« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2003, 06:27:49 am » |
*SMASH* door open Hi there! I'm new here! How about...ak!... Am I interrupting something? Just wanted to get known to each other! I heared Kathy Guinea studied german? - Hi, wie geht's so? - - Kannst du gut deutsch?- 
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2003, 03:34:39 pm » |
Hey! Das ist ja richtig genial! Finde ich ziemlich gut sich mal so auf deutsch mit euch zu unterhalten. Habt ihr das von der Schule aus gelernt oder eher privat? Wusste garnicht das in Amerika deutsch unterrichtet wird!!! Should I translate that or are you fine with that? I learned english about 10 years, but I have to say that the education in germany isn't that well. Sometimes I'm missing vocabulary that you only may learn on your own. I hope my english is good enougth and that there won't come up any missunderstandings, so I'll try to do my best 
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2003, 05:38:13 pm » |
Glad to hear that! I never gave up hoping to be able doing that. In fact communication is one of the most important things to me. And so I'm quite happy that I've learned english. I'm really honored to hear such a compliment from somebody whose native speech is english. An sonsten kann ich euch ja gerne noch etwas in Deutsch helfen. Es ist immer gut eine weitere Fremdsprache zu beherrschen. It's still much better than quite a few people online who were born speaking English, yet can't type a word of it I agree with that! Nothing different to germany  Sometimes it is really pathetic how germans are using their language! I learned to speak german on my own. We came to germany when I was only 8 month old. My parents always spoke polish with me, never a word german. When I was in the kindergarden I just listend how the others were talking and learned from them.
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2003, 05:48:41 pm » |
Ihr könnt ja beide die Gelegenheit nutzen und noch etwas lernen. Ich lerne auch Englisch von euch. Übersetzt die Texte die ich euch schreibe und ich kontrolliere dann, ob ihr das richtig gemacht habt. Genauso machen wir das auch in Englisch für mich. So lernt man schnell und es macht spaß! Wanna give it a try and translate the text above?  If you need help, just let me know!