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Author Topic: Ch2. Interrogation and Betrayal  (Read 30878 times)
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Demon God(ess)
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Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

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« on: October 30, 2003, 10:39:15 pm »

Lame topic I know, but I have things in mind.

Upon entering the interrogation room, there were glass cylinders with Kane, Yumi, Calya, everyone from El-Hazard in there. I first chose to speak to Kane. The marines prodded Kane into the interrogation room. Iron bracelets had weighed him down somewhat, but his body was muscular, obviously didn't render him from not moving fast.

"So... Kane.. Why did you take Calya onto the ship. I told you not to, I hinted at what would happen... Yet you had brought her on, and the others as well. Lana and Yumi have been taken captive as well. What you have done was NOT a smart move. So, how do you explain this one?"

Ok begin posting. The toehr prisoners can talk to each other, they just can't see each other. I'll try to go through all of them. This is a mini-chapter, lets just try to stay in sync for now. I don't want it to be this restrictive for long.

« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2003, 11:55:34 pm »

First Kane just glared at Miles angrily, bracing his muscles threateningly. The marines behind him got a little nervous about that. Then he calmed down and took a deep breath.

"Well.......after your strange ship has flattened the only clinic in this area and sqashed the greatest doctor and dearest friend I've ever known, there was no other possibility to get the needed medical treatment for Calya and Nolan, but your ship.", Kane replyed with a bitter smirk. "Not to mention that Yumi, Lana and I almost died through this incident, I'd say that your men still owe me one!", Kane continued sarcastically. All the gathered emotiones he had kept inside all the time, cleaved their way out now.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly went freezingly cold as Kane glared at Miles grimly again.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2003, 12:01:45 am by executor82 » Logged
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Demon God(ess)
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Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2003, 12:38:53 am »

"Even so..." I spoke after he was done. "All I said to do was to find a place for her to rest. A simple bed would have done. That was a mistake on your part..." I signaled the guards to take him back to his holding cell. "Bring out Yumi next."

In no time the guards threw yumi in the room with me. She could barely lift herself up with the thick iron bracelets...

"Yumi... Kane says there was only one Clinic in this city, and the best doctor with it. Is this true?" I spoke to her intensely, but that was a failed attempt.

"Why should I tell you, you bastard!!!"

I sighed. There was only one way I could think of. A threat. "There are some.... 'Persuasion' tools behind me that I rather did not use." I spoke softly to her, hoping that would be good enough, and it worked.

"It's true, There are no hospitals here. There was only the clinic and my father... My father that your men KILLED!"

"They did not intentionally. If you knew how to fly a ship, and it was going down fast and uncontrolled, do you think you could steer clear of the city? I doubt it. Youv'e answered all I needed to know." I signaled the guards again to take Yumi back to her holding cell. "Calya is next. Bring her here." In no time.. Once again, Calya was thrown into the room. She was trembling, she could NOT lift herself up in any way. I was always a sucker for this. The guards were about to leave once more, but before they did, I stopped them.

"Wait a sec... Take off her bracelets." I made a gesture after that signaling for them to get over here. They took off the heavy iron bracelets from her ankles and wrists. From there, the guards left with the bracelets still on the floor. She got off of her stomach, shaking, and sat down on the solid floor. She looked at me worried and asked, "What is going on here Miles..?" She said with somewhat of a faint voice. I took a deep breath and started explaining.

"Kane had brought you onto the ship when I told him not to. You see, you attacked the marines. Anything like that is deemed to be executed on site. If you harm a soldier, you are concidered an enemy and are likely to be attacked. THey were shooting at you weren't they?" I examined her. Her head was down, and she looked as if she was shriveling up. Poor girl must be thristy. I am always a sucker for girls suffering. I pulled out a water-bottle from where the 'persuasion' tools are and agve it to her. It was full of ice-cold water. "Drink this." I gestured an offer to her, she nervously took it and took a gulp. I heard a faight sigh of refreshness come from her. I went back to business after giving her the water.

"I need to know why you attacked the soldiers." I said briefly. She didn't hesitate to respond.

