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Author Topic: *OOC* Post Character Specs!  (Read 55697 times)
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Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #45 on: November 17, 2003, 07:40:13 pm »

I know I haven't been posting in here, but I have been checking out everything, and I am very very impressed.

It's always nice to have new people join on in, and welcome to EHOL RPG... Or is it El-Hazard RPG?.... Doesn't matter.

I am very happy with what you 2 came up with, very happy indeed. Join in at some point, (please be soon, please be soon..) I need something to fight in the clunker I'm in...

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Demon God(ess)
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« Reply #46 on: November 17, 2003, 08:26:33 pm »

Spanner, I'd still like..that info---prettyplease T_T pm discussion?

I know - I'm so sorry I've kept you waiting! :bawl But rather than discuss this via private message, I think it would be better if we did so on this list. Background on the Shadow Tribe is useful for the other players to know, as well.

First off, the best way to learn what there's been so far on the Shadow Tribe is to go to the "The Adventure Begins!" thread and read replies

4 and 14 on page 1
22 and 16 on page 2,
41 on page 3
77 on page 6,
and 125 on page 9.

These are all the posts I've done so far for Itamar Lowe and his encounter with the Phantom Tribe.

In them, several things are revealed about the Shadow Tribe:

1. They have been quiet for many years. In my take on them, I felt that after their big campaign to try to take the Eye of God failed, they decided to lay low - to fade back into the shadows. The Bugrom and the Alliance know that they are there, but with two generations of people being born never having known the Shadow Tribe as active enemies, they are slowly becoming more like legends than actual foes. Which is exactly how the Tribe likes it.

2. Nahato is in charge. However he managed it, whether it was by inheritence or by political manipulation, Nahato became the leader of the Phantom Tribe after Galus's death. He is a stern and sometimes ruthless leader, but not unwise. His people respect him, and obey him without question. He bears a grudge against the Alliance and the Bugrom for Galus's death, but has not let that cloud his judgement. He, like Galus and many others in the tribe believes that peace is something that will never be possible with the Alliance. In his mind, in order for the Phantom Tribe to finally emerge from the shadows, they will need some serious leverage over the Alliance, preferably enough to conquer them. He is willing to wait and watch for the best opportunity, though, and he sees such an opportunity in Itamar Lowe.

3. The Phantom Tribe has many homes. With the overwhelming numbers possessed by the Alliance, as well as the Eye of God, it could be disastrous if the home of the Phantom Tribe was ever found. So, in the event that such a thing occurs, everyone in the Tribe is ready to pack up their things and move to another underground complex at a moment's notice. Itamar's appearance deep within the tunnels of the Tribe prompts them to move, just in case his arrival is a sign that the Alliance has found them.

4. The Phantom Tribe Never Forgets. The Phantom Tribe has been the target of many atrocities over the years, some of them provoked, others not. More than once, they have been caught unawares, and sometimes the resulting slaughters were brutal, with not even children spared. The Tribe's desire for justice is kept warm and alive through the use of storytelling accompanied by the use of illusion to recreate the terrible incidents. Itamar witnessed one such illusiary atrocity, and it hardened his heart further against the Alliance.

5. The Phantom Tribe employs a Caste system. The Phatom Tribe is divided into several Castes, including the Scientist Caste, the Warrior Caste, the Hunter Caste, and doubtless many others. It is unknown whether these Castes are something the Tribe members are born into, or whether they can choose their Caste when they come of age. Each Caste has its own rigid rules, and laws of ethics and conduct.

6. The Phantom Tribe practices indescriminate science. The Scientist Caste pride themselves on complete impartiality when it comes to their test subjects. They have no qualms about experimenting on intelligent beings, if that is what they are ordered to do (though some Scientists may dislike the practice privately).

When I was considering what I wanted the Phantom Tribe to be like, I wanted to make sure that they weren't just saints that had been led down the wrong path by Galus. They have evil within them as well as good. Some aspects of them might seem horrifyingly barbarous (like the unfeeling cruelty of their scientists), while in other aspects they seem quite reasonable. They are people, just like everyone else on El-Hazard - and they unanimously consider themselves to be a victimized people, both because of the way their ancestors were unfairly torn from their homes, and because of the rotten way they've been treated since.

I think that all of the above will work perfectly well with your design idea for Shitia. What do you think?

