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Author Topic: Ch.3 - The Week After.  (Read 39695 times)
« Reply #75 on: December 20, 2003, 06:18:17 am »

He stopped for a second to hear her...

"*sigh* Suit yourself, we're the only allies you really have right now."

Allan walked out of the Palace and made his way towards Yumi's. He didn't stare back at it, just kept walking. Houses past houses.
« Reply #76 on: December 20, 2003, 09:09:38 am »

Nolan chuckled a little at Hitomi's remarks. It was becoming clear that she wasn't the kind of person that would be able to appreciate his 'artifacts' from home.
Luckily Afura was just as interested now as before he left. And now Mia was immersing herself as well.

"This-" remarked Nolan "-Is my handheld computer. A small little device that I use to plan my day, write down notes, play some games, listen to music, etc."
"It can do all of that? On its own?" asked Mia, clearly curious.
Nolan nodded. "And then some. Its like a close friend." he said with a smirk. Shayla raised an eyebrow at that last remark.

At that moment, Miles walked over to see what the fuss was about. He scoffed at the small device.
"Tsk tsk, Nolan, THAT bad of a PDA? Got that at the dollar store?" he said with a smirk.
Nolan looked alienated after Miles' remark, as did the rest of the table (save Shayla). Miles took a deep breath and sighed.
"Sorry. Sorta forgot our timezones." he muttered.

"Eheh..." replied Nolan. Afura then jumped in.
"Can I see it? Your device?" she asked hopefully.
"Sure. Just whatever you do, don't drop it." said Nolan. She nodded.
With a slight reluctance Nolan handed the Pocket PC to Afura. She began to look it over curiously. It was clearly very small. And it looked and felt so modern. It had a sleekness to it that gave it its own aesthetic style.
Unfortunately, she hadn't the slightest clue how to operate it.
"Afura, what are you waiting for?" said Mia anxiously.
Afura felt her cheeks flush as she tried to find a way to 'activate' the device. Mia grew more frustrated
"Argh! You're so slow! Give it to me!" she spewed as she tried to grab the computer from Afura's grip.
Not one to be insulted public Afura shot Mia a deathly glare, which cut her down to size. Mia blushed slightly and quieted down, resigned to just watch the moment.

Slightly embaressed Afura decided to look to Nolan for help.
"Okay, first press the grey button in the bottom right corner." With a nod Afura pressed the oddly shaped button. And to her surprise the smooth glass-like indent began to glow, as if it had come to life. She then began to see text on it, as well as other strange patterns.

"Its wonderful!" stammered Mia, visibly impressed. Afura simply nodded with a smile.
Nolan chuckled. "Yeah, but you guys have only just turned it on. Watch this!" With that, Afura and Mia watched bemusedly as Nolan pulled a small pointer out of the side of the handheld, and then began to tap the glowing screen with it. As he did this, the two priestesses could see things changing, as if he was commanding the device through a series of simple taps.

Then as Nolan ceased tapping the device, Afura and Mia were astonished at what they saw on the screen.
On the screen, they saw what was unmistakenly their own faces: They were looking at themselves! It was as if they were looking into a mirror.

"Gods." said Mia, still staring at her 'reflection'.
Afura went to touch the screen with her finger, but as it grew closer the it, she noticed that when her finger was hovering over the circular 'hole' at the bottom of the handheld, the reflection seemed to dissapear underneath it.

"Neat huh?" said Nolan. "I paid extra to get it with a digital camera. Comes in really handy at times." He smiled.
"Digital.. Camera?" asked Mia curiously. "What does that-"
"It's like an artifical eye" interruped Nolan. "It looks at whatever is in front of it, and displays what it sees on the screen of the Pocket PC. It can even take pictures, and record moving pictures."
"Ahh.." replied Mia, lost in thought. Afura smiled broadly.
"Its a wonderful device." she said as she handed it back to Nolan.

With a smirk, Nolan held the pocket pc facing Shayla. "Hey Shayla!" he said with a smirk.
Looking up, Shayla had a surprised look on her face. "Whaa? What is it?"
With a tap on the screen, Nolan took a picture of Shayla with that funny expression on her face. "Oh nothing! Just taking a picture. hehe.." he replied as he showed Shayla what the picture looked like.
Her eyes went wide and her cheeks flushed as she realized how dumb she looked. Mia and Afura couldnt help but laugh at Shayla's goofy appearance in the picture. This only made her fume more.