"The clinic was smashed by the ship. I thought Kane, Yumi, and Dr. Jabanijan were dead. I was relieved when Kane and Yumi made it out alive, but I was still saddened when you told me the doctor was dead... I quickly recognised the soldier's uniform as they were nto from this city at least. I thoguth they had done it, then I attacked..." She started to cry. "I.. I'm sorry Miles, I don't mean to cry.. It's just this.. This is sort of.. Of a nightmare. I wish this whole thing would end.... I..." She started crying so much I couldn't understand what she was saying. I put a hand over on her shoulder. That seemed to have calmed ehr down a bit.

"Listen Calya. I don't really want to do this, but I'm stuck in the middle of it. Not only you, Kane, and the others are in trouble, but so am I. I am trying to get through with this as quickly as possible...." I signaled teh guards to come over to me.

"Just put the Iron Bracelets on her ankles. I gave her a waterbottle, I want to make sure she can drink it... Bring in Nolan after you are done.

The guards jerked her arounda  little while they picked her up. Calya looked back at me with a saddened expression, but at the last moment before the doors closed, I could have sworn she had an evil look on her face, or it could ahve just been my imagination. Nolan was thrown into the room next.

"Nolan... I need you to tell me... You seem like the smart one of the group. Why didn't you stop Kane, mroe imporntantly... ... ........ Are you.. Did you come from Earth yourself? I can see your... Your car... That's an old model.. That would sell for.. Actually it would be priceles.."

« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2003, 04:14:14 am »

Allan was still outside sitten on the nearest boulder-like thing, clueless to what was going on inside the ship. He put his hand on his cheek and elbow on his leg as he sat.

Two soilders came up to him from the Ship. They were armed but didn't seem to show any threat.

"Were you with the others?" asked the first

"What others?" replied Allan

"The El-Hazardians, were you with them?"

"Well, I was previously with a few of them but I only just reached the ship now."

"... I see."

The two Soilders seemed to whisper to each other, they seemed to be talking about Allan as he just blankly stared at the two of them. After a while of discussing, they looked back at him.

"... You don't appear to hold a threat right now but we'd like you to come inside anyway."

Allan hopped down from the rock and the two Soilders lead the way, one on each side of him. They entered and passed through a number of places.

"We'll need to ask you a few questions, like everybody else. It might be helpful to us."

Allan's in. He's not chained up as he hasn't really done damage towards the people themselves but he's open for the Interrogation Room (I'll give permission for the Soilders, including Miles, to take Allan anywhere in the Ship).
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2003, 08:52:23 am »

Nolan bore an angry expression as he listened to Miles talk. He hesitated when the time came to reply, but slowly he did.

"Yes, I am from earth. June 19th, 2003. Saturday. 417 expressway, westbound. Ottawa-Carleton county, city of--ahh hell, you get the idea..." sighing, he continued. "And I sincirely doubt that Anyone from the future would be jumping for joy over the finding of a beat-up Ford Tempo from the late twentieth century. At least, thats my opinion..." Nolan then narrowed his eyes "But don't even think about taking it, I ain't parting with it."

Miles seemed satisfied. Then he repeated his question about Kane.

"Oh c'mon! If I had to choose between a rageddy old bed soimewhere in a city thats in both chaos and now disrepair, and a ship with magnificant medical capabilities, I'd choose the latter as well, Wouldnt you?"

Just before Miles could respond, Nolan interrupted him and continued on his little rant.

"I still can't believe we're all being held captive on this ship, just because we wanted to help a friend get help. Now I may have just met her, but I still want whats best for her. And on top of that, it WOULD have been nice to treat some of these friggin burns."

Miles was starting to get irritated, but Nolan continued. He rose to his feet.

"Except for Calya, NONE of us deserve to even be considered to be locked up. And even she deserves leniency. You DID for all intensive purposes almost kill her brother, and lets not forget that you did kill a friend of hers." Miles anger was growing every second that Nolan continued, but this didnt faze him a bit.

