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Author Topic: A simple question for you guys  (Read 14442 times)
« on: June 13, 2003, 07:08:44 am »

Here's a simple question for you guys out there,

If you were ended up or transported to El Hazard, what kind of powers you'd like to possess?

Note that your answers or suggestions must be different to the characters of any of the El Hazard series.

That's all guys.  ;D
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2003, 10:58:32 am »

I don't know if it wouldn't even be too powerful, but I think I would prefer to have the ability of mind control or telekinesis  ;)
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2003, 02:42:23 pm »

I've actually never came up with an awnser for this because all the powers are useless except somehow, the series makes them become useful. Example:

Makoto: If the Phantom Tribe thing never came up, his powers of manipulating old machines would be utterly useless.

Fujisawa: Okay, so he can fight the Bugrom, you may think this is useless because Rune and Fatora could have activated the Eye of God without Makoto and Co. but that's wrong for as seen in Magnificent World 1, he saves Rune Venus from the Bugrom, if they caught her, she couldn't do it. This is the only useful power.
Nanami: If I'm right, her abilities were to have excellent cooking skills? These are worthless because she was already a good-enough cook back on Earth, she sold Lunch-Boxes back at School.

Jinnai: Jinnai doesn't even have to be in the Story, he can communicate with the Bugrom and that's about it, Queen Diva can do that herself and I'm sure she'd have done a far better job at commanding the Bugrom if Jinnai had never come along. Whereas Jinnai does a good job, his lust for power always seems to come in the way which results in his "ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK!" thoughts, leading to his defeat.

Personally, I'd like to have an Ability that isn't too powerful (I don't want to inherit God-Powers or anything of the sort). I had the idea of "Body Sheilding", when you feel a hard impact against your body, you can't feel the pain. This power would definatly have a downside, which I think could be that the ability has a limit to how much pain it can take. It's loopy idea but this could be useful for certain things.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2003, 02:44:18 pm by panicpaladin » Logged
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2003, 03:24:26 pm »

Makoto: If the Phantom Tribe thing never came up, his powers of manipulating old machines would be utterly useless.

Actually, he probably DOES want this to aid in his quest to get back to Earth.

Nanami: If I'm right, her abilities were to have excellent cooking skills? These are worthless because she was already a good-enough cook back on Earth, she sold Lunch-Boxes back at School.

Heh, I can tell you're not quite a veteran of EH yet.  ;)  Nanami's power in the OAV and manga was to see through the Phantom Tribe's illusions.  This is useful so long as they remained antagonists.
In the Wanderers, it was just another ability to talk to the Bugrom.  (Which would actually suggest these inherited abilites are hereditary.)

Jinnai: Jinnai doesn't even have to be in the Story, he can communicate with the Bugrom and that's about it, Queen Diva can do that herself and I'm sure she'd have done a far better job at commanding the Bugrom if Jinnai had never come along. Whereas Jinnai does a good job, his lust for power always seems to come in the way which results in his "ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK!" thoughts, leading to his defeat.

Actually, Jinnai does real well in the OAV and the later parts of Wanderers.  The Bugrom were "kept at bay" in the OAV by the Eye of God, but Jinnai seemed to help facilitate attacks around this opposition.

As for me, well... I don't think too much about going to El-Hazard.  I just choose to recreate it.  ;)

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2003, 04:38:59 pm »

It's been a while since I've seen the OVA (The most recent thing I've seen is Alternative World) and I've actually never watched Wanderers or read the Manga.

I can't recall a moment in OVA where Nanami had to really use those powers but it's been a while so I doubt I'd even remember anyway. Damn my cursed memory. :P
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« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2003, 04:53:19 pm »

In the OAV:

Episode 4 - It seemed to be a flood that would have drowned Makoto, Fujisawa and Shayla, but Nanami saw through that.

Episode 7 - The fight against Galus.  That was pretty much Nanami directing Makoto to swing and dodge in certain directions.

In the Wanderers:

Episode 19-20 - Nearly broke Jinnai's career with the Bugrom, if he didn't get last-second support from Groucho (Katsuo) and Nanami crushing poor Tenchi (dunno his other name).

I do not know who to blame more...

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Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2003, 04:58:17 pm »

You missed the most important one Tim; OAV #3 when Nanami actually discovers this by seeing through Kariya.  :P

Certainly Nanami's power wasn't of utmost importance and pretty much forgotten after the OAV.

