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Ch.3 - The Week After.
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Topic: Ch.3 - The Week After. (Read 67943 times)
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #180 on:
June 23, 2004, 09:31:10 pm »
It was quiet in the palace hallways, noted Nolan as he and Calya made their way through the palace. They were both sprinting to where Kane had previously been in hopes that he was still there.
After rounding a patch of broken furnituire and torn cushions, the two stopped.
"We're here.." said Nolan, hanging his head ".. but Kane isnt.
Indeed, the hall was devoid of any life. There was blood scattered around on the stone floors, and several large chunks of rock had fallen from the walls and high ceilings. But Kane was nowhere to be found. Nolan checked each of the rooms along the hallway, as did Calya, but both came up empty-handed.
In defeat, the two slumped against the hallway wall.
"Shit!" yelled Calya, smashing her fist into the wall, cracking it. "If only I.. was here.."
Nolan placed a hand on yer shoulder "C'mon red, Kane's tough enough to handle things. Have a little more faith eh?"
Calya looked up at Nolan "But.. what if he.. I mean.. if the bugrom managed to.."
Nolan frowned. "Gotta be positive. I just know he's alright.. Besides, we have other stuff to think about."
Calya gave a cold look in response, but that quickly faded and a look of resignation took its place.
"What now..?" she asked sadly.
Nolan sighed "Well, Hitomi is gonna need help with her injuries. I dun know how good a healer that Ryanne is, but I doubt she can treat all-" Nolan paused in mid sentence.
Calya bore a look of annoyance, as well as a hint of jealousy.
"...of her wounds..." he finished. "ah.. What is it?"
"You seem pretty... concerned for her well-being.." she replied, her eyes down at the floor.
"Eh? What's that supposed to mean?" He asked matter-of factly.
Turning to face Nolan, Calya opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself before saying anything. She looked back at the floor, her cheeks slightly flushed.
"Nothing.. It's nothing.." she replied quickly.
"Ah... if.. ya say so, red." Nolan replied, slightly confused.
The two just sat there for a mkinute to gather their thoughts. Nolan was the first to speak again.
"I think we should get going.. We need to find the others. Maybe Lan somewhere here. or Miles?"
Slowly Nolan stood up. Calya followed suit.
"Cmon, lets try down this way!" he said, running down the hall.
Calya paused for a second, watching him run away from her. She was feeling very confused at that moment. Her emotions were a whirl in her head, interfering with her actions.
It took Nolan's calling for her to hurry up to wake her from her daze.
"Hurry up, Red!" yelled Nolan from down the hall.
Shaking herself back to reality, Calya nodded inwardly to herself, as if she had made a decision, and ran after Nolan....
(end of post)
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156
Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #181 on:
June 23, 2004, 10:17:23 pm »
I awoke again... In the same palace in the same spot in the same form...
Many parts of my body were aching, but it didn't stop me from getting back up. I took a quick observasion of the room... It was empty, the bugrom I had seen was gone, and so was Jinnai. On closer inspection, there was a blood trail on the floor... A splatter and a flying trail leading to me... Realizing I got hit on the head I ran my hand through my hair, blood all over it.
"That explains the headache." I said to myself "But... I don't remember where I am.. Sheesh..." I started walking down the narrow hall, continuing on from where I was at, it seemed endless.. I go up these stairs, then down these stairs, then down more stairs, but thankfully, my wandering was about to end. I heard something explode, like a rocket down the other end of the corridor I was standing at.
I immediately ran down the corridor, and what I found at the end, was my good buddy Arsyn, armed with weapons that I always thought he didn't need.
"MILES!! Jeeze man you look like you got your ass kicked, You alright?" Arsyn had noticed me coming. I was exhausted. I felt like going to sleep, god how could I have used so much energy?... I took a survey around this room, and I found the bugrom that had knocked me out before, except with a nice big smoldering hole in him.
"Oh.. I'm fine..." I exaggerated. Blood was starting to drizzle down my face, and I was feeling more and more dizzy by the second.
"I see you also have princess Keora, that's good to know." I walked slowly down the hall, slowly approaching them, but I unconsiously went towards the wall.
"Ya know what?.." I sat down and leaned my back and head against the wall. "I need to rest, just... give me a moment.."
With that I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep...
