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Author Topic: Ok...so who's actually here?  (Read 55757 times)
« on: October 14, 2002, 04:23:47 pm »

Well, it may take some time to build up this community, but lets introduce those who are here.

Name: Stephen Edward Moellering

Age: 16....17 on Dec 31st 2002.

Sex: Male

Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Personality: The best way to describe me would be...a randomly silent person! ;D I'm crazy, loud, and funny if I'm around the right people, but otherwise, I'm reserved, quiet, serious to the point where I'm devoid of humor, and always a thinker.

Hobbies and interests: Gaming. Mainly the older titles from the SNES/Genesis era and the mascots and franchiese that go with them (Sonic, Mario, Metroid, Starfox, ect.) I also spend much of my time watching various anime, particularly various Gundam and other Mecha series. I guess I'm your typical geek guy. I also enjoy biking around when I have the chance.

Favorate non-anime Movie(s): Back to the Future Trilogy...of course I'm your typical Star Wars fan to.

Anime you've seen: Vision of Escaflowne+movie, all 200 subbed Sailor Moon eps+movies, all Gundam series excluding Turn-A and Victory+movies, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Trigun, Neon Genesis Evangelion+Movie, Armitage the 3rd, Sonic the Hedgehog OVA, Digimon Seaons 1-3(Dubb only...I wish a Subbed version would be released  :-/) and of course, El-Hazard OVA 1, 2, Alternative World, and I'm currently watched El-Hazard Wanderers.

Religion: Christian, and I'm not changing my mind, but I'm not the type to point fingers either...so don't worry.

How did you find El-Hazard online?: Well, Rob and I met in the Sonic the Hedgehog fan community. At the time, he was working on a very good fan made game called Sonic Epoch. After a while...I decided to help him out, the project came quite a ways before being passed on to someone else...and Rob then found out about EHZ, and decided to make this site. After getting ahold of the series and watching it, I gained enough interest to decide to check out the fruits of his labor once more, and here I am.

Misc: Uhh, I'm avaliable? *runs*
Neil Lafrenais
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« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2002, 06:00:13 pm »

"Some time", indeed. I still insist that the greatest websites had no need of message boards (www.segasonic.net etc), but there was a small demand, and Rob wanted to, so yeah. ;) We'll see.

Name: Neil John Lafrenais.

Age: 16.

Sex: Male.

Location: Hants, England.

Personality: Usually interested in really geeky things. El-Hazard being no exception. I enjoy acting rowdy around friends, but am uber polite to strangers and stuff.

Hobbies and interests: Drawing, writing, being lazy, retro games (Sonic, Mario), cartoons (El-Hazard, Tenchi, Di Gi Charat), reading books (the Adrian Mole diaries, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy).

Favourite Movie: Hard to say. Probably Back to the Future at the moment. I'm in deep relish on how much it is owning me.

Animé that you've seen: (in order of viewing) "Robby the Robot", "The Moomins", "Pokémon", "Digimon Adventure" (ohoho El-Hazard JR), "Sailor Moon", "Dragonball Z", "Sonic the Hedgehog OAV", "Digimon 02", "Tenchi Muyo! Ryoohki", "Tenchi Universe", "Slayers: The Motion Picture", "Burn Up W", "Gunsmith Cats", "El-Hazard: The Magnificent World 2", "Tenchi in Tokyo", "Akira", "Slayers OAV", "El-Hazard: The Magnificent World", "Di Gi Charat", "KO Century Beast Wars", "Trigun" and "Excel Saga".
Religion: None.

How did you find El-Hazard online?: Saw Rob at the Moogle Cavern quoting Jinnai incorrectly, set him straight and  then we started talking. Talk led to the idea of something El-Hazard-y together. This lead to the site. Bingo.

Misc: I like to eat organs.

Maximum boobage!!
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2002, 08:40:53 pm »

I still insist that the greatest websites had no need of message boards (www.segasonic.net etc), but there was a small demand, and Rob wanted to, so yeah. ;) We'll see.

Wee, testing quote tag ;p
Well, to be honest, I don't really know if we need it yet, either.  Just a service to provide, give it a couple weeks, see if it catches on.  It'll probably best work if we start making things worth talking about particuarly ;)

Also segasonic.net was a completely different type of site, and therefore it's very true that great websites don't need a forum, especially if their design absolutely doesn't call for one.

