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Author Topic: Ch.3 - The Week After.  (Read 67944 times)
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« Reply #15 on: November 18, 2003, 03:12:10 pm »


Whee, an Itimar post! ^_^V I'll write the post regarding the report to Nahato soon. But I'd like to know if there were any other ships that arrived other than the one that crashed and the one that self-destructed.


Itamar was setting his books aside as Shitia entered the room. He had been reading more of the history texts provided to him, his favored activity upon finishing a rigorous round of combat training. He was still sweaty, and hoped that that fact would not offend his visitor.

"Hello," he responded, a bit taken aback by Shitia's peculiar self-introduction. A demon? Heart of darkness? He must have misunderstood her in some way. He noted the woman's pale features and added, "I don't believe we've met, but please be assured that you do not need to disguise yourself for my sake. I'm quite used to the blue skin of your people. In fact, I find it to be quite lovely." One of those people in particular...

"I am as you see me," Shitia responded calmly.

He blinked at this revelation and studied his visitor more carefully. She had a certain feeling of... power about her. An authority, almost. Itamar reconsidered his quick dismissal of the woman's claim to be a demon, and found himself wondering what she might really have meant.

There was one trait, though, that stood out above all others. From her poise, her ancient red eyes, the dark circles beneath them, every aspect of her spoke of... tiredness. She seemed so very, very tired. It was almost making Itamar want to go to sleep, just watching her. "You look tired," he commented, before his brain could catch up with his mouth. Slapping a hand over his mouth, he apologized, "I'm sorry, I had no right to say that. What do you wish of me, Lady Shitia?"

The 1337 poster
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2003, 04:59:22 pm »

Allan walked to the direction of the wrecked house which he the fight had once taken place in. Just for the heck of it, he walked inside.

Dead soilders were still there, it was a terrible sight... He moved around to see other things such as the Sword he used, the marks on the walls made by the fighting, the burns on the walls caused by Kane. Then to his suprise...

"My Bracelet!" he shouted

The shining object that Allan always kept with him was lying on the Floor near the Bed. He had no idea since he never took it off his hand. He immediatly put it back on him and left the house as he kept looking at it.

"Queen Roshtaria wouldn't want me losing you like that, you're my only keepsake."

Now he remembered the Palace again and just hated the thought that she and the others were no longer with him, he'd early cry if he couldn't pull himself back together. To him, the Queen was like his Mother, she was the only thing close to a Parent he ever had... As a result, he grew as if Fiore and Keora were his sisters. The Bracelet read "Mother" to him whenever he thought about it's meaning.

Allan shook his head and walked quickly before nearly got to tears again. He no longer had the "family" which he once had, he was living with Yumi which he had only met a week ago. Despite how much he enjoyed being with Yumi, he can never return the life he once had.

"(Where should I go now? Back home?)" he thought

Allan walked up towards an area outside the wrecked house which he saw Nolan and another girl. He made his way towards the two of them.

"'Made a new friend, Nolan?"

He looked over to the girl.

"Sorry, I forgot that I should introduce myself before speaking to new people. My name is Allan, I'm a friend of Nolan."
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« Reply #17 on: November 18, 2003, 05:36:10 pm »

Even though I have been stomping around in the WANZER for a bit, noone seemed to have noticed this gian collosus walking around town. This place WAS deserted probably. Where the hell is everyone? I turn the Wanzer's head to the left, so I could see the palace... THere had to be a fwe people in there at least.

All that time.... A week had passed... The traveling, the repetetive training.. Lectures..... I think I had better friends here than I did back with the Marines.. I thought about the natives on this planet... They looked as human as ever, they had to be human.... I wonder... THe interrogation.. The fighting.... They would never be kind to me for as long as I live... I killed many, I hurt some.... I betrayed all of them....

I was starting to get mad at my own thoughts... I shouldn't be thinking this way at all. Possibly... ... ......

"Kane, Nolan.. Calya.. Someone.. You all know me right? Where the hell are you people? Get over here!!" I said into teh mic of the Pilot Helmet's microphone. It was linked to a speaker on the outside of the WANZER that projected at a very high volume. Sadly, I wasn't answered. I was ticked then, they would at least show me some sort of sign, either they were too cowardly to fight or.... Maybe... It's because I'm in this....

