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Author Topic: Makoto Mizuhara and (his) Ifurita Nuptials  (Read 13894 times)
Aya Mikage
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 132

Does she look like Ifurita? She's a mage...

ICQ Messenger - 245860247 AOL Instant Messenger - ifurita214 Yahoo Instant Messenger - tenyo_aya_mikage
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« on: August 24, 2003, 05:58:52 am »

Guys! What if I was the assistant Author of El Hazard??? hihihihihehehehbwababwbabw! ;D  -_-

I would really show the final end or conclusion of it.... to Ifurita and Makoto's bizzare love affair!!!

--oo-- Makoto Mizuhara and his Ifurita Nuptials --oo--

So anyone of you guys should be a part of Makoto's most happiest day of his life!!

Choose your role::: --->

Flower girls
(I need 12)

Ring Bearers
(6 needed)

flower pot hehehe! ;D

Principal Sponsors
(24 needed)

Camera man - for recording the joyous moment on cam
(4 needed)

Priest to precide the wedding, of course
(1 needed)

receptionist or venue caterer
(I need 24)

and more!!

You can choose multiple roles... what would it be, hah??

Mine? It would be as the Wedding Planner or Ifurita's wedding gown designer..
Im her best friend you know!

-o- joke joke joke! -o-

"In the future, you will fall under the control of the star of darkness."

"I see blood, anger, and sadness -- the destruction of the equilibrium of everything in this world."

"On the day when the 16th star an
Aya Mikage
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 132

Does she look like Ifurita? She's a mage...

ICQ Messenger - 245860247 AOL Instant Messenger - ifurita214 Yahoo Instant Messenger - tenyo_aya_mikage
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« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2003, 06:03:49 am »


can somebody give me a brief summary of the el hazard online net's forum El Hazard RPG?

I can't understand it anymore!

Please.. I want to join the fansub or fanfic El Hazard aftermath..!!

Onegai shimasu!! :bawl -_-

"In the future, you will fall under the control of the star of darkness."

"I see blood, anger, and sadness -- the destruction of the equilibrium of everything in this world."

"On the day when the 16th star an
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000

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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2003, 07:45:28 am »

brief summary? You gotta be kidding!

That thing could take hours to summerise! :o

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2003, 12:54:35 pm »

I'm not directly involved with it.  You'll be better off asking Spanner of Fujisawa4654 about it.

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 967

Girls, Cars & Loud Guitars

AOL Instant Messenger - djsaucerman
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« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2003, 06:15:16 pm »

Can I climb up to the top of the church, bang on the windows and yell; "Mrs. Robinson!!!" ??  ;D

Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2003, 09:56:38 am »

Good morning children! Today we're going to learn about EHO RPG!


Yes Yes, quiet down children! Lets get started!
One day a big ball of doom started going like "BWAH!! BWAH!!" and shooting off energy, and the people in charge of the big ball of doom were like "Oh No! What can we do! Nothing? Okay!" So they sat back and watched it give off its freaky vibes.

As a result, a bunch of people were sucked out of their own dimension and were brought to a new freaky world, and one was like "What the hell?" and another was going like "OooGah! My ship is heading towards a big black void! I'm gonna die!" and another was like "Where are the nazis? o.O" and they all were totally confused, to the extreme!

Then one started getting shot by little darts from these weird blue skinned people, and he was all like "Stop IT Stop it! Mercy!" and they were all like "WTF?" And then some blue-skinned dudette came in and was all like "Stop the madness!" and they stopped, and she lead the man to the lair of the blue skinned freaks.

While meanwhile another guy went "Where's the highway?" and he was all like "My boss is gonna KILL me!" and was also like "I need a big mac" and so he drove his car towards a city, and the people in the city were all like "AHH! Run Away! Run Away!" and he was like "WTF?". Then he stopped, and talked to some people and then a girl jumped into his car and she was going like "Must Flee! Flee!" and she turned the key n drove into a wall, and the wall was all like "$&#*@!!!" and the dude was all like "WTF?" and then this guy fell from the sky and landed on the car, and he was like "....." and the guy was like "ARgh!!" and then he met an old dudette and she was like "You must explain yourself!" and he was like "Who are you?" and they talked and then they drove off in the damaged car to the royal palace and lived happily ever after!

But wait! There's more to come! Next class we wil discuss the big black star destroyer and how it went "BLAH! BLAH!" and how the city was all like "Ara ara!" and so forth.

Have a wonderful day class!
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000

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« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2003, 10:57:47 am »

Erm... ^^;

Hehehe...anyone else even slightly worried and/or confused about that? :P

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2003, 11:33:55 am »

I know I am!   ;D
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000

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« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2003, 01:30:48 pm »

Oh *god*.  ^^;

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2003, 01:51:54 pm »

You'll hafta excuse my state of mind, I just spent the entire night compiling a linux kernel on a pentium 100. Started at 2am, its 3pm and it STILL not done... X.X
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000

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« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2003, 02:19:41 pm »

Poor lil' Raven. *pats him*

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Bugrom Forces
Posts: 48


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« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2003, 07:18:06 pm »

Good morning children! Today we're going to learn about EHO RPG!


Yes Yes, quiet down children! Lets get started!
One day a big ball of doom started going like "BWAH!! BWAH!!" and shooting off energy, and the people in charge of the big ball of doom were like "Oh No! What can we do! Nothing? Okay!" So they sat back and watched it give off its freaky vibes.

As a result, a bunch of people were sucked out of their own dimension and were brought to a new freaky world, and one was like "What the hell?" and another was going like "OooGah! My ship is heading towards a big black void! I'm gonna die!" and another was like "Where are the nazis? o.O" and they all were totally confused, to the extreme!

Then one started getting shot by little darts from these weird blue skinned people, and he was all like "Stop IT Stop it! Mercy!" and they were all like "WTF?" And then some blue-skinned dudette came in and was all like "Stop the madness!" and they stopped, and she lead the man to the lair of the blue skinned freaks.

While meanwhile another guy went "Where's the highway?" and he was all like "My boss is gonna KILL me!" and was also like "I need a big mac" and so he drove his car towards a city, and the people in the city were all like "AHH! Run Away! Run Away!" and he was like "WTF?". Then he stopped, and talked to some people and then a girl jumped into his car and she was going like "Must Flee! Flee!" and she turned the key n drove into a wall, and the wall was all like "$&#*@!!!" and the dude was all like "WTF?" and then this guy fell from the sky and landed on the car, and he was like "....." and the guy was like "ARgh!!" and then he met an old dudette and she was like "You must explain yourself!" and he was like "Who are you?" and they talked and then they drove off in the damaged car to the royal palace and lived happily ever after!

But wait! There's more to come! Next class we wil discuss the big black star destroyer and how it went "BLAH! BLAH!" and how the city was all like "Ara ara!" and so forth.

Have a wonderful day class!

I knew it was something like that.  ;D


Sanity not included.
DNAngel Daisuke
Bugrom Forces
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« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2003, 06:00:59 am »


Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you.

Do you think of me?
Do you dream of me?
I always dream about you.

All that lies in me,
All that dies in me.
How can I live without you?
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1562

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« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2003, 07:42:10 am »

I assume there was a good reason to bump a month old topic like that?

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 967

Girls, Cars & Loud Guitars

AOL Instant Messenger - djsaucerman
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« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2003, 07:16:59 pm »



Wow, that's the most blatant, out-right act of spamming I've seen yet on this board. Anyone else care to add?

Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
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