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #182 on:
June 26, 2004, 10:53:04 am »
When Kane woke up, he was lying on the floor in a dark room. Only a bright light from above was shining straight down on Kane and blinded him, so that he couldn't see what was around him. He blinked several times, but it didn't help. Then he tried to rise his hand to screen his eyes, as he realized that he wasn't able to move a muscle. Suddenly a big silhouette appeared to the left of him and a heavy foot stomped hard on his chest, so that his breath was taken away. Pain shot through his entire body, the most into his broken arm. He gritted his teeth not to scream.
Now there appeared a smaller silhouette to the right and it spoke in a calm voice to him. First he wasn't able to understand a single word but slowly he could hear something different to the loud pulsing in his head.
"......Kane, the fighter. Brother of the great priestress of Flame, Calya and grandson of Shayla Shayla. I'm pleased to pick up with you."
Kane struggled to bring out the name of the person above him as he wasn't even able to take a deeper breath with that foot pinning him down. "J-Jin........nai....!"
"Indeed. I'm glad that we finally could meet in person. And excuse the circumstances of my hospitality, but I can't take the risk of getting into trouble with you. I know that you would love to get your hands on me and even could break my neck with one hand, so that I had to take precautions."
By the tone of Jinnais voice, Kane could imagine him grinning in the dark. "What......", Kane gasped.
"Well, I'm not here to torture or interrogate you. In fact I have a generous offer to you. I want you to be my guest at the Bugrom hive. There's also someone else who wants to get known to you. And as a token of my good will, we will also treat your wounds and offer you your own habitation. Well, what do you say?", Jinnai ended his speech by crossing his arms in a bossy gesture.
The Bugrom took the pressure from Kanes chest a little to let him speak.
Kane took a few deep breaths before he answered. "In other words I will not be your prisoner? I can't believe that! Whatta ya up to, Jinnai? You don't expect me to forgive you all your crimes and shake hands for the great hospitality, do you? Forget it Jinnai!!!", Kane glared at Jinnais silhouette.
"I expected that kind of answer form you, my friend. Well, that's enough smalltalk for now. We have no time to waste. Treat his wounds, enchain him and get him to the Hive on the quickest way!" with a wave of his hand, Jinnai disappeared in the dark again, while the Bugrom followed his order and picked up Kane roughly.
"We'll meet again soon, my friend, but first I have some other important affairs to take care of.", Jinnais voice could be heared somewhere in the darkness around.
Last Edit: June 26, 2004, 11:04:01 am by executor82
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000
What it says.
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #183 on:
June 27, 2004, 07:24:59 am »
Lan stared at the too of them for a moment. They looked a little worried.
"What?" She looked down. "Shit. I'm naked again aren't I?" Lan sighed. "Great. I finally escape, yet I manage to escape naked. I have all the luck. Either of you have any clothes I can borrow? No? Damn." She turned her back on them. "Good thing I have no provacy." She smiled. "Guys, I'm going naked, have fun." She turned back to them.
"Okay, enough joking around, Fiore, can I have my staff please? It gets upset when other people start fighting with it. I'm surprised it hasn't tried to burn your hand off yet."
Lan went round behind both of them, they seemed sort of blank, as neither of them had said anything yet. "You guys go first!" She shoved the two of them forward. They both stumbled a little, but kept walking.
Lan smiled again, this time to herself. She needed to find someone with clothes. She knew how picky the princess were with their clothes.
Lan had taken her staff back by now, and she could feel the power from it surging through her again. The light from the staff surrounded her for a moment, recapturing her soul.
She held it in her left hand, and followed Allan and Fiore down the hallways. Apparently untainted by the fact she was naked.
You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83
Reverend Strawman
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #184 on:
July 10, 2004, 05:55:32 am »
Ah, is it my turn again? *chuckles* Alrighty... here's a stab at trying to work in a little of the series' patented humor before we get back to the palace drama and the action. :]
Xan had finished with his modifications after nearly three-quarters of an hour, most of it spent converting the light alloy Roshtarian weapons used to a pistol design. Caeus was more skilled than he gave himself credit for, and with less effort than he'd expected the assassin molded the gun's components together.
The finished product was heavier than his needle gun; lighter than the EMP blaster. It contoured nicely to his hand-- the shaping had taken the most work-- and the handle was carefully wrapped in black cloth in lieu of a more elegant grip, which, to his annoyance, the scientists hadn't deemed necessary enough to provide. For now, it was enough... he'd need gloves to further protect himself from the recoil of the power cell's discharge, but that wasn't a major sacrifice.