Oh, right.  This power also applied to the Saturn game, just to tally it up.

Dub vs. Sub, let's keep quiet about it.
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2003, 07:27:35 pm »

Powers, eh?  If in El-Hazard, I'd want the power of not having to pay for anything.  Seriously!  What I would like to do is come and go from my home at will, unconcerned with bills and creditors.

To achieve that end, however, I'd probably have to know how to do something above and beyond what anybody else knows.  Such knowledge could be construed as a "power," I should think.

Even though I don't exhibit this trait in real life, I'd prefer expert knowledge of administration.  You know:  how to use resources so a job gets done right the first time.  Maybe I could be an advisor to the court in such matters.

No, it's not terribly exciting -- I'll grant you that.  But there are already enough people in El-Hazard for attacking bad guys, climbing mountains, et cetera.  I'd just as soon be the resident nerd.


« Last Edit: June 14, 2003, 07:28:27 pm by mistercat » Logged
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« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2003, 03:05:17 pm »

Here's something to think about. All of the powers possesed by the people from earth would appear to be exclusive to El Hazard. Maybe they didn't gain them by coming to El Hazard? Maybe they had them all along? So now you're asking, how come they didn't know about them in the first place?

Makoto: He can synch with and control technology from ancient El Hazard. These items don't exist anywhere else in the universe but on El Hazard. Hence he never would have encountered them if he hadn't come to El Hazard.

Nanami: She can see through the Phantom Tribe's illusions. Of course, this skill can only be excersized on El Hazard. Where the last remaning Phantom Tribe memebrs live.

Jinnai: As with Makoto and Nanami, Jinnai has a fascinating and incomprehensible skill, communicating with Bugrom. And again, this skill can only be utilized on El Hazard.

So, if our heroes were to have gone to yet another world all together, would they suddenly manifest a whole new set of fabulous skills they didn't posses on earth? Probably. So, how do you explain...

Fujisawa: Well, on earth he never really had an opportunity to stop drinking or smoking for more than 5 minutes. So how would he have known he had special powers? ^_^;

But getting back to the original question, I'd actually like to have precognition. ^.^ But if I had to pick an existing skill, it would probably be super-strength.

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Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2003, 03:17:33 pm »

Actually, Saucer, the same thought occured to me too!  I just never mentioned it cause... I guess it never came up.  ;)

To extend on the thought, I've always figured that these inherited "powers" were genetic-related somethings.  (I'm notable for taking the special out of everything.)

Probably Makoto's technology interface, for example, based loosely on Alternate World, would suggest he had the same DNA for clearance as an Administrator type on the technology systems, as the advanced civilization used that in favor of just raw passwords and the like.

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« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2003, 03:41:10 pm »


Probably Makoto's technology interface, for example, based loosely on Alternate World, would suggest he had the same DNA for clearance as an Administrator type on the technology systems, as the advanced civilization used that in favor of just raw passwords and the like.

Good point. Like the "power of the King" or whatever it was called, from Wanderers. A genetic/DNA based password of sorts.

Let's go, Red Raccoon Dogs!
Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
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« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2003, 04:10:08 pm »

Wanderers had a weird flair for making everything so mystic when it was easily attributable to scientific means in the OAV+.  :P

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« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2003, 08:02:10 pm »

If you were ended up or transported to El Hazard, what kind of powers you'd like to possess?

Probably something like the 'Omega' alien demon god character from my fan fiction.  Healing powers and sheer invulnerability, but unable/unwilling to fight, and often generally clueless.
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« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2003, 09:19:58 pm »

A power?

Sheer luck.  Basically, the ability is to "get lucky" when the need arises.

If I fell, I would have something soften my fall at the last second (whether it's a branch or a pool of water or even ancient tubing hidden underground).
« Last Edit: June 16, 2003, 10:49:53 pm by thegameguy » Logged

I do not know who to blame more...

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« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2003, 10:20:10 pm »

You call this "a simple question"? :o Man, if it really was, I wouldn't be having so durned much trouble coming up with an idea for my RPG character. :P

Well, if I had to choose, I'd probably go with indestructibility. Sure, there's ways to defeat that (some rather nasty), but I think it'd be fun to be able to do things like fall off Mount Muldoon, or take a Demon God blast to the chest, and not have to worry. ;D

The 1337 poster
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