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Author Topic: Open ends  (Read 13097 times)
Dimension Traveler
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« on: November 12, 2002, 09:19:08 pm »

This is something i've wanted to discuss/debate on but haven't really found the right audience for it.

In the Magnificent series, we all know Makoto ends up with Ifurita. When the Alternative World was introduced, the plot got a little more twisted and we had a new addition to Makoto's girls : Qawool.
I know all of you dig the Ifurita-Makoto matchup [cause it's so suteki] but if there are any Qawool fans out there like me...

I wish they made me part of the el-hazard cast so i could  take on mizu's replacement priestess... :P

Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2002, 10:48:33 pm »

This is something i've wanted to discuss/debate on but haven't really found the right audience for it.

I'm open for anything!

I know all of you dig the Ifurita-Makoto matchup [cause it's so suteki] but if there are any Qawool fans out there like me...

Well, in all fairness, that was Hyashi's original ending and goal.  I don't suppose that directly eliminates the potential of Makoto dating or testing love in other directions in the interim before getting back to Ifurita (which judging by the end of Magnificent World, shows that Makoto aged a bit before he finally did it)

Now, what point are you getting at, exactly?  Do you desire to see a relationship between the two, or are you just irked that Qawool didn't get a chance to be more built up storywise?

I'm heavily into plot sifting, I like to theorize and whatnot.  One thing I've noticed about Qawool can be seen on the first DVD cover, perhaps something the creators were trying to draw your attention to.

There appears to be direct similarities between Ifurita and Qawool.  Also in the first episode, Makoto has a dream sequence over Ifurita, where she is engulfed in black goo stuff.

In the dream, he then sees a vision of Allujah, and this:

Which then equates to him realizing its the crest on Qawool's clothing

Note it even includes the "Eye" symbol typical to the ancient El-Hazard war machinery.

Way later in the series, Qawool makes some note that I can't remember directly, something along the lines of feeling like she has a heart connection to Makoto "from long ago".

Given the abrupt ending of the El-Hazard main plotline at this point, I have a feeling Qawool was going to be further manipulated down the line to, at some point, be a direct link to Ifurita.  Exactly how I can't verify, at that point its only 100% fanfiction "truth".  (I have my own ideas, natch')
« Last Edit: November 12, 2002, 10:57:00 pm by rob_jinnai » Logged

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Neil Lafrenais
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« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2002, 07:16:56 pm »

To be honest, I'm not buying Rob's "Qawool-was-related-to-Ifurita-in-some-way" theory.

The hair could easily be explained as looking "mad and watery". You'll note by looking really carefully, that Qawool's hair colour is slightly more blue than Ifurita's.

As for the infamous "Eye" (of god, probably) insignia, it seems common everywhere. It could be that Qawool played a part in El-Hazard past, but I doubt she was directly related to Ifurita in any serious way.


To answer the question originally stated: no, I don't believe Makoto and Qawool would go into any sort of relationship. The sad thing about Qawool is that we know she doesn't stand a chance from the very beginning.

The story of El-Hazard already has a set ending (Makoto figures out the EoG and rescues Ifurita, cue happy ending). The 2 sequels are just filler that will have no effect on the final conclusion, as the conclusion has been decided. But the cast don't know that. Which makes for some good comedy, but nil ground breaking plot.

I haven't really taken Qawool into great regard yet. She seems far too generic to comment on yet. I'm being opitimistic and thinking her character will shine through the next few DVDs, but I don't hold up too much hope.

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Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2002, 07:29:36 pm »

You'll note by looking really carefully, that Qawool's hair colour is slightly more blue than Ifurita's.

I'm not sure who's a bigger nut here ;)

As for the infamous "Eye" (of god, probably) insignia, it seems common everywhere. It could be that Qawool played a part in El-Hazard past, but I doubt she was directly related to Ifurita in any serious way.