Soon Nanami and Quawool had wandered over, curious as to what was so funny. It wasnt long before they too were chuckling at Shayla's expense.

(end of post)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2003, 09:25:04 am by theravenisdead » Logged
« Reply #77 on: December 20, 2003, 10:13:49 am »

"I want a picture, too! I wanna have one, too!", Calya yelled excited and joined the others.

Kane quietly finished his meal. He was sunken in thoughts while the others were playing around with Nolan's small device. His mind was at the incident inside the car again. It was concerning him that it happened and he wanted to do anything about it.The worst thing to him was, that Calya and Miles knew about it now. He decided to work on it immediately. He'd take care about another training unit. But he could use some help, in case that he went berserk or something. But he couldn't ask anyone of them to help him, they all wouldn't be able to stop him and would get injured accidentally. He would have to ask someone he never ever would hurt, no matter what happened. Then someone came to his mind...

Kane got up and left the diner without a word or looking at the others, they were too busy to realize that he had left anyway. The only one who could have noticed it was Miles.

He turned left outside and made his way towards the marketplace in the center of the city. Yumi's new clinic was there. He'd ask her for help. And now that his secret was out already, it really didn't matter, if she knew, anyway...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2003, 10:17:43 am by executor82 » Logged
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« Reply #78 on: December 20, 2003, 02:49:40 pm »

I stood silent, Nolan's little gizmo was really stirring up the crowd. There was a digital camera at the base of it as well. Apparently it wasn't as low-tech as I thought. In something that thin, I'm sure it was pricy for Nolan.

Starting to be disgusted by his technology impressing others, I was thinking about my time's technological advancements, just for some reason I couldn't think of anything. I looked around the table more than I did to see everyone's reaction, but... Kane was missing. He must have left. Now that I have thought about it, Kane must have been annoyed by what Nolan is doing, and so was I.

"Ok I'm gone." I said fast and stammered out the room, leg cramps are no fun. I just noticed I had a leg cramp too, I must have been caught up in my thoughts. What now.. There isn't much to do now, and I'd rather not go back to the installation. I don't wanna be left alone here either...

I went back inside the restaurant, once I got in I got their attention, which was strange. It didn't matter though. Nolan and Calya were in the process of picture-taking, so they didn't notice me though.

"We aren't gonna be amused by Nolan's gizmo all day, are we?" I said across the room.

Everyone but Nolan had seemed to lose interest in the PDA, likely because they need to get their life back on track.

"About damn time." I muttered to myself.

« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2003, 03:24:51 pm »

Things having calmned down, Nolan and Calya sat down at a table and continued eating their meals together. Nolan had taken about ten photos including several of Calya, at her request of course. She beamed as she saw the results of the photos on the small screen of Nolan's handheld.

In all honesty, Nolan wouldn't even think of deleteing any of the pictures he had taken. They had become mementos, as well as evidence just incase he did ever manage to get back to his own world.

As he tapped his way through the menus on his handheld he browsed through his pictures. First of Afura and Mia, then Shayla, then a group shot of them as well as Hitomi, Nanami and Quawool. Satomi had opted out stating that she was too shy, although in actuality she found herself slightly unnerved about having a 'picture' being taken of her by a strange alien machine.

Nolan then came across the shots of Calya. They included a shot of Calya with her arms around his shoulders from behind. He felt flattered, what with Calya's enthusiasm and outgoingness about the photos. And he had to admit, she was a very attractive lady.

Calya noticed that he was lost in thought. "Nolan? Hellooooo?" she asked as she pokes him rather hard. "You alright?"
"Ooof!" stammered Nolan with an embaressed laugh "Ahahahah Of course I'm okay! Heheh!.." he replied as he turned off the Pocket PC and set it down next to his plate.

Calya eyed him curiously for a few moments, then smiled. "So boy, Do ya want some wine or not?" she asked holding a bottle in her hand.
"Sure. It'll help get all this food down." replied Nolan happily.
Smiling back, Calya poured them each some fine wine. As the lifted their wine goblets, they made a toast and then downed the drink in unison. To both their surprised they finished their wine at exactly the same time, like they were syncronized drinkers. Realizing this, they burst out laughing...

