill me?"

For someone who had passed them by randomly it would surely be a funny sight. Two men standing there, both slightly bent forward, battered and gasping. One holding his waist and leaning against his sword, the other grabbing his bleeding arm and talking to the blue skinned one.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2004, 04:32:40 pm by executor82 » Logged
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« Reply #129 on: January 19, 2004, 05:16:08 pm »

Xan slowly straightened up, painfully sheathing his sword as he rose, feeling pinpricks all along his arm from where it'd earlier lost feeling. It had been years since he had felt that much pain; and never had it been at the hands of one of the "inferiors"-- normal El-Hazard folk.

Of course, thought Xan; meeting his enemy's steady gaze, though he could see spots of light, ...the grandchild of a Great Priestess is far from 'normal.'

Kane gave a slight grin. "Well, I knew it!" he exclaimed, panting. "You are from the Shadow Tribe...." He took another breath, steadying himself against the nearby wall. "...who are you? Is it possible that we have met before? And why are you trying to kill me?"

Xan chuckled softly, shaking his head; although the gesture caused him to sway uneasily; it was hard for him to even keep his balance after the crushing strikes he'd received from Kane. Then the Tribesman coughed, and replied, "...you... you really don't understand, do you?"

The redhead shrugged. "I guess not. But since you tried to kill me, I'm pretty sure you have a reason for it!"

Xan started to laugh, but he broke into coughing again, and shook his head. "N-no, no real reason. It's nothing that you have done, in any event."

"Then... why?" He paused. "...before... that was you in disguise. You asked about Grandma Shayla. Why?"

The blue-haired man coughed again. "I'm afraid I can't--"

"Why." It was no longer a question.

Xan narrowed his eyes. "You wouldn't understand. Nor would I expect you to." He sighed as he saw Kane clench his left hand into a fist. "'Blood follows blood, and the price is paid in measure.' ...that's why."

Kane growled. "What are you tryin' so say? I don't--"

"You don't understand." Xan hissed. "It is as I said. You can't--"

"No," the young man said fiercely, and the air around him began to heat. "I get it. You want to kill me... OK. I have a problem with that, but OK. But what did Grandma ever do to you? You can't be much older than me."

"Less than a year, as I recall." Xan said evenly. "...Shayla never did anything to me, at least not directly. But she took part in an event a long time ago that, upon its completion, led to tragedy amongst my people. I'm no longer part of the 'real' Shadow Tribe-- I wasn't trained to kill to serve the whims of a delusional relic from the past."

"Who's that?" Kane breathed, still worn.

"Your 'grandma' tried to kill him. Ask her." Xan retorted. Then his voice resumed its usual edge, and he continued in his softly accented Roshtarian, "...so I have my own mission. Shayla is incidental, but I came upon her grandchild on my way to my main objective, and so I decided to make the most of it. ...of course, things did not go as planned."

Kane eyed the crushed needle still on the ground near Yumi's house, and half-smiled. "Lucky for me."

Then they both heard footsteps approaching, and Xan frowned; two of Kane's friends, one he didn't know and the other the one from before who'd spotted him, were approaching.

The Shadow Tribesman turned back to his rival. "You'll understand if I don't want to remain here to be beset by three of you. So... I know you have questions. And for besting me this time honor demands I answer you before I return to kill you." He sighed. "For now... I will listen."


However you want to arrange that (you can probably fill in the blanks via our PMs if you want to write it yourself) is fine; or we can just go back-and-forth. Keep in mind that Xan will not reveal that he's there to kill Nanami (and Makato and Ifurita; he still thinks they're at the palace).
« Last Edit: January 19, 2004, 05:21:23 pm by wayne » Logged

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
« Reply #130 on: January 19, 2004, 05:54:07 pm »

"Well, ok. I'll get my answers soon enough! And you have to leave anyway, I won't stop you........for now. I'm sure we'll meet again and THEN you won't get away THAT easy! Before you'll leave, just answer me one question: What's your name? I'd like to know the name of such a skilled fighter who intents to kill me. Maybe I won't have the oppotunity to ask for that again.", Kane said with a smirk.

"The name is Xan.", Xan replied simply.

"Honored to meet you, Xan.", Kanes smirk turned into a smile. "Well, then I wish you better luck next time!"
Demon God(ess)
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Reverend Strawman

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« Reply #131 on: January 19, 2004, 06:10:00 pm »

Xanas Antares shook his head slightly. "No, Kane, I don't think 'luck' has any place. You're quite good... far better than I would have expected. But I will be prepared for you next time."

Xan gradually turned, and took a few steps away before Kane offered his last, confident reply. "...well, then I'm looking forward to it."

The Shadow Tribesman glanced back over his shoulder. "Indubitably. Well, for what comfort it offers you needn't watch the shadows. When I return to deal with you... it will be as a hunter, not an assassin. You have earned that honor."

He cloaked himself and vanished just as Miles and Nolan came up from the other direction. Both looked around, seeing only Kane; and Miles blinked. "...what happened?"


We now return you to your regularly-scheduled RP. :D

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
« Reply #132 on: January 19, 2004, 08:15:40 pm »

Kane stood there and watched the spot where Xan had disappeared, still holding his wounded arm. "Well met, Xan the Shadowtribe assassin....you've been a worthy opponent....and I'll be prepared for our next meeting as well.....", he said with a smile. He wasn't sure if Xan had heard what he said, but for now he somehow felt satisfied. Finally he met someone who really challenged his skills, except of Calya. And the most exciting part about it was, that this opponent wanted more than just being better than him......

Then Kane turned to Miles and Nolan, who looked at him in surprise. "Shall we get going? We're running late....", although still exhausted he felt new confidence and resolve. A quick bandage from Yumi and he'd be ready for more.....
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #133 on: January 20, 2004, 02:34:13 pm »

Lan ran silently through the corriders, Allan not far behind.

"Do you remember where the bedchambers are?"

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #134 on: January 21, 2004, 12:47:22 pm »

Lana went inside, she wanted to act quickly, very quickly. Allan followed but never tried to stay in front. When they reached the hall splitting with stairs...

"Do you remember where the bedchambers are?" she asked

"Guest chambers taking the left stairs, all of the doors are those. Princess chambers on the right to the room with that balcony thing."

Still acting quickly, she ran towards the stairs. Allan kept up a bit fast this time, running beside her.
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