I put the WANZER in a kneeling position and opened the cockpit, and jumped out. I was on foot now. Only armed with a high-tech pistol that I was unfamiliar with. It shot out projectiles of energy. There was a green tube attatched to the top. It glowed vigorously, and apparently this handgun never ran out of ammo thanks to it. It had low-recoil, high accuracy, and was a semi-automatic, so I could fire it fast with it's lowe recoil. From there on I started walking towards the palace out in the open... Not looking around, not looking cautious... In hoped that I could find SOMEONE here....

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« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2003, 05:37:31 pm »

OOC: Ak. Please forgive the overly amount of angst in this post.
Usually I don't do that ^^'
Gak. I probably shouldn't send that x.X'

Shitia lowered her head slightly. "Do not worry. This is not a problem. It is merely a side effect of what I am. I do not mind you noticing. But that is that." she said with a mild tone in her voice, and then fixed her gaze directly on his.
"What I want is you."

She closed the door, and turned around.
"More precisely, I want to be...sure."

She gave him a rather sad look now. "I have lived many, many years among these people. Much longer than you can imagine. I will not let anyone harm them, do you understand?"

She gave him a weak smile and stepped a little closer. "You are learning more and more about us " she used the 'us' without a pause "every day now. It should be fair, though, to do the same in reverse. I would like to get to know about you. I want to know who you are."

Again, she looked to the side. "Don't mistake me. You do not have to answer me. This is nothing official. I am not a representative of our governement. You could say that I, however, guard this place and its people. I have done a poor job at it, sometimes. You have seen one occassion of that. It was one of my biggest failures..."
For a moment, a shadow crossed her face. She was definitely remembering it, and it was not a happy memory, not at all.
"I still see that scene each time I rest. I do not want to have this ever again."
She sighed. "Thus, I want to know if I can trust you being here. You might see that as unfair, I guess." she sighed again and continued, more to herself than to the human. "But I cannot help it. We have to sacrifice something, in the long run, and if its just sympathy.."

But she quickly caught herself and continued. "Well. Do you mind me so rudely interrupting your affairs to inquire into your personal history?"

Went edifferent than I had thought oO' Again: if it won't work, I'll gladly edit. One PM is enough. I don't want to angst around the entire RPG, so really ^^'''

Evil is about being nice!

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« Reply #19 on: November 18, 2003, 06:15:26 pm »

"Do not worry, I am not offended," Itamar assured her. "Your people have more than enough reason to worry about me. I hope to earn your trust, but I will not assume it."

Itamar thought about what Shitia had said. He had witnessed one of her greatest failures? He wondered what that could possibly be. That she was referring to the illusiary massacre he'd witnessed did not occur to him. Aereala had explained that that event had occured centuries before, and the woman before him now, however ancient her eyes might seem, could not possibly be more than thirty years of age. And how could such a frail woman possibly "guard" these people?

"As for my own personal history, I do not mind talking about my past, or my people," Itamar said, and then proceeded to describe where he had come from, and the difficulties he had faced living there. He went on to describe the past of the Jewish people as he knew it, the many persecutions they had endured over the centuries, and how he considered it to be a reflection of sorts to the troubles suffered by the Phantom Tribe.

Upon finishing, he added, "On my world, there was little I could do to ease the suffering of my people. We lived more or less at the mercy of our oppressors." He held up a fist, and examined it carefully. "But here, though I do not know why, I have been granted an amazing power, and a people who have need of that power. I feel that God would not look favorably upon me if I did not use it to help them."

He lowered his hand, and looked up at Shitia. "Now that I have told you of myself, would you object if I were to ask about you? I must confess that I am surprised to find another like myself living among the Phantom Tribe. How did you come to live here? Were you adopted, perhaps?"

The 1337 poster
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« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2003, 07:07:55 pm »

Shitia liked what she had heard. It made the possibility more unlikely that it was a traveller sent here on purpose. And if one would, they'd make up a better story. If she hadn't known better, then she'd have thought it to be too fitting. But, of course - that was ridiculous. After all, that would mean the enemy would know about how the tribe saw itself. And that clearly was not the case. For a second she pondered on Itamars question, and then stepped back a step.