(end of post)
« Last Edit: December 20, 2003, 03:37:19 pm by theravenisdead » Logged
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« Reply #80 on: December 20, 2003, 03:53:54 pm »

Even though I said that, mostly everyone got over the PDA, except Nolan and Calya. They were done taking the pictures but they were still hooked on it.

Soon after they drank some wine, and they seemed to be having a good time at it. I was angry for some reason. He is just a lesser person, and she likes him???

Wait what am I thinking... This isn't very... She seemed so interested in Project WANZER though. I have a strong urge to shoot him in the head right now, I'll accomplish one thing, but it wouldn't be good...

"Little shit..." I muttered loudly as I walked out the door.

Now what.. If I alienate anyone here I wouldn't be able to show my face here again.. Unless I conquered the place.

"Nolan I swear I'm gonna kill you at some point." I muttered to myself. I couldn't figure out why I was so mad at him...

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« Reply #81 on: December 21, 2003, 06:06:57 pm »

"Little shit..."

Hitomi's hands were on either side of her face as she was watching Cayla and Nolan having thier fun shaking her head as she heard the comment muttering out, in a scarcastic tone "Well arn't you a friendly guy then" she said directing the comment to Miles as he left.  

Slowing leaving the table she gave Nolan and Cayla a nod "Have fun you two, I'll be back in a moment" she said placing the chair under the table again.  Walking to the exit Hitomi stood outside leaning on the wall of the resturant.

Letting out a sigh she gazed around the once familair streets of Florestica that now, in some way seemed strangly unfamliar, Hitomi just shurged it off due to her not being 'home' in so long.  Letting her eyes travel to shops that lead to memories of the past fill her thoughts, like the store her mother always  took her to as a child for her clothes, even the store she used when she didn't want to wear those type of clothes anymore.  Smiling lightly at those good memories she shut her eyes, again the bad feeling her parents done somthing to her without her premission entering her mind.  Her head did buzz with questions she didn't know, like why was she just dumped there, and what  reason could they of had doing such to thier only daughter.

Hearing the talking and laughter from inside Hitomi pushed off the wall with a light sigh slowly walking back into the building again she took her seat once more looking around

"All been having fun?"

"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."

« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2003, 12:29:52 pm »

Allan walked along the Marketplace to see Nolan and the others... They obviously already finished eating. Sure they were having fun but he didn't really feel like joining in now. He kept on walking.

He reached Yumi's and opened the door. 'removed his bandana and let the hair that was held drop down. He sat by the table that Yumi was sitting in aswell.

"So, what happened?" she asked

"We met Shayla, Cayla, Kane, Miles and a load of others and stuff, they went to have Lunch but I left them."


"Relax, he's on our side now... And he has a some giant machine with him too."

"... I don't know."

"Trust me, he's completely switched."

"Alright, I'll believe you."

"How was your day?"

"Same as always, I've been sat at this table for such a long time."

"Why don't you go outside or something? Have some fun?"

"... Not sure, what would I do out there?"

"Take a look, look at the sky, see what's going on at the Market..."

"I haven't done that in so long... Working at a clinic made me have a lot of limits. I didn't have time for anything."

"Why don't we both go out, then?"

"You're a bit young for me."

Allan laughed and kept speaking "no no, not like that. Just for you to take a walk or something."

"I don't know, I feel a bit tired..."

"I think 'bored' is the word you're looking for."

"Maybe I'll go outside later."

"Suit yourself, want to play a card game or something?"

"Sure, as long as I have something to do... I wonder how long Nolan will be."

"I doubt he'll be long."

The two kept on talking.
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« Reply #83 on: December 23, 2003, 02:51:44 pm »

It was late at night, the moon was full, and there was a chill breeze in the air.

Lana wandered through the almost empty streets. She couldn't sleep. Something was stopping her. She continued walking. then...sudenly...she stopped.

She stared at the house she had stopped at. She knocked on the door.

Lana shivered, the breeze was obviously turning into a storm.

"Come on. Someone...please be awake..." She shivered again. "Yumi...allan...anyone at all."

