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Author Topic: *OOC* Comments and Questions  (Read 77086 times)
« Reply #240 on: May 16, 2005, 02:10:28 pm »

I'm new to this online community and I've been reading some of the stuff here in the El Hazard RPG section. I've never actually played an ONLINE RPG before, but I've had quite a bit of experience playing old fashioned pencil, paper & dice RPG's - games such as Dungeons & Dragons and Palladium Rifts.

From my gaming experience, it sounds to me like this online version is similar to a L.A.R.P.s gaming session (Live Action Role-Playing). Specifically, the Roleplay part of RPG is stressed over things like action, adventure and skill/attribute development.  (BTW: I never did like the LARPs gaming format...)

Also, from what I've read so far, it sounds like there is some difficulty in keeping interest going in this online RPG, particularly lately. Being that we are all El Hazard fans (else we would not be posting/reading this), I doubt it is from a lack of interest in the subject matter.

How about a completely fresh approach to this RPG?

Specifically, would members consider an RPG format in which character development is more advanced, the story and game development is largely the responsibility of the G.M. (Game Master) and which takes place interactively?

This is just an idea, but couldn't the El-Hazard universe be converted to an existing RPG format? There are actually a few RPG systems considered to be "Universal" and with which various type of characters and environments can be adapted. Most notably, the G.U.R.P.s RPG system comes to mind... (Which might be perfect, considering that the El Hazard universe can involve introducing characters and creatures from other universes...)

Also, instead of each "player" writing out pages of original character dialog, a different approach might involve the G.M. controlling all N.P.C.s (Non-Player Characters), the story plot AND the environment. Instead of posting once a day, week or month, it might be possible to hold a complete, interactive "gaming session" over IRC or chat - possibly lasting an hour or two at a time. (Though, obviously, such a system would require all participants to agree to chat online at a specific date and universal time...)

Personally, such an El-Hazard RPG system would sound much more appealing. (I'm not a terribly good storyteller and have no real interest in a story-based RPG). It just might breath more life into this forum section and, perhaps, even this community.
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« Reply #241 on: May 16, 2005, 03:06:01 pm »

Some interesting suggestions, Life_matrix! I thought I'd point out that an El-Hazard pen-and-paper Roleplaying game DOES exist. It is produced by Guardians of Order, and is part of their "Big Eyes, Small Mouth" line of roleplaying games.

Personally, I'm a little burnt-out on roleplaying games now, both online and off, and likely would not participate in something like this would it be organized. Still, it sounds like a fabulous project!

The 1337 poster
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« Reply #242 on: May 17, 2005, 06:49:39 pm »

I'm a huge fan of D&D, and I agree-- a "game" format keeps peoples' interest and attention much longer than a round robin-style "mass fanfiction" thing does* (the only one I've ever seen be halfway successful was the one right here on EHOL-- and even then it ended with only a few active people posting). The only problem is that many times the people interested in writing online aren't into gaming; and people that are into P&P gaming don't do so online (there is a sizeable minority of folks who play by e-mail or via IRC, though; this is true).

So while I would certainly be up for this (assuming we get a good system going-- BESM would be much more accurate than D&D, but I don't have any of the books in that system), I don't know how many other people would be. A lot of the old writers in the RP here are no longer active, for one thing.

*For example, I participate in "Survivor"-style writing tournaments in which a host writes a story, and a bunch of people "sponsor" characters from video games or anime [or whatever else the host allows] to join in. During the course of the game (typically divided into 7 rounds) the sponsors use "votes" or abilities to eliminate one another, until the final round, and ultimately one person wins.

They're reasonably entertaining, and we have some coming up in the summer. If you (Life Matrix; or anyone else) is interested, I can expound on it more. In any event, the main website for Survivors is Random Insanity (particularly these two forums); the most recent one took place here. It can seem kind of odd or intimidating at first, but one gets used to it in time. (I'm running one of these tournaments myself in December, which will allow anime characters; if it's OK with Rob, and assuming there's still active people at EHOL by then, I'll probably advertise for it here later.)

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
« Reply #243 on: May 09, 2006, 08:57:02 pm »

This is rather sad.  I finally find a place that has a good quality El Hazard roleplay and it's been dead for a year or three. :'(

If there is anyone interested in getting a new roleplay started... please let me know.  If we can even get five people together we can set up a core plot and start getting the word out.  I'm not going to post an application until there is enough interest to warrant it.

I have respect for other media and other rule systems but I am a fan of novel style roleplaying.  This allows more time for character development as well as development for plot and abilities.  The people, and not just the characters, learn and develop.
« Reply #244 on: January 07, 2008, 01:52:38 pm »

dead? :'(
Icy EyeG
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« Reply #245 on: January 07, 2008, 01:57:28 pm »

dead? :'(


You can actually see that the last two posts are a year apart from each other.  ^^;

« Reply #246 on: January 07, 2008, 02:24:47 pm »

this happens often
i have seen this many times :'(
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