"You could say so..." Shitia said, answering"But alas, in actuality, it was the other way round, it was me who adopted them. I am not like you. I am not like anyone in this world anymore, save, probably, a few scattered individual souls, sleeping in ruins of the ancients" she thought for a moment "What am I, then? A demon, like I said."

She paused, and, upon recieving just a puzzled look, she continued. "Oh...I see. They have not told you, yet. Well, I do not mind...to tell you myself. You would have found out soon enough anyway, about just one of the many insane choice of weaponry of that old war"

She leaned against the wall, and closed her eyes.
"Demons. We are, essentially, weapons. Formed like a human, for convenience. After all, that makes the surprise bigger when we start fighting. And, instead of bombs, we can be used over and over again. I was human once, I think. Parts of me certainly are. Other parts are not."

She removed one of her gloves, and showed Itamar what was embedded into her palm. It was some sort of crystal, and something was fluctuating inside it. [OOC: Forgot it in the profile. Thats one of the things that resemble the Gems Shayla has. they are apparently needed for said style =) ]
After he had had enough time to inspect it, she put the glove on again. "It were the same humans that are living on this world that made me - or more precisely, their ancestors. It was far later when I broke free of their control, that I found the people you see here - their ancestors, actually. Ever since then, I have tried to protect them. But.." the tone of her voice got harder "that has not succeeded all the time."

She finally opened her eyes again.
"That is what I am. A weapon, made by a whim. My hands are, most likely, soiled by the blood of more people than the number of people combined that you have met. A fact I cannot forget, for I was made without the ability to forget, at all."

She smiled at him. "This world has brought forth many weapons, some of such power that its creators could only have been insane. Some of us demons were supposed to level entire cities. Of course, the creators are long gone, their empires have crumbled. But still, there are nations who feast upon the weapons of old. You probably remember that all of us moved shortly after you came. This was because they feard that the Roshtarians could discover our hideout, and use said weapon. The weapon is like a moon - and its power is simply to obliterate anything it is aimed at. That is all it is made for."

Now she looked straight at him. "That is why my people are so afraid. Would the ones using that weapon ever discover our position..."
She stopped, and looked down.

Of course, Nahato would most likely not approve of her directness, but she felt that that part of the world had to be told to this stranger as well. And besides - it was not that she had said anything bad about her people, simply because she saw few bad things. Few, not none. However, depending on Itamars code of morale, she herself might pose a problem to him. She would see. In the long run, it was all the same to her. The truth was, in her opinion, the best witness, and so, she would show him her truth.

OOC: He probably might think she's somewhat like a Golam Oo' If I remember that correctly. last post for now.

Evil is about being nice!

Cleaning Cleaning! Fix Fix! Cleaning Cleaning!
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2003, 01:32:28 am »

Nolan was surprised to see Allan. "Didn't expect to see you so soon." he said. Then Allan asked about the girl.

"Ah well... It's a little complicated.. I'll explain it all later." he replied. "This is Hitomi. Hitomi, Allan. Allan, Hitomi" he said as the two shook hands.
"We were just about to head back to Yumis. You can catch of a lift if you like." Allan smiled and nodded in gratitude.

As the three approached Nolan's car, Hitomi was a little curious about it. She had a puzzled look on her face.
Nolan noticed this and smiled. "Its a vehicle from my world. It'll be our ride to the house" he said.
This only made Hitomi more curious, specifically when he mentioned it was from 'his world'.

"Just what exactly do you mean by 'your world'?" she asked.
Both he and Allan looked at eachother. She obviously would have to be filled in on the situation.
"We'll explain on the way." relplied Nolan as he opened the pasenger door for her. He made a huge effort to not touch her again. He definately did not want a repeat of what happened before. Hitomi seemed to be doing the same thing as she entered and sat down.