I dunno, they might just post site complaints, tech issues, maybe gripe about your latest editorial writing, or maybe just a random EH question.  I don't really know if it'll spawn "community" or not.  Of course, word-of-mouth is always the hope.

If it's as completely useless as that stupid "hello" script I had about a month ago, then just like it it will be removed.

And now, to keep theme...

Name: Robert Andrew Showalter.
Age: 19.
Sex: Male.
Location: Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Usually interested in really geeky things. El-Hazard being no exception.
Although usually quiet and well mannered, I also tend to be a control freak sometimes (Jinnai agreement).  I.E. If things aren't going my way in something I'm involved with, then they should be.  (Had a rather recent run-in of such at college with the lead controller lady of the tech computer department machines ... didn't believe my obvious security hole in the system I was pointing out)
Hobbies and interests: I go off and on most things except El-Hazard.  Sometimes I'm a programmer, other times I'm a network engineer.  Most of the time it's something technical.  
Favourite Movie: Back to the Future still holds me too.
Animé that you've seen: The first one I saw long ago was Sailor Moon with my sister in the morning... the crappy TV censorized version, mind you.  Next was Pokemon so very long ago... then finally I started seeing more serious stuff, I believe that started with "The Irresponsible Captain Tylor."  Apparently my sister had downloaded an episode somewhere and that took her to buy the whole series.  (Very good anime, though.)  The very fact that the characters were allowed to curse and that there were sexual implications finally showed me non-TV anime could be a whole lot better then just some kiddie show.  Then I saw various things that she brought home, such as bits of Gundam Wing and dead series like Elf Princess Rane.  (Somewhere at college she had been converted into an anime nut and it rubbed off a little bit during her summer break.)  And blah blah came El-Hazard ;) (too much a novel here)
Religion: Born into a Christian family anyway
How did you find El-Hazard online?:
Saw Rob at the Moogle Cavern quoting Jinnai incorrectly, set him straight and  then we started talking. Talk led to the idea of something El-Hazard-y together. This lead to the site. Bingo.

I now present the fun factoid images:

Neil: "It's LORD God Jinnai!  That's how Kalia could call him LGJ.  It's War God if you're a Wanderers guy or something..." (I'm not sure where the end part came from myself ;))

Can't YOU smell the friendship?

Misc: Apparently I'm Fatora's secret lover.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2002, 08:47:47 pm by rob_jinnai » Logged

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Kathy Guinea
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« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2002, 11:08:09 pm »

Name: Sarah Evelyn Showalter

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Location: Pennsylvania

Personality: Psychotic. I have a tendancy to rant. I also can be very responsible and trustworthy... I'm nearly done with college and soon I will be educating the children of the world in art... be afraid be VERY afraid! Muwahahahahahaha!

Hobbies and interests: Animation, Video games... ohh yeah! My favoite video game series of all time has got to be Megaman... I really like the original series the X series and Battle Network (didn't care for Legends as much).  I LOVE ROBOTS!!! umm yeah anyhow I also like all the classic characters: Mario, Sonic, Castlevania games, and especially Zelda ^_^ Link is one of my many heroes!

Favorite non-anime Movie(s): umm I have many... but right now my favorite movie is an anime Movie... "Metropolis" I LOVE TEZUKA!

Anime you've seen: The Irresponisble Captian Tylor, Gundam Wing, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Elf Princess Rane, Akira, Metropolis, Record of Lodoss War OVA, El Hazard Magnificent World, EH2, EH Alternative World, Rockman EXE up to ep. 15, Pita Ten up to ep. 16, Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu up to ep. 19, Fake, Shinesman, some of G Gundam (shudders), Angel Sanctuary, The Utena Movie, Final Fantasy Unlimited, I read the Astro Boy Manga, umm etc.

Religion: Roman Catholic... but I'm open minded ^_^  

How did you find El-Hazard online?: Rob is my brother... does that make me Nanami?

Misc: I got dumped by my boyfriend of 3 years (for no reason I might add) and I'm helluva pissed... heh but I'm kinda crushing on a very nice guy at school right now... so I suppose content with dreaming.

Little Rock lights the way... or maybe he's just leading us to a firey death. Meh, either way...

« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2002, 10:53:00 pm »


well, since I stumbled over this page yesterday (and had nothing better to do than registering myself...) it's time for my introduction. Here we go:

Name: Annett Campbel

Age: 26... erm, call me "grandma" and you're dead

Sex: female

Location: Germany

Personality: Evil... I tend to beat up people with my morning star. (It's 15 cm... so FEAR ME! *_* ) I'm kinda moody, so you better don't cross my path if I'm in a bad mood. Humor? Well, sometimes... My friends say I'm insane, guess they're right. Erm, don't believe too much of the stuff I say... I like "freestyle online rpging" in chats and stuff.

Hobbies and interests: Anime & manga, Asian movies, music (Canto-pop, oldies, anime music...), reading, internet (well, I spend too much time here), travelling...

Favorite non-anime movie(s): Asian movies, like I said... Chinese Ghost Story, Jackie Chan stuff, Stephen Chow comedies... Avalon, Matrix, Blade Runner... Cyberpunk stuff... ah well, too much to name.

Anime you've seen: Well, you don't really want me to count all, do you? Ghibli movies, Sailor Moon, Utena, Weiß Kreuz, Lain, Boogiepop Phantom, (some) El Hazard, New Cutey Honey, Doremi, Maja, Aishite Night, Queen Millennia, Ohayou Spank, Hikari no densetsu, Captain Tylor, Ranma, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Metropolis, Perfect Blue, Jin Roh, Please save my earth, Marco, Gunsmith Cats, Bubblegum Crisis, NGE, Street Fighter II V, Armitage III, Slayers, Tenchi Muyo, Akira, Digi Charat, Vampire Princess Miyu, Video Girl Ai, Big-O, Phantom Quest Corp., Dragon Half... erm, I don't like showing off like this... let's say I've seen some, you get the point.

Religion: Serenit - we believe in moon-goddess Serenity (kinda selfmade religion and I'm high priestess and beat up bless my friends with my morning star...) Erm, remember my sentence about not believing too much... It's 5:30 am and I need some sleep.

How did you find El-Hazard online?: I was looking for some information about El Hazard mangas and film (anime) comics for my homepage when I stumbled over this page yesterday...

Misc: Hm, I need some sleep right now, but I'm not tired... Oh yeah, posting in forums might bore me after a while... I just never find interesting threads. I hate meaningless chat threads and spam postings. Hope I don't scare anyone... erm, no... FEAR ME! *_*
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2002, 11:52:24 pm »

Christ! Where the hell am I? That's it with the cheap sake. I'm swearing off!

At least I can gladly note you've seen the English dub of El-Hazard.  Very pleasing indeed.  (Way funnier then the Japanese counterpart.  Apparently the female in charge of the dub team was a genius who said "Let's make it funnier.")

Oh yeah, posting in forums might bore me after a while... I just never find interesting threads.

Well I guess that'll require some people to start getting interesting, wouldn't it?  Neil!  Uh... dance!

Oh, may I ask, did you happen to attempt registration under an email name of "annkay" or some such?  I have a defunct registration in here from a German email service by that name.  Can't seem to send email out that-a-way.

Pretty little Ifurita there too.  I see Germany's tripod hasn't stopped off-site image linking. ;p
« Last Edit: October 15, 2002, 11:56:31 pm by rob_jinnai » Logged

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2002, 09:22:23 am »

At least I can gladly note you've seen the English dub of El-Hazard.

Ha-ha... no, I've not seen it but inserting the German quote would have been kinda... hm pointless. Guess I'll see the dub anyhow since I decided to buy the US DVDs instead of the messed up German ones... (long story)This can be a topic that we'll talk about later... sub or dub, just in case you guys are not tired of that discussion.

Oh, may I ask, did you happen to attempt registration under an email name of "annkay" or some such?  I have a defunct registration in here from a German email service by that name.  Can't seem to send email out that-a-way.

Yep, that's me. My email service messed up somehow and I didn't receive anything, so I registered again under this name. You can delete the annkay one. (I even wrote an email that you can do it but I guess it didn't arrive, too.)

Yeah, I wonder when they'll stop that image crosslinking, lol. Then I just switch to another webspace with my little Ifurita. ^_^

O_O dance, dance... give him some booze and let him dance on the table, yeah... erm -_-' nevermind me.
Neil Lafrenais
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« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2002, 11:53:42 am »

Annett: I've heard of a GERMAN dubbed version of the OAV series (and possibly TV series); do these exist and do you own copies?

And I'm not dancing on the table for anyone.