After all, anyone besides the scientists and myself who see that pistol... are probably about to die anyway.
With a mild grin and a
he attached a thin aiming line to the top of the barrel, and nodded. Not his best work, but he didn't have time for that. He twirled the heavy pistol in his hand and fired down the corridor; as he expected, the bolt dissipated rapidly and by the time it struck the distant reinforced wall there was little damage done. He holstered it anyway.
I suppose it's only fair; shooting at Bugrom from fifty paces. Any longer and it would seem... unsporting.
He strode back across the lab, toward the stairs. It would be interesting to see what the new day held....
To his surprise, the first thing he saw upon opening the door and stepping into the foyer was Kai... his arm in a sling, standing idly by the door. He'd apparently converted the room into a lab of some kind... the tablecloths were out and the kitchen table had an array of gadgets on it; likewise, the chairs were similarly used. Tulkata and Sena were nowhere to be seen-- even more baffling, as open as the upstairs portion of the safehouse was.
Xan looked over the aging doctor. "...morning, Kai. Sorry about that arm. Weight lifting?"
, Agent Xan!" replied the old man gleefully, lunging toward the assassin... at the last moment, Xan raised his arm to block and the cast burst open, revealing a heavy-seeming bracer under it. The blow stung, and Xan flinched, rubbing his forearm. "What do you think?"
"Smashing," replied the 'agent.' "I see your arms are dangerous."
Kai smirked at the lines. "And so are yours, Agent Xan. This bracer is made of the same lightweight alloy your new pistol is... durable, and nonfragmentable, so in the event it
get broken your arms won't!"
"What about that?" asked the assassin, gesturing toward an odd-looking triple-bladed knife. "I don't imagine it's for steak."
, Agent Xan, is a rappeling hook." He walked over to the chair, and picked up the odd object. "You can throw it, and if it strikes a solid surface the blades detract, forming an anchor. I've heard you're keen about breaking and entering?"
"You might say I'm hooked on it." cracked Xan, and the old man rolled his eyes. He stepped back over the table, resting his hand near a pair of boots.
Don't touch that, Agent!
" snapped the doctor, and Xan recoiled. "
haven't been finished yet."
"So I don't get to walk a mile in another man's shoes, K?" joked the assassin, and Kai grimaced.
"I might reconsider if it'd lead to you
walking a mile
away, Agent." He chuckled. "When we're finished, they'll include a unit that generates a sudden pull of mass on the ground below, acting as a sort of anchor. We'd been experimenting with magnets, which had their limitations, but this...."
"Ah. I certainly understand the gravity of the situation, K... take your time with those boots."
"I don't think you're really the 'down to earth' type anyway, Agent." smirked K. "Ahh... here's something you
use." He picked up a thin, narrow box. "I went ahead and borrowed one of your cases of unaltered needles. Fifty of these are loaded with miniature incendiary charges. They smoke when they're fired to provide an obvious trajectory range, and they'll burn when they strike a rough surface."
"Ah, K, you light up my life."
"Well, thanks to me you might have one after this morning." replied the doctor, grinning. "What else do we have-- blast it, Agent,
don't touch anything!
Xan had gone over to a higher stool, and patted a thick lab coat, much like the one Kai was wearing. It was white primary, but the inside trim and sleeves were both dark violet. He nodded; he liked the unusual design.
"...well, I suppose I was going to get to it anyway." K sighed and walked over across from Xan, carefully stepping over the table. "This is for you, Agent Xan. Miss Sena finished it just now."
"So, she can sew as well as sow. So what?"
K rolled his eyes. "You might have the 'hots' for her, Agent, but she wanted to make sure you don't get burned, like last night... oh, and the coat is flame-retardant, and is loose enough to hide most of your weapons. Of course, even if
won't get singed,
still can. So make sure to shield yourself if you're in danger."
Xan nodded. "If there's one thing I'm skilled at, it's getting under covers."
grow up
, Agent. Sena is a consummate professional. ...oh, that reminds me. About your sword... I understand you're rather attached to it, and you made it yourself?"
The assassin nodded again. "Indeed. We've forged many an adventure together."
K shook his head, sighed; and went over to a taller kitchen counter. "We did some work on your blade, while you were out. Sharpened it, mostly... you'll notice we narrowed the thrusting edge at the tip, so it's useful for more than slashing."