With deep breath and a wipe of his sweaty forehead, Nolan decided to wrap things up. "Anyways, I request that one of us be put with Calya, so that we can help her."
Miles smirked at this, causing Nolan's temper to rise.

"HEY! It's not like she's going anywhere, and besides she needs medical treatment. Not that I don't, but I can manage.." Nolan then hesitated for a second. "Just choose one of us. Its not a big decision, so make it!!"

Breathing heavily, Nolan sat back down on the chair. He let himself relax, then in between his heavy breathing, Nolan stammered out his last question.

"Also... *pant* Do I really ..*pant*.. give the impression.. *pant* ..that I'm.. *pant* the smart.. one? o.O;"

(end of post)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2003, 09:21:02 am by theravenisdead » Logged
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156

Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2003, 12:11:00 pm »

"Possibly... You do seem like it. Calya will survive, if you noticed I gave her a water bottle.. She WAS dying of thirst I could tell. She will be fine. As for if you want to know what's going on, ask Calya yourself. I told her, I dont' feel like repeating myself. Lets just say I am FORCED to do this AGAINST my will. If it was my choice.. Well it was.. The only 2 choices I had were to interrogate all of you. Or you all get shot on the spot, which I could not choose... I believe... I believe I have enough information... This is enough information."

Nolan did have somewhat of a puzzled look.

"By the way, everyone said it was my people's fault. It is not, the ship could not be controlled and I don't really know how it got here." I paused for a moment, thinking about all I have heard... I finally came to a conclusion, and, it was partially my fault that this had happened as well.

I signaled eh guards to take off his iron bracelets and they immediately left with them.

"Nolan, come with me." I spoke intensively.

We walked out the door where the others were.

"Ok.. Listen this is what I have came up with. The only clinic and good doctor native to this city was crushed by the ship. This would seem like the only best place for any medical attention." I looked at Nolan's burns, they weren't to bad, but he owuld never be the same if they healed naturally. "Everyone but Nolan will be kicked out of the ship. The reason why Nolan will still be on is due to his burns. he will receive medical attention then be booted off as well." Faces grew grim at me, I knew something was up, especially Kane's..

"Listen, I'm a soldier first, your buddy second. I stick to the code, don't think I won't blast your ass if you kill any of these marines. Guards, take evryone but nolan off of the ship." They acted rather quickly, the cells opened and 2 guards escorted each prisoner out. "Nolan, follow me to the medical chambers."

« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2003, 09:02:48 pm »

Nolan followed Miles reluctantly down towards the medical bay. He was still surprised at Miles' decision.

"I hate to say it, but thanks.. Though, why treat my wounds?" he asked curiously. Though he got no reply fast enough for him. So he just decided to take all of this in stride.
Still, Nolan wish he was still with his new found friends headin off the ship, and out of this 'Star Trek episode'. He planned to go reunite with them as soon aspossible. That, and he needed to get back to his car. Didnt wanna risk some local trying to steal it or something.
Then he thought of a great idea. Instead of Calya being carried or supported to a doctor, he could transport her in the back seat of his Tempo. It seemed a perfect solution. She would get care, fast at that, and he'd get to make sure she got treated well too.
"I just hope she can deal for now.." Nolan muttered out loud unintentionally. Miles looked back for a second.

(end of post)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2003, 09:05:26 pm by theravenisdead » Logged
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Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156

Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

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« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2003, 01:25:33 am »

"You haven't been listening at all have you? I said all she needs is SOME REST! SOEM REST DAMNIT! Are we not speaking the same language! A damn bed would work! Now then, Take off your clothes and step into this tube.

« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2003, 01:31:52 am »

Frowning, Nolan reluctantly removed his pullover, tshirt, shoes, jeans, etc and entered the tube. "Y'know its kinda ironic that my earthling ancestors concluded that stuffing their own kind in glass tubes buck naked was the best form of medicare." he chuckled, then calmned down rather quickly.

Standing there, visibly embaressed, Nolan was really looking forward for this to end as quickly as possible... 'Ugh...' he thought to himself 'It's bloody cold in this thing!'
« Last Edit: November 01, 2003, 01:35:20 am by theravenisdead » Logged
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2003, 02:05:53 pm »

Lana looked around.