Well, okay, a little more on that ... it's shown a few times that Qawool at random causes energy manipulations, particularly when she gets frightened -- at this point I'm getting too fanfic'y, and therefore means I'm sharing my own toys and you don't have to believe a word I say from here on out ;p -- Her spatial energy manipulations remind me of Ifurita's capture / control / learn functions.  Now while of course this is predictably treading towards something of Qawool being Ifurita or something like that, I will note that the only way I can think that Qawool still exists, and yet there's Ifurita (two of them even) would suggest that if it WERE Qawool's body that was used, it ... well, couldn't have been her unless there's an extra timewarp and/or cloning involved in there somewhere.  The only other thing is a Sailor Moon-ish "daughter of future Ifurita" type bit or something.

I can definately say though, if the question is, is there a relationship, it's not likely.  But the very fact Makoto sort of "gets all giggly" with the girl also is part of the suggestion, to me, that she is somehow related to Ifurita in some other way that makes Makoto feel the same way he does about Ifurita while she's around (but not actually in love with "Qawool" so much as feeling a subconcious reminder of Ifurita)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2002, 07:33:35 pm by rob_jinnai » Logged

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Dimension Traveler
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« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2002, 10:52:33 pm »



may be


too fanfic'y

for some, but that's the best explanation i've ever heard. Thanks, Rob... Jinnai wa Tensai dakara...

a friend and i once discussed the probablility that the last sequence of Magnificent World 1 was just an illusion [feel free to curse me, it's a morbid thought that completely ruins the el-hazard universe]. Let's hope not.
and BTW, the Wanderers version of Ifurita seems like a cross between the Flavor 1 Ifurita and Qawool. ;)

Why does Pioneer allow this to happen? Can't they just close the series with a bang like Gainax did with Eva?

Thanks again, you guys have been most helpful.

Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2002, 02:15:49 am »

but that's the best explanation i've ever heard. Thanks, Rob...

@ Neil

a friend and i once discussed the probablility that the last sequence of Magnificent World 1 was just an illusion [feel free to curse me, it's a morbid thought that completely ruins the el-hazard universe]. Let's hope not.

No, I'm pretty sure it's the clear vision of Makoto fulfilling his promise to Ifurita that he will return.  The very fact that he is noted as older (the ending images depict a taller, obviously more matured Makoto, and he also carries the distinct "adult eyes", per El-Hazard standards)

and BTW, the Wanderers version of Ifurita seems like a cross between the Flavor 1 Ifurita and Qawool.

Mm, I dunno, Qawool is kind of an airhead really.  Wanderers Ifurita is essentially a klutzy teenage girl.

Why does Pioneer allow this to happen? Can't they just close the series with a bang like Gainax did with Eva?

Allow WHAT to happen?  Plot gaps or alternate existances like Wanderers?  I myself am not familiar with Gainax, so maybe I missed the point.

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2003, 04:32:59 pm »

Very interesting Rob! You've hit all the right points. The Makoto who comes back to earth to get Ifurita at the end of OVA 1 is obviously a bit older and mature. Probably at least mid-20s. Which means that several years pass before he is able to cross dimensions to Earth. During that time, he certainly has opportunites to have relationships with Qawoor or whoever else. But I doubt it highly, since he's so in love with Ifurita.

As far as Qawoor being somehow related to Ifurita.... well Qawoor's tribe is an ancient and mysterious people. Meaning that they're probably direct descendents of the ancient people of El Hazard. So it's possible that, in the very least, Ifurita's body style, appearence, etc... is based directly on these people (if you buy into the fact that Ifurita is 100% machine  -___-; ). Most likely, Ifurita's default techniques were gleaned directly from these people. Which is why Qawoor's powers are so similar.

So why is she so into Makoto? Well, we all know he's a chick magnet! Look at all the girl's that are in love with him? It should come as no suprise that Qawoor falls for him as well. So why does Makoto kinda seem to like Qawoor? Maybe she reminds him a little of Ifurita.  But remember also, Makoto is just a nice guy in general and has the big brother persona going on.

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Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2003, 04:54:21 pm »

Check the post at the head of the forum about post-AW plot stuff.

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
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