Xan tapped the tip of the blade. "I get the point." He picked it up, and slid it into the sheath on his back. The handle barely stuck out, and he noted that, realizing that if he needed to he could sling the blade lower and thereby hide it from sight. "I'm very impressed by your craftsmanship, K... for an old scientist, you're certainly on the cutting edge."
has to be around here." replied Kai stiffly. "...I don't suppose--
"And what might this be?" inquired Xan pointedly, holding up a utensil. "Something for picking up sound waves? A weapon, perhaps?"
K snatched it from his hand. "That would be a
. And Sena has breakfast ready. I understand you haven't eaten for some time, Agent, and since we're sending you out again so soon...."
"Whose idea was it?" asked Xan. "Yours? Tulkata's?"
"No. Actually, Sena felt bad about her outburst, even if she still thinks you're-- and I quote-- a 'sexist pig.'"
"We can't all by perfect." retorted the assassin, and Kai chuckled.
"No. But we can play nicely with our friends."
Xan and Sena said little to each other; neither did they eat much. The assassin paid a passing complement about the quality of the sausages she'd bought at the market, then, after a nudge from Kai, her cooking; her thoughts seemed elsewhere.
Tulkata gave Xan some last-minute advice, as he'd only rarely dealt with Bugrom before-- but the young man paid little attention; even a child knew that dueling with someone bigger and stronger than him was just stupid if there was a better alternative-- and bid the older doctor and the girl good-bye.
Converted energy pistol, needle gun, EMP gun... check. Fireproof lab coat... heh... check. Sword, check. Grappling hook, check. Knives... of course.
The assassin jumped onto a window ledge of the safehouse and swung himself up onto the rooftop.
"Floristica Palace..." he whispered, "...here I come."
Yes! Finally done with this segment! Hope it was at least mildly entertaining. >_> As filler goes, anyway, heh.
"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."
-Manfred von Rich
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156
Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #185 on:
July 12, 2004, 07:40:13 pm »
(YES!! I hope to combat you wayne!... Yea..)
I woke up from the utterly short rest that I had taken. Even after all this excitement and it was so late, I couldn't get much shut eye, it was still dark as night outside, should be dusk soon. I surveyed the area as I got up, finding no trace of Arsyn or the person he had with her, but one thing left behind, the rocket launcher he carried.
Where the hell do these guys get off to?.... Maybe... Arsyn most likely thinking of what I'm thinking so he shouldn't have
(forshadowing, anyone?) her... Wonder what happened to them...
Just then I heard a strange noise, then the thought of the Rocket Launcher came to mind, I quickly picked it up and put the strap over my shoulder, carrying it, as I continued walking down the hall. I pondered on what I should do, or what I was doing.... and... I can't remember. Only thing on my mind was to get out of here.
Soon after I found some stairs... Well.. Used to be stairs.. The patch was ended by a ditch, too far to jump down and not break a few bones or two, which immediately told my subconcious mind to find a different way down, the only thing is, I don't remember any other way down, which led me back to the same stairs...
"I'm gonna hafta jump down somehow.... Hmm.." Nothing came to mind, just seems like the good ol'way of jump and try not to break anything. "Oh well, here goes nothing."
I jumped, I jumped off the ledge and attempted to stay upright, I was in the air for 3 seconds before I fell front-side, with immense amount of pain. I slowly stood up from that fall, nothing seemed broken except... I reached for my nose which had taken the worst of the impact, my nose was broken, suprisingly my jaw was fine from the fall.
"OUCH!!.. Damn things hurts to touch..." It was hard not to touch my nose, every time I feel pain, I instinctively place my had on it, and that doesn't help it.
"Ok.. Should be a cakewalk out of here.. I've had it with this place and.." He thought about the wold, it's pros and cons, shortly after, the people he met on this world... "AND I HATE
" (more forshadowing?) My place is with the people of earth, the people of my time.. I don't belong here, I don't belong with them... If we're going to get out of here, we need to salvage some technology.."
I walked down the stairs, thinking about this world's technology. "Technology here seems to revolve around magic... Roshtarians have interesting weapons and assets, not good enough. What about the Bugrom?..." I started to think too hard "What about that person Kane was fighting?.. If he wasn't insane... Seems to hide in the shadows... Maybe they have what we need to get off this planet... I've got it..." I Let out an evil laugh, like Jinnai's except a deeper tone.