"I always end up outside. What is it about the outdoors that seems to draw me back, even when I'd rather be inside?" She kicked a stone. "I guess people would rather keep me outside." She shrugged, picked up her staff and began to wander away, in the direction of the partially ruined city.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2003, 09:55:21 pm »

"Well then", Mia said when they all stood  outside the ship. "I suppose Calya and I have to return to the palace and report our results about the examination."

"Yeah right! And I could use some sleep, too", Calya added. "What about you?"

Afura concidered what to reply. Then she answered. "I think I'll come with you. I've heared that Shayla is at the palace since yesterday, too. By the way, Nolan is still inside the ship and I don't know when they're letting him go. I'll send a guard to wait here and pick him up."

"Looks like you don't have to......", Kane said staring in the direction of the palace. A group of guards was approaching the crashside.

"Oh, well. So I just have to tell them guarding Nolans vehicle and to escorte him to the palace when he comes out", Afura replied gladly. She wanted to have some rest now and return to the palace as soon as possible.

Calya watched Kane. "And what about you Kane. Are you coming with us? Want to see grandma again?"

Kane still stared at the guards coming towards them. "No. I think I gonna catch up with Lan. It is a little too dangerous for both of us as long as the guards are patroling the area. I'll see you when the situation calms down a bit."

"I'll come with you!!", Yumi said and joined Kane.

"I gonna have a word with the captain of the guards, so you both may come as soon as possible", Calya promised.

Kane was about to dash off and follow Lan, when Calya stopped him once again. "Kane wait!"

He turned to Calya again.

"I haven't given you a proper welcome, yet. I'm glad you're back, little brother. Welcome home!" She smiled warmly at him.

Kane smiled. "Thank you!"

Then he ran off, together with Yumi. Some time later they caught up with Lan.

Mia, Afura and Calya watched at each other. "So, shall we?"


*OOC panicpaladin hurry up posting. I'll modify the post if necessary, so you may join either Kane, Lan and Yumi or the others.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 09:16:21 pm by executor82 » Logged
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000

What it says.

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« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2003, 11:03:10 am »

Lan looked round.

"What are you coming for? I thought after I killed the doctor, you two wouldn't want to come anywhere near me! i'm amazed, I really am!" Lan smiled at them.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2003, 05:12:21 pm »

Allan was back on the lifeless rock and saw Kane and Yumi run off after Lan as he tilted his head to the side.

"Uhh?" as he got back up

Allan was intending on sticking with either Nolan or Lana/Kane but since Nolan wasn't here, he'd have to be with those two. He ran up to them and skidded before he almost seemed to slip on a rock.

"... I came back home hoping to end my travels but it looks like I can't do that, I can't end my story with a Happily Ever After, you might say."

He felt somewhat silly saying that and just wanted to get to the point.

"Alright. I'm coming too."


Thanks, Exe. :P
« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 05:14:24 pm by panicpaladin » Logged
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Demon God(ess)
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Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2003, 06:46:44 pm »

It hadn't taken long for Nolan to be fully recovered. I opened up the tube, but back on his clothes, and the guards escorted him out of the ship. With that, I felt that all of the people I knew were my enemies. They would ahve been great to have as an allie. Me and everyone on this ship are in distress. We were stuck on a world thet has aliens... Or, possibly... Humans... But It is uncertain.

I talked to David about what happened, he said it's the most reasonable thing to do. It was somewhat of a non-violent resolve. After that 'debriefing', I went to the mess hall and relaxed. I had a nice cup of beer, microbrewed is the newest thing to smoothness, and it preferrably tastes good. There's always that good ol' alchohol in it. I must ahve spent 2 hours in there.. Then, something else happened. The ship suddenly rumbled as if it was hit by an explosive tank shell or something. Before long, David requested me to get up to the observation deck. That area was the closest to the water, and most likely damaged to a lengthful extent. I did as he commanded.