Allan sat in the back, and then Nolan turned the key, which cause the engine to sputter and then die. Nolan sighed as he tried again. This time, the engine roared to life, which scared Hitomi. She was holding tightly to the door handle.
"Okay, here we go..." said Nolan as he stepped on the gass and steered around the piles of rubble. And with that, the three headed out of ground zero, bound for Yumi's.

(end post)
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« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2003, 07:22:58 am »

Hitomi held onto the door some for a good 10 minitues before she left go and adjusted herself to the enviroment of being inside of this thing called 'a vehicle from his world'  It wasn't as fast as the skimmers she had rode on in the past but it sure was noiser than them.  She was cirous though and gazed around the car some nodding to Allen politly as she looked at the back before looking back to Nolan

"Umm you said your world right? your not from EL-Hazard?"  Nolan nodded and tried as best he could do, to explain about how they got here and the world which he came from.

"Earth is your world?..." Hitomi paused for a moment looking out the window "....My father was from there, well thats what he said he got pulled into EL-Hazard when he was young with a couple of others"

Allen and Nolan were quite cirous about how her father could of been from earth so Hitomi finally answered thier question "Who is your father then?"

"My father is.....Makoto Mizuhara" Hitomi stopped then continued "And yes THAT one, the oh so smart and brave one" she groaned  "Thats why I have a umm Japanese name, did I say that right?" she looked between the 2 of them as the car made it's way to Yumi's house

"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."

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« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2003, 10:35:19 am »

OOC: He probably might think she's somewhat like a Golam Oo' If I remember that correctly. last post for now.

Actually, that's a marvelous idea! I should have thought of it, given that I named my character Lowe, which was the name of the protagonist from the original Golem folklore.


Itimar stared at Shitia for a long time, digesting what she had said. Finally, he closed his eyes and smiled a gentle smile. "I believe I finally understand. You are not a demon, Lady Shitia," Itimar said calmly.

At Shitia's curious glance, Itimar continued, "Allow me to share with you a very well-known legend among my people in the city where I used to live. It is said that once not so very long ago, our people had been the subject of violence and hatred far greater than even what we face today. A great Rabbi - a holy man - by the name of Lowe prayed to God to tell him how to save his people. God responded to him, instructing him to construct a facsimile of a man from earth and clay. He was then to place a talisman upon which was written the Name of God under the tongue of the clay man. Rabbi Lowe did as he was instructed. When the talisman was placed, God breathed life into the construct. The clay man was called a Golem, and looked exactly like any other man you might meet. He was extraordinarily strong, however, and invulnerable, impossible to harm by sword or arrow. God cautioned Rabbi Lowe that the Golem would need his guidance. As newborn as a baby, the Golem had no concept of morality, and Rabbi Lowe would need to teach it what was right and what was wrong. Fortunately, Rabbi Lowe was a good man. He and the Golem worked together to protect the Jews of Prague from their tormentors, and over time, life improved for them."

Itimar focused on Shitia again. "I believe that your story bears similarities to that legend. You were created as a weapon, much as the Golem was. Sadly, the ones who should have given you guidance were corrupt and evil, and so, too, were your actions. And yet, once given the option to do so, you found a people and chose to protect them. I cannot possibly know what it means to have the blood on my hands that you describe, but I think that you should take comfort in the fact that, in spite of your terrible past, you still made the choice to be a Protector, rather than a Destroyer. A demon, by its very nature, is a creature of evil. By the very fact that you have turned your back on your evil past, you cannot be a demon."


This is only one variation of the Golem legend. It's the one I'm most familiar with, and is, I think, the most positive of them. Many other variations present the Golem as an unnatural, Frankensteinian creation unsanctioned by God, who eventally runs amok and has to be destroyed by Rabbi Lowe. But I prefer this one. Plus, it's the most appropriate version to tell Shitia to make her feel better about herself. ;D

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« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2003, 12:13:17 pm »

Constantly I wondered in one direction on the open dirt road. Noone was around....

"Piece of crap locals..." I muttered to myself.... "Wait what about that one house?... Could they still be there? That one house that they hid in." I was shocked at my own self because I used they... In that form.. I'm usually more polite but.. Moh It doesn't matter to me.

