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Author Topic: *OOC* Comments and Questions  (Read 74583 times)
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83

Reverend Strawman

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« Reply #210 on: January 28, 2004, 04:42:12 pm »

*commits seppuku for using "they're" instead of "there"*  :(

And (regarding Fuji's last post)... I think Floristica is officially out of soldiers, between the crash and the Bugrom infiltration. ;D If the next RPG thread isn't "Keep Roshtaria from being invaded by one of its multiple enemies!" I'm going to be very disappointed. *chuckles*
« Last Edit: January 28, 2004, 04:45:17 pm by wayne » Logged

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
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Demon God(ess)
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Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

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« Reply #211 on: January 31, 2004, 05:31:11 pm »

uh buy... I'm lost.. What is going on so far?  :-X

« Reply #212 on: February 01, 2004, 01:42:50 pm »

Uh, I was away for a while, can anyone fill me in on what happened since the post Lana knocked the jar down?

Also, I'll give Lar permission to make Allan speak since I find the posts I'm in a little dull as far as conversation goes.
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83

Reverend Strawman

AOL Instant Messenger - holyknightwayne
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« Reply #213 on: February 02, 2004, 01:50:09 pm »

uh buy... I'm lost.. What is going on so far?  :-X

Near as I can figure, Lan is chasing Jinnai III and his Bugrom through Floristica; unfortunately the bad guys have been wiping out palace security (I knew they should've invested in Atlas-- if it works for Jerry Springer, anyway :D). She's looking for the Princesses and... after that I'm not sure either. *chuckles* They're both MIA so far, I think.

Panic-- The above is where we're at now, heh. I don't remember this "jar" thing, but before that Kane and Xan had a duel which ended up with both of them banged up quite a bit (Kane went to the palace anyway along with Nolan and Miles; Xan went looking for a Phantom Tribe safehouse in Floristica and is currently being healed). That was a few posts' worth. *chuckles*

And those are really the highlights. The palace/Princess subplot is the main focus now.

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
« Reply #214 on: February 03, 2004, 04:44:09 am »

I think I've got it... From Miles' post, let me see if I got this right because I'm a bit confused on it (particularly on what Lana said).

"Miles got knocked out of window and into another room's bed, the lights turned on to see that a girl was there. Lana and Allan entered the troom and Miles shot at Lan but it missed."

I don't understand what Lana said by someone being killed, could anyone clear this up for me? :x
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #215 on: February 03, 2004, 12:10:21 pm »

To tell you the truth, I get confused between Fujisawa's character and Shayla's Raven's characters, so I might have screwed it up at some point. I'm really sorry.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
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Demon God(ess)
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Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

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« Reply #216 on: February 03, 2004, 06:11:45 pm »

I think I've got it... From Miles' post, let me see if I got this right because I'm a bit confused on it (particularly on what Lana said).

"Miles got knocked out of window and into another room's bed, the lights turned on to see that a girl was there. Lana and Allan entered the troom and Miles shot at Lan but it missed."

I don't understand what Lana said by someone being killed, could anyone clear this up for me? :x

No no no, it didn't miss, the shit somehow disappeared... Clues on Lar's post, right before my post.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2004, 06:12:05 pm by fujisawa4654 » Logged

Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #217 on: February 04, 2004, 01:24:39 pm »

I should probably go back and delete my post, but I'll check what Panic posted first! ;D

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
Forum Moderator
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 156

Commander of the UETF, Maj. Gen. Fujisawa!

AOL Instant Messenger - Fujisawa4654
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« Reply #218 on: February 16, 2004, 08:04:34 pm »

Yea uhh, Lar, check my post and read yours.. THere's a little problem that deals with location :/

It's no biggie but miscommunication can hold others up :/ If you don't want to change it, that's fine, I'll work my way around it.

Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #219 on: February 17, 2004, 09:31:13 am »

It would be too difficult to change it. Sorry.

When I read your post, I assumed that you were in the dungeons, as that was where I had been heading. Sorry. Misinterpretation.

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #220 on: March 28, 2004, 06:37:02 pm »


Well, I haven't been posting for a long time either, but I'll post soon as long as noone else does.

It seems that I have to wake up Kane in the end.  :-/
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 83

Reverend Strawman

AOL Instant Messenger - holyknightwayne
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« Reply #221 on: March 28, 2004, 07:51:06 pm »

For my part, I've been waiting for the Palace subplot business to be done with. The time factor of the RP is completely skewed since the last several pages have taken less than a few hours to finish... and that makes the "recuperating" time pretty painful for those who care enough to factor it in. *chuckles*

Fuji, you might want to consider moving on to the next chapter or something if you have anything in mind. It'd be better than the RP stagnating here-- if it comes to that (and at this rate...).

"Die... a glorious death. Fight on and fly on, to the last drop of blood and fuel... to the last beat of the heart and the last kick of the motor... a death for a knight, a toast for his fellows, friend and foe."

-Manfred von Rich
Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #222 on: March 29, 2004, 12:31:37 pm »

I'm waiting on Panic to post. Until he comes and brings my staff to me, I can't do anything.  :'(

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #223 on: March 29, 2004, 06:55:01 pm »

Hey, I'm sorry for the long delay.. As lar knows I just finished moving into my first place, and things have been stressful and such.

I'll be working on a new post this week. Gomen  ^^;
Bugrom Forces
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« Reply #224 on: March 30, 2004, 04:35:39 pm »

^^' I've been mainly waiting for more posts as I can't do much seeing as my character is unconious

"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."

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