I was right, the Observation deck was pretty much reduced to scrap. I could navigate through the rubble. As I did, I noticed something on the shoreline of the lake. It looked like an organized crowd. As I got furthur, I could recognise several vehicles that look like.. Oddly-shaped tanks. However, once I got all the way out, I stood up, and I saw a whole line of soldiers, vehicles, weapons, everything. They must be the military force in Floresca.

"Are you the one called miles?!" A woman yelled from the other side, her scratchy voice made her sound something like a drill seargant. She was speaking through soem sort of xylophone or whatever they were called. Whatever amplifies your voice.

"I am." I said calmly, but loudly.

"You and your ship and crew are under arrest. Failure to comply with this will result in full military force!" This wasn't my ship, but I had served from it a while back. I was wonderign why they were doing this to me. They couldn't possibly be this mad about me kicking some people native here off the ship... Unless they're talking about how the soldiers fired on Calya. I didn't know why, but I just had to ask...

"On what charges?" I said to myself. Oddly enough they heard me, I was far enough away that probably only a rabbit would hear my wispers.

"For damaging and destroying structures, and mass murduring. You especially killed Makoto! That damn ship went straight through his house, killing him!!!"

"Who the hell is Makoto..." I said to myself again, they heared me as well....

"You don't know who Makoto is! He is an Earther! Someone who had lead us to pease a long time ago! He was a respected citizen of Floresca..."

I could see the woman turn to some man beside her. He looked like a highly decorative soldier, they were talking about something. I turned on my audio implant to listen in on their conversation.

"General...Target..Ship and destroy....signal, no way in hell are you to.... without my permission. After.... ship...gone..start taking prisoners...kill...who resistes"

I couldn't hear enough of the conversation, but I know something was going to happen. They have a mighty force that we don't have. We might have to evacuate the ship. I opened a channel on the radio to David.

"David listen, the entire Floresca army is outside. They appear to have a squad-full of marines on a raft attempting to board the ship. Ont eh shireline is an amasing force that I am sure can tear the ship apart fast. We have little time. Organize your soldiers for combat and get eveyone else ready to evacuate. That includes the equipment. I don't have much time to speak. Send some soldiers to external platform A-8, they appear to be boarding at that location. I honestly hope we can pull this off. Now hurry." I cut off the channel there, not giving him any time to speak. I ran back inside, the alarms went off, the intercom was ordering everyone except the marines to evacuate.

« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2003, 08:37:51 pm »

Without a word Kane grasped Lans arm and draged her to the nearby houses that have been spared by the impact. Allan, Lan and Yumi where watching him suprised. He looked for a building with a window towards the ship, where he could watch it from. He pushed the door open. There was noone inside. It seemed that the people already evacuaded this part of the city, fearing that something worse could happen.

"What's going on Kane! What are you doing?" Yumi asked carefully.

He walked to the wardrobe and pulled out some males cloths. Fortunately it was almost his size, so that he could wear it without looking stupid or carding it all the time. He put them on. Then Kane opened the window, climbed on the table that was standing in front of it, sat down and watched the ship.

Yumi looked at Lan and Allan a little confused.

Silence. It seemed endless....

Then Kane broke the silence still staring at the huge object just about 200 meters away. "We should wait for Nolan to come out of the ship and then we should bring him here as fast as we can. He can't stay there. Something is about to happen......I can feel it! And I think we'll be needed soon."

He watched the guards standing around Nolan's vehicle guarding it. There were coming more and more of them. It seemed that something serious was going on.

Yumi sat down on a chair quietly watching Kane.

Then Kane caught the sight of Nolan. He jumped to his feet and off the table. "YOU WAIT HERE! I'LL BE RIGHT BACK!", Kane yelled and hasted out of the door and towards the ship!

I have to hurry before they capture him! I don't know if they'll believe him that he isn't from the ship, so better get him out of there fast and bring him to the palace on our own! Better than getting captured and stuck into a cell in the dungeon until they interrogate him again!

He was almost there.....
« Last Edit: November 04, 2003, 08:43:01 pm by executor82 » Logged
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