I heard a rumbling noise from behind. I turned around, and there was that damn klunker that Nolan had. Apparently he looked distracted, and didn't notice me. He started to speed up, then for some reason the car jerked. It was gonna hit me, I jumped to the side and tumbled back to a standing position. Nolan just kept on going.....

"You dumbass! We're still friends... uhh... right?"

Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2003, 02:03:33 pm »

Lan was hiding in an alleyway. "If he follows me in here..." Jinnai appeared round the corner. "Damn."

"I thought I'd lost you for a minute." He said, huffing.

"I wish I'd lost you. Who knew you could find your way round Roshtaria Jinnai."

"When you're an evil villian, you have to know where you're going."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"I have a favour to ask of you."

"What is it?" Lan gave a huge sigh. It usually involved a bedroom.

"I would like you...no...I am telling you that you are going to go back and work in the palace again. Take up a false Identity, change your look a little."

"You're kidding me."

"Maybe even dye your hair."

"I'm going to kill you."

"And change your clothes."

"If you don't stop it..." Lan stared at him.

"I'll stop if you do as you're told."

"FINE!" Lan stomped out of the alleyway, but her arm was grabbed by Jinnai. "What?!" She snapped.

"Those guards are still looking for us. He looked her in the eyes. "Maybe you should change before you go back out."

"I hate you."

Jinnai pulled his backpack off, and produced several items of clothing.

"Time for a makeover!" Jinnai said happily.

"If you weren't so much like a woman..." Lan growled.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #26 on: November 20, 2003, 08:01:58 pm »

After a long talk with Shayla about what he had done all the time he was travelling, Kane just sat there enjoying some wine and listened to the others. Everyone had to tell him a lot and the evening got really pleasing and snug. He was laying in the grass near the fire and sipping on his glas of wine. Finally he felt really at home and all the troubles seemed to be wiped away for the moment.

Calya and Mia had expanded their little show and had started a cute theater of tiny fire and wind creatures teasing and chasing each other. There was a lot of laughing and cheering. Shayla was very amused with all this and she was laughing from all her heart. Then she suddenly went silent and stared at Kane.

Kane was pretty confused about that glance and rised an eyebrow. "What is it grandma?"

"Oi! Calya!", she spoke with a slur. "Could you lent your ol' granny your lamp?"

Calya spat out her wine. "What? Why do you want to have it?"

"Ya told me that Kane's skills improved pretty well. Now, I'd like to see for myself. Hand me over the lamp dear.", Shayla slowly got to her feet.

Afura stared at Shayla in disbelieve. "You are sure about this Shayla? C'mon you don't really want to fight Kane, do you? Admit it, you're drunk again!"

Mia just sat there and sweatdropped.

Calya got up and walked over to Shayla. "Granny you can't be serious. I don't want to offend you, but don't you think that you're a little too old for this? Even I have a hard time fighting Kane. He could hurt you really bad accidentally." Hearing that Shayla peered at Calya in anger.

Kane took another gulp of his wine and got up. "Umm.....Granny....."

"Don't dare to tell me that I am too old and fragile to fight you as well! In fact I was the one who was the great priestress of fire loooong before Calya! Don't tell me that I am weak! Now gimme that damn lamp of yours!", Shayla narrowed her eyes and glared at Calya.

Calya sweatdropped and took off her lamp of fire. "Well, I suppose it's useless trying to change your mind right now so go ahead and try then. But be aware that the lamps have been improved since the time you used them. They're a little hard to handle now....."

"Could you just gimme that thing and stop giving me a speech about it? I KNOW how to use a lamp!", Shayla grabed the lamp of fire and equiped it. "C'mon boy, let's get to the point! Follow me!"

Kane shrugged and followed Shayla. She's still a priestress, I guess. She'll never change.

Afura followed Kane and Shayla out of the garden with a sceptic look at her. "Aww, she's always sooo stubborn!", Afura sighed. Sure Shayla was old, but also still well trained. Shayla still was spending a lot of time training her body although Afura always told her that it would break her sooner or later if she goes on like that.

The two young priestresses attached to the others silently.

