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Author Topic: El-Hazard- The Magnificent Couples?  (Read 19962 times)
Londs' Screen Time
Posts: 11

Ok, generic pictures 'til I get non-sucky webspace

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« Reply #60 on: April 08, 2003, 04:24:10 pm »

 ;D Is this any better? (I made it "public", so if it still isn't working, it's bye-bye, Streamload! *waves*)

I would not even be consorting with the evil of streamload were it not for the fact that Geocities is, itself, evil. Or at least misguided.  :P

MmMMmm...Menchi burgers.

Londs: The unsealing of the Eye of God is a NO SMOKING event.
Londs' Screen Time
Posts: 11

Ok, generic pictures 'til I get non-sucky webspace

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« Reply #61 on: April 08, 2003, 04:33:21 pm »

"Well, *ahem*, did you ever consider that RAPE is not usually a good thing?"

 Wh-what?? NO!

 ;D Heehee. Well, I WAS kidding, hence the little disclaimer where I said that I was, um, kidding. ;) As in...

[kidding] But Diva's a woman. Women can't rape!! And even if they could, it would be funny and cool. [/kidding]

I think that that has been covered in the episode 13 thread, though. :) It's obviously the producers of the episode meant for that scene to be comedic, whereas it likely wouldn't be so if it were a schoolgirl (even an insane, mass-murdering schoolgirl) and a ridiculously dressed Emperor. Or..wait...

 *thinks of Dall and Quawool*

 Never mind. ;) (ok, so Quawool isn't a mass murder. *dramatic music* That we KNOW of, anyway!)

 I think it does fit into "these things wouldn't be funny if they really happened" territory, though. Then, we would have the "hilarious alcoholic" Fujisawa, "lots 'o laughs" rapist lesbians Alielle and Fatora, and the giggle-worthy mass murder/schizophrenic Jinnai.  ;)

 It's a bit like Excel Saga...what else can you say about a show starring one girl that's always dying, and another one who's always trying to eat her dog? 0_o

MmMMmm...Menchi burgers.

Londs: The unsealing of the Eye of God is a NO SMOKING event.
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 485

He's so excitingly bold!

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« Reply #62 on: April 08, 2003, 05:48:25 pm »

(ok, so Quawool isn't a mass murder. *dramatic music* That we KNOW of, anyway!)

Hoo boy.  That sentence just screams 'fan fiction'...  ::)
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