I'm not sure whether or not enough anime footage exists to make a suitable video anyway.
Not that it matters, since I won't be authoring AMVs anytime soon-- but I can think of at least three possible ways to work around that.
One way would be to use OVA2 scenes of desert-Ifurita out of context. There's some scenes of her with Makoto, and some scenes of her by herself.
Another way would be to expand the video concept, and try to show Nanami and Shayla pining for Makoto. Makoto is even farther "away" from them, so to speak, than Ifurita is from Makoto.
The third (and easiest) way would be to fade the song out early

Maybe I should do a search for Dire Straits or Mark Knopfler on the amv site.
I remember DLing two DS AMVs, both of Tenchi Muyo!, to "Money For Nothing" (of course) and "Brothers In Arms" (the title track). The BIA one was actually rather moving.