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #84 on: December 23, 2003, 04:37:44 pm »

(I wasn't going to post but I realized I'm the only one who can control what happens at Yumi's right now, heck knows where Nolan wants to be right now. :P)

Allan stayed at the table all night, just moving the cards of the previous game about pointlessly. He didn't feel like going to bed just yet even though it was really late.

He folded his arms and dropped his head on the table... Just then, a knock came from the door.

"(Who could be knccking at this hour...?)" he thought

He got up, walked slowly to the door and opened it. It was Lana.

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« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2003, 06:29:13 pm »

"Jeeze.. How long are thtey gonna take?" I was talking to myself out of boredom. They've been in there for about 5 hours. How long could it take to have lunch?... Then again it must be some sort of happy reunion.

The sun is already setting. Shouldn't we find a place to stay for the night?

My back was killing me from resting on the brick pillar near the entrance to the restaurant. I was feeling sleepy and I've been literally standing for 5 hours. Then Calya came out. She looked like she needed a break from the crowd.

"Hey Calya," I said, she never noticed me outside untill now. "Something wrong?"

"Oh no, just need a break. It gets kinda routy in there at times. What are you doing out here?"

"Just admiring the scenery." I said as I turned my head back forward. She giggled at that remark.

"Come on, that's not the real reason is it?"

"Well uhh... I came out here because I uh.. Wanted to relax." She giggled at that remark as well.

"Jeeze Miles, you're a horrible liar. Come on, tell me! What's the real reason?"

I sighed. She'd likely pester me for a long while untill I told her. "I just don't think I fit in." She stood silent for a while.

"I don't really understand..."

"You do remember the conflict here right? My uniform strikes fear into the population here. I killed many soldiers. I ruined pieces of Roshtaria. This place is practically left defenseless. I should be back at Earth, fighting for my girlfriend.. You know, she's sorta like y... Forget it she's dead. She was killed in the war. I fought now not just for the human survival, but for her. Now that I'm here, I just don't have anything to live for here.

There's a strong difference between just living, and living for something. Earth is probably long dead by now. The solar system has been glassed by their lead ship, so full of destructive capabilities. Once I arrived here, my goal was to get back to Earth but little clues told me that if I did, It wouldn't be itself. So what is my purpose here?"

After that long speech, I was ready to hit the hay, but I still didn't..

"Try to make a living here I guess.. It sounds like you're stuck here. You'll make a living somehow. Every other Earther did."

"Yea but I already alienated the side that seemes to have the most freedom."

"There's always some way, there will always be someone looking for some just like you. You will be successful in this life no matter how it works. I can tell."

I stared at her with curiosity, she had a cheerful smile that made me feel less depressed.


« Reply #86 on: December 24, 2003, 07:12:00 am »

The sun had already set and the moon was rising into the sky. A cold breeze came up and wiped the streets clean from people. Kane had been wandering around for a long time sunken in thoughts, not really watching where he was going. He had walked from one edge of the city to the other and had been watching the sunset. It was all to calm him down, before he'd attempt to get control of his claustrophobia again. Now Kane finally decided to face Yumi and ask her for help, he felt relaxed and confident. Some time later he reached the marketplace and walked straightly towards Yumi's new clinic. Then he noticed a small person standing at the door and knocking. It was a girl in the cloths of a palace servant.

What would a palace servant want from Yumi?, Kane thought to himself, while he walked to the entrance silently but remained in the shadows. Then the door opened and Allan stood there. Kane was visibly displeased about that.

Oh, great! Why does the place have to get crowded right now!!!, Kane thought.

"Lan...?", Allan asked the girl in surprise.

Kane stood still for a moment, hidden in the shadows near the entrance. Then he decided to leap up on the roof quickly before he got caught. From up there he watched the door again.

Lan? That's now getting interesting. Where has she been all the time? Probably in the palace, I guess., Kane laid down on the roof and listened to what they were talking about. And if they would close the door again, what they probably would, he would jump off at the other side, right next to the window and keep listening. He'd wait until they they decided either to leave or to go to sleep or whatever. He just waited for an opportunity to enter unnoticed.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2003, 07:13:35 am by executor82 » Logged
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« Reply #87 on: December 24, 2003, 02:18:55 pm »

"Allan...I thought you'd be here." She smiled slightly, then sneezed. "You mind if I come in? It's freezing out here." Allan signalled to her, and she took a step forward. Before she entered the house she gave a brief smile.