The 1337 poster
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« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2003, 08:28:57 pm »

Just to add to Alexei post here is a head shot image of Shitia to acompany her profile


And this is Hitomi ^_^ as you all know my character


Great pictures, Tsukasa! I particularly like your drawing of Shitia. Her design reminds me a lot of Gilda, with her long, straight hair and grim demeanor.

The 1337 poster
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« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2003, 12:59:22 am »

Thanks thanks ^^

Anyhow - save the caste system, most of these things are things I'd actually have considered canon(and the first thing I employed like that in something I plan as well, and the illusionairy storytelling I had mentioned in another EH RPG once - you never were there though, so you can't know. Good that the ideas are so similar ^^''' makes it easier)
Making them saints would be pointless anyhow. People always do things that are wrong, provided with time, and as they say, even with good intentions, a path to hell can be made ^^ Besides, it'd be boring to make them saints and then have them plot to destroy Roshtaria/human nations as it is now.

I have no problem with either. My character might probably be involved with 4) - after all, she's a witness. Maybe she came pretty much because now Itamar is considered "safe" enough? While being a demon, she has become rather careful - after all, her shape isn't exactly the best, and fights might damage her a lot more than its good for her, in the long run, so caution is advised - and fitting with the Phantom Tribe^^.

Later today, after university, I'll read the postings you mentioned, and try to fit in. Thats okay? ^^'

Edit: Two Iffy's have to work together! Wee! *blows the RPG up after stumbling suddenly*
« Last Edit: November 18, 2003, 01:00:11 am by tvifurita » Logged

Evil is about being nice!

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« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2003, 03:49:00 am »

As always, great pics Nik!  ^_^V
Bugrom Forces
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« Reply #50 on: November 19, 2003, 08:20:46 pm »


A frotn facing image of Hitomi here ^_^

And here is the full body design that I drew of Shitia for Alexei


"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."

Demon God(ess)
Posts: 1000

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« Reply #51 on: November 20, 2003, 01:04:33 pm »

Wow!  :o

You said that last time when the poor martyr ended up at the infirmary because the gates of heaven refused to open. -- Vallier
« Reply #52 on: November 21, 2003, 01:37:46 am »

You've outdone yourself mate! l337 drawings! ^_^V
« Reply #53 on: November 21, 2003, 01:13:30 pm »

Exe's post with Shayla and Allan just made me notice... Allan looks like he knows just about everybody in Roshtaria. :P

And nice pictures, there. I like the idea of using blurred existing backgrounds, less effort and always looks better than nothing (Sure it's been done many times but it never seems to get old). Great job.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 01:14:35 pm by panicpaladin » Logged
Demon God(ess)
Posts: 485

He's so excitingly bold!

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« Reply #54 on: November 21, 2003, 04:48:26 pm »


A front facing image of Hitomi here ^_^

And here is the full body design that I drew of Shitia for Alexei


I haven't been following the RPG, but I just wanted to post my compliments on the artwork too.  That last full picture of the Shitia character is especially nice.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2003, 05:30:07 pm by mrwhat » Logged
Bugrom Forces
Posts: 78

Illregular Hunter

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« Reply #55 on: November 21, 2003, 09:10:58 pm »

Image here of Fujisawa's Miles


And also a full body design of Hitomi


"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."

« Reply #56 on: November 21, 2003, 10:25:45 pm »

Woah! That drawing skillz are great!  =,]

High five on this one!  ^_^V

I like all of the pics! Keep on drawing.
« Reply #57 on: November 23, 2003, 03:06:27 am »

And the l337|\|355 continues  :o

All I can say is keep em coming mate!  ^_^V
Bugrom Forces
Posts: 78

Illregular Hunter

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« Reply #58 on: November 23, 2003, 09:28:35 pm »

^^ Just so you all know I will not be online till Wedesnday so please don't include Hitomi as a main member of a post to respond until Wedesenday

"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."

Bugrom Forces
Posts: 78

Illregular Hunter

AOL Instant Messenger - NikBzero Yahoo Instant Messenger - Zerotoleranceex
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« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2003, 04:27:29 pm »

^_^ Just to let you all know I am back now ^^ so if someone to ease Hitomi in somewhere in thier next post (I guess that would be Nolan) would be helpful  ^_^V

"I know that laugh and it's not a happy one....."

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