A moment later all of them were standing on the street.
Nobody cared about the white car that was heading towards them.......
« Last Edit: November 20, 2003, 08:05:47 pm by executor82 » Logged
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2003, 09:04:36 am »

"I think so.. I do know a little Japanese, though it mostly came from watching anime.. er.. n/m" replied Nolan as he kept his eyes on the road.
As they made their way down the makeshift route Nolan saw someone familiar wandering ahead of them. It only took him a few seconds to realize who it was: Miles.

"Hey, Allan, Get a load of this.." he said pointing foreward. As they passed him it looked as if he had jumped out of the way. Allan looked and realized who it was too. Hitomi on the other hand hadn't a clue.
Miles yelled something in anger back to them. "You dumbass!" he had said more, but they couldn't hear the rest.

Visibly annoyed, Nolan poked his head out the driver window and yelled back. "Yeah?! Well Ditto!! And Don't think I've forgotten about that bullet!!!" Satisfied he closed the window and continued driving. Hitomi looked rather shocked.

"Who is that? Do you two know him?" she asked quizically.
Nolan simply nodded. "It's yet another long story. Lets just say that guy isnt on our good side right now." he replied.

Nolan made a left onto a narrower street and soon the trio found themselves driving alongside a pristine park, complete with ponds, fountains, and lots of various flora and fauna scattered about the grounds.

Up ahead Nolan noticed a group of people on the street. They seemed to have come from the garden of a large house on the left hand side, across the street from the park.

As they grew closer Nolan recognized Kane, and then Mia, Afura, and Calya. There was also another red-headed female as well. She looked much older than the others, save for Afura.

Nolan slowed down, and stopped the car mere feet short of the group. A smile crept across Kane's face as he recognized his two newfound friends. The mysterious woman however was visibly shocked by the apperance of this strange vehicle.

Opening the doors Nolan, Allan and Hitomi stepped out to greet the others. Of course They would have to explain about Hitomi of coure. But then again from what she had told them it was likely that they knew her already...

Nolan smiled. "What up, K-man? What's with the entourage?" he asked sarcastically.

(end post)
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 09:17:26 am by theravenisdead » Logged
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2003, 10:46:18 am »

Allan had never been inside these Car things, they weren't as fast as most things on El-Hazard but it wasn't an uncomfortable drive.

He saw Miles outside as Nolan called out. He looked the same as ever, Allan didn't really care. He didn't have his precious Soilders around to help him. He shrugged it off and looked forward again. Nolan drove on.

They reached a sort of house where Kane and three women were, Allan recognized all of them. Allan, Nolan and the girl all stepped out of the Car and Nolan said a hello to Kane.

"Hi, Kane... And hello, Miss Shayla." said Allan

"Hello, boy." she replied

Allan looked over to Kane, waiting for him to say something.
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2003, 12:16:54 pm »

Kane grined and looked at Nolan. "Hi there, pal! Hi Allan! Nice to see ya! I gonna have a little fight against my granny. Let me introduce you. Nolan, this is Shayla-Shayla, my grandma and former priestress of fire. Grandma this is Nolan, a good friend of mine, he is from earth and arrived here about a week ago."

Nolan looked at Shayla. He seemed to reveal the similarities to Kane and especially Calya in the old woman.

"Hello Nolan, pleased to meet you.", Shayla said eying Nolan from head to toe. "So you came from earth?", her expression changed slightly as she mentioned the word earth. She seemed to remember some old memories at that moment.

"And you may know Allan already. We just met lately, too.", Kane went on introducing.

Shayla looked at Allan and smiled. "We've already met. How are you? I haven't seen you since you've been that tall", she lifted her hand and measured the distance from the ground to the hight of Allans chin.

Afura greeted Allan and Nolan with a kind smile.

Mia waved her hand with a cheerful "Hello guys!"

Calya took another gulp from the bottle of wine, she had taken with her, walked over to Nolan, slung her arm around his shoulders, pulled him down and ruffled his hair laughting. "How are ya, boy? Wan' some wine?"

"Well, and who's that charming girl in your entourage?", Afura asked. "I think we haven't met before yet?"

All of them now looked at Hitomi.....
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 12:18:47 pm by executor82 » Logged
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