"By the way, Kane's hiding on your roof." She had heard him jumping onto it. She wasn't stupid.

She walked into the house. "You said you wanted to talk to me?"

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #88 on: December 24, 2003, 02:43:54 pm »

"All been having fun?" said Hitomi. Calya nodded and smiled, as well as Mia and Afura. Nolan out of curtosy helped Hitomi into her chair, trying to be as 'gentlemanly' as possible around all these females.
Calya had excused herself a little while later to go outside for some fresh air. Noone thought twice about it.

After a good long while of talking and eating and just plain ejoying the time spent amongst new friends, Nolan stood up from his table, taking the last bite of his pizza slice with a look of satisfaction.
"Well, that was one hell of a pizza!" He exclaimed. "Miss Nanami, you're truly an excellent chef"
Nanami beamed "Why thank you! it was my pleasure."

Turning to face Afura, Mia, Hitomi and the now slightly drunk Shayla he bowed deeply. "I guess I should head back to Yumi's place. She's let me and Miles stay there as well as Allan." Nolan yawned a little "That, and I'm kinda tired as well." Afura smiled and nodded while Shayla smirked for no apparent reason.

Before Nolan could walk to his car, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Mias. She then addressed he fellow 'sisters'.
"Afura, Shayla, what about him and Miles?" she asked slightly concerned. "Something must be done to aid them and accomodate them, correct?"
Afura had a thoughtful look as she contemplated the question. "Ahh... Well, you are right." she replied. "The royal family is very busy at the moment, what with the massive task of rebuilding the damaged areas of the city and the palace, as well as dealing with the 'threat' of the outsiders and their army."

Placing a finger to her chin, Afura continued. "Perhaps, given the circumstances, they could be brought before the Great Priestess in the morning. She will know what to do and how to handle the situation." she said assuringly.
Mia nodded. Shayla sighed a little.
"You know, Afura.." said Shayla "I doubt she'll be very avccepting of bringing men into the temple."
"Oh, I'm sure she'll understand!" interrupted Mia. "Things have changed a little since your day, sister Shayla. Mother Moram wouldnt turn her back on them, not with their situations."
Shayla huffed indignantly "Alright then, but let it be known that I was the voice of doubt here." she said.

"So... its settled then?" asked Nolan curiously. "Tomorrow me and Miles will accompany you to your temple?"
Mia and Afura nodded. "Yes. We shall come to pick you up tomorrow morning."
Nolan smiled "Alright. Well, untill then take care!" he said as he turned and walked to his car. "You too!" replied Mia.
"Well, seeya!" said Nolan with a wave, to which everyone waved back. Entering the car and shutting the door he started the engine (after one failed attempt) and began to drive the car down the street.

Nolan saw Miles and Calya by the diner's exterior wall. "Hey! Miles! I'm heading back to Yumi's. I'll see ya there!" he yelled from the car window. "Oh! Thanks for spending time with me Calya! I had fun!" he said happily. Calya seemed to beam at hearing this.

Meanwhile, as Nolan began to drive off, Hitomi suddenly realized she had a problem: she had no place to stay!

(end of post)

« Reply #89 on: December 24, 2003, 04:45:24 pm »

"... Yeah, just give me a second." said Allan

He walked out of the house and looked up at the roof, hands on his sides.

"It's pretty cold, Kane. Y'sure you want to be up there?" he shouted

With that, he walked back into the house and up to the table, he held out a chair for Lana if she wanted to sit down.

"Well, the makeup explains itself... Well, since we're on your side and all, I just wanted to make sure you weren't uncomfortable with how you're living right now. Like... Well... I doubt you have any place to sleep right now or even anywhere to live at all."

He walked over to the table, took a chair and sat down.

"Floristica can be a dangerous place, it's always good to have a few people to help you out and in your situation, you're going to need it... You're a tough person and have been through some tough times but when there's help that can be taken, it's always best to take it."

He looked back up and got off the chair. Feeling like he had dozed off.

"Uh, right, sorry. I always lose myself in talks like these. We're running a bit short on beds but you've got three options: The basement, the living room seat or that small room beside Nolan's upstairs."

He paused for a while before going on.

"You don't have to stay with us, it's your choice."
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