"We'll take control of this place first since it's defenseless, then we brainwash the Bugrom, then we go against the Shadow people!.. err.. If that's what they are called.. This is perfect! Bahhhahahahahaa!!"
(BTW Allan (panicpaladin's character) has informed me that he can no longer participate in the RPG, so he is now an NPC character.)
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #186 on:
July 17, 2004, 04:11:25 am »
Nolan kept running down the hall as Calya ran in tow trying to catch up. Winding their way through the elaborately decorated passages, they found themselves out in the palace gardens, mere yards from the main gates out into the city.
Both looked around frantically, for any signs of life in the apparently vacant expanse of exotic flora and fauna. Nolan finally stopped to take deep breaths.
"Are you alright?" asked Calya, putting a hand on his back to support him.
"Y..yeah, I'm fine.. Im just not used to running this much." Nolan replied with a smile.
Regaining his composure, Nolan wipes some sweat from his forehead and slowly started walking towards the gates. Calya followed.
"I've got an idea." said Nolan as the two exited the palace and approached Nolan's parked car.
"This would take less time" Nolan stated as he opened the passenger door for Calya. She climbed in and sat down. Shutting the door Nolan climbed into the driver seat and started the car.
As he was about to throw it into reverse, Calya put a hand on his shoulder. Surprised, Nolan looked over. "Ah, What.. is it?" he asked.
Calya smirked "Just dont go too fast." she said with a smile.
Now it was Nolan's time to smirk "Right." he replied as he, not surprisngly, defiantly slammed the pedal to the floor, propelling the car backwards with a jerk. Calya glared at him.
"Eheheh. Ahh, lets go!" said Nolan as he steered the car through the garden pathway and down the wide hallways.
"I guess the first place we should go is back to meet the others." Nolan said as he steered the car down a sharp turn.
Calya nodded nervously, gripping the seat for dear life.
As they turned around the corner, Nolan gasped as he saw what was unmistakenly a person in the way of the car.
"Fuck!" he yelled as he slammed the brakes, jolting both of them forward. The person in the hall shrieked in horror as the car literally came to within a foot of impaling him/her.
Nolan opened his eyes again and looked out over the hood. A lone figure slowly rose from the floor, visibly startled.As he looked the figure over, he realized somethign was wrong with this picture.
The figure was a female, and she was naked.
Nolan's eyes widened as the woman looks towards the two of them. Calya realized what she was looking at, and glared at Nolan.
"Don't stare at her, you pervert!" Calya yelled, slammin Nolan's head down so as to prevent him from seeing. She was blushing slightly.
The girl, however, seemed to be unfazed now as she approached. Calya quickly realized who it was: Lan.
From behind a entryway to the side, two more figures emerged. Allan and another young lady....
(end of post)
Last Edit: July 17, 2004, 04:15:11 am by theravenisdead
Bugrom Forces
Posts: 78
Illregular Hunter
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #187 on:
July 23, 2004, 08:48:35 pm »
( ^^' sorry I have not been posting much I have been behind a little here i will plan to post more once the group is met up again and Hitomi can wake up)
"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000
What it says.
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #188 on:
July 24, 2004, 04:00:46 pm »
Lan looked at the car, the headlights were on full, and it was sure as hell huting her eyes. She couldn't see the people in the car, and was slightly worried, then her eyes adjusted.
She wandered over to the car and lent over Nolans side.
"So," Lan began, "Who's side are you on, and do you have to kill me, and would you please stop staring at me I am perfectly aware I am bollock naked, it's not my fault, I don't know how it happened. If I had the choice, I'd be wearing clothes because it's extremely cold, but I guess I got what Jinnai's deserves."
She stopped for a second.
"Did I just say all that in one breath?"
Last Edit: August 15, 2004, 02:37:36 pm by larewen_evenstar
You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83
Reverend Strawman
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #189 on:
August 26, 2004, 03:45:57 am »
Sorry; I was waiting on the folks who didn't post in that last "cycle." So here we go.