... Maybe for money. ;)

Maximum boobage!!
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2002, 12:17:40 pm »

Okay, well, I checked just now and I did indeed get the email.  Account removal is now easily by utilizing YaBB's Administrator implement ;p

It took all of my 2 years of high school German to translate the email error ;)

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2002, 01:11:44 pm »

*scribbles "one-hundred and fifty bajillion dollars" on a peice of green paper, and hands it to Neil* DANCE FOOL!

Oh, and welcome...and you're not old, my sister and brother are 28 and 32 XP
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2002, 01:49:29 pm »

It took all of my 2 years of high school German to translate the email error ;)

Hm.... at least learning German for 2 years was finally good for something. Hee hee hee

*beats up Hedges with her 15cm morning star* I HEARD THAT! >:(  :P

... k, no more spam... erm...
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2002, 01:25:36 pm »


This site just keeps on evolving and evolving... Great!
Now for the introduction:

Name : Gergely Kiss (But in Hungary we actually use  
            last name first... Just like in Japan!)

Age: 21,9

Sex : Male

Location : Hungary (If you like anime, DON'T come here)

Personality : Varies... Sometimes calm, sometimes evil, but always interstred when it comes to anything involving anime.

Hobbies : Watching anime, reading manga, listening to J-Pop, downloading anime stuff (You get the picture...). I also play computer games a lot (favouring japanese rpgs and fighters, but I am practically omnivore), and collect mugen characters.

Favourite non-anime movie : Don't really have one.

Anime you've seen : Favourites include (in random order): El-Hazard, Evangelion, Escaflowne, Mononoke Hime, Ghost in the Shell, Rurouni Kenshin, Silent Möbius, Armitage III, BGC, Lodoss (VoX rules ^_^), Slayers, Bastard!, Recca no Honoo, Love Hina, Ranma 1/2, Gundam Wing, Utena, Miyu, Vandread, and a lot more.

Religion : None (Though I believe that there is something superior to humans. Nature or God, it's not for me to decide).

How did you find El-Hazard online? :  I was only looking for El-Hazard music (The ONLY way to get anything anime-related in Hungary is the net... Only Sailormoon, Dragonball and Pokemon were aired on TV (and some titles so old, you can't even find on Anime Web Turnpike), and Dragonball Z was taken off after the Freezer-saga for being too bloody...)) and I got stuck here... I always liked sites with character, and this certainly is one.

Misc : Schlock, aren't you a relative of Phyria?
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2002, 01:59:56 pm »

Misc : Schlock, aren't you a relative of Phyria?

Huh? Who or what is Phyria? Sorry, but no... erm.

BTW: welcome, it's getting really international here. *_*

So, there are absolutely no anime tapes (and stuff) available in Hungary?
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2002, 04:50:42 pm »

welcome, it's getting really international here. *_*

I noticed this.  I'm attracted more "out-of-town'ers" then I ever would've anticipated.  Not that I mind, in fact I find it incredibly interesting.

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2002, 12:37:32 pm »

Well I probably should've filled this out when I first joined...oh well.

Name: Patricia Lynn Duncan but everyone online calls me Ricia

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Location: A dinky crud city in Upstate NY

Personality: Spastic, vaguely disturbing, obsessive, humorous, paranoid...it gets worse should I continue?

Hobbies and interests: writing both prose and poetry, doodling and wishing I could draw, surfing the net, staring off into space, finding new things to obsess over, and sleeping.

Favorate non-anime Movie(s): Probably The Nightmare Before Christmas...or maybe Army of Darkness.

Anime you've seen: Well I've seen all of or at least part of the following: Ah My Goddess, All Purpose Cultural Catgirl Nuku Nuku, Card Captor Sakura, Digimon, El Hazard, Escaflowne, Flame of Recca, Flint the Time Detective, Fushigi Yuugi, G Gundam, Gundam Wing, Kiki's Delivery Service, Mon Collie Knights, Monster Rancher, Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind, Outlaw Star, Pokemon, Princess Mononoke, Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Serial Experiments Lain, Slayers, Tenchi Muyo, Tenchi Universe, Vampire Hunter D, Weiss Kruez and Yugioh. Heh...I'm a lame otaku.

Religion: I made up my own.

How did you find El-Hazard online?: Actually I was emailed about it. *shrug*

Misc: I mostly lurk unless I'm feeling friendly.

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