Fuji-- Sounds good, but I hope you can get Miles to a medic or something. Xan would be a tough guy to take down for a soldier in good condition; your guy's been getting beaten down, smacked around, wounded, and now his nose broken. He really doesn't stand a chance in his current condition-- large amounts of pain are a big handicap in gunfights. *chuckles*
The Roshtarian sun rose slowly, and although Xan had enough light to see by he took his time jumping from rooftop to rooftop. His agility was exceptional; as typical for his race what he lacked in sheer physical strength he made up for in speed, and had little trouble clearing gaps that would challenge all but the best-trained humans.
Of course, a decade of learning to fight and kill had such dividends. And unlike some Xan relished his training, spending much of his days constantly improving himself and his capabilities... all for the purpose of assassinating their hated enemies in El-Hazard. He'd been so effective the sheer thrill of life-or-death struggle had been lost on him, and he never particularly enjoyed hand-to-hand combat... so he had taken to using guns, and developed his own code of sportsmanship to ensure the "prey" had a fair chance at survival. It was not out of compassion, but rather the dark knowledge that those who were engaged in combat, and lived long enough to realize they were the hunted and would inevitably die and their resistance only prolonged the end... that was what he lived for. The humans deserved no better.
Most weren't worthy of his attention, or had done nothing specifically "wrong" against him or his people. But forty-one years prior one human, his friend, and his pet demon goddess put an end to last grand plan of the Phantom Tribe and its leaders. Makoto and Ifurita might be out of reach, if the rumors were true... but other rumors said they had left behind a daughter, and his old friends-- and their family, increased through the years-- were still alive.
But not for much longer.
Such thoughts consumed him as he ran and leaped across the tops of the city, bound for the palace. He thought about facing Kane and his friends again, and paying him back for what he did... a fine hunt, a grand fight... and the end of another human related to those he was sworn to kill. And he grinned.
Xan's route soon ended on a guardhouse near the palace proper, and to his surprise in the distance he saw a pair of humans leave back through the doors, enter a vehicle of some kind... and then
back into the palace. He shook his head-- he couldn't be sure at that range, around a hundred feet; but one seemed to be a woman and the other didn't look like Kane-- though the girl did, oddly-- and put the incident out of mind. Sena had said that the youngest Jinnai was in the throne room when she had identified him, and that was where he would begin.
And that's also where I end.
Fuji, your post makes it sound like he fell all the way down to the ground outside the palace (which would really hurt if he dropped from the throne room or anywhere near there, heh). If that's the case you can start the duel, since Xan's likewise on the grounds. If not (and he's still in the palace) then let me know; and if you want to do anything special for the duel or delay it a bit you can PM me or post it (since, again, Miles doesn't have much of a chance in his present condition, heh).
I also went ahead and advanced the clock a bit towards a little into dawn. This is because we have normal humans running around a really big castle in the dark-- which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. *chuckles* Plus it sort of helps provide a reasonable timetable, since nobody really knows just how much time has passed, and somebody needs to put their foot down, darn it.
"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."
-Manfred von Rich
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83
Reverend Strawman
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #190 on:
January 22, 2005, 02:28:24 am »
After five uncomfortable months had passed, Xan sighed. He shot Miles in the face, then hooked up with Lan, since she was cute and naked and attracted to other people with serious problems. Kane, who first had a whirlwind (heh) romance with the new priestess, eventually ended up with Yumi. He worked out his differences with Xan, and the two of them double-dated with their chicks and killed like freakin' all the bad guys.
Then they lived happily ever after.
The End! (?)
Yeah, heh, if this thread is going to die with my name on it, then I want it to at least be funny!
"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."
-Manfred von Rich
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000
What it says.
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #191 on:
February 15, 2005, 10:51:16 am »
Yey! *claps*
Pity it died though.
Oh well! It was great while it last! Rock on!
You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Bugrom Forces
Posts: 78
Illregular Hunter
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #192 on:
March 04, 2005, 07:32:39 pm »
lol now we all wait till the next one appears if there is one
"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000
What it says.
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #193 on:
March 05, 2005, 04:11:09 pm »
Not Likely. This one didn't last very well...if anyone gets what I mean...
You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83
Reverend Strawman
Re: Ch.3 - The Week After.
Reply #194 on:
March 05, 2005, 05:11:10 pm »
Yeah, by the end of it, we lost both mods and all but a handful of the active posters (where
Exe go, anyway? :-/). The RP was a fun little exercise, yeah, but I don't see it working with so few participants left.
(Unless we were going to do something like the "Round Robin," but that was a little too wacky even for me, heh!)
"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."
-Manfred von Rich
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