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+  El-Hazard Online
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 : October 01, 2015, 10:29:40 am 
Ray Von Blaue - Mizfan
Yeah, everyone has moved on... I just randomly remembered this site and found that I could still log on using my very old account.

Never knew there was a blu ray. Then again, blu ray doesn't interest me in the slightest. I only bought my first one a week ago.

I'd be interested in know what the extra features are though. If they are just the music, I'd be interested in knowing if it includes ALL the music from the first OVA, as I remember opening a thread long ago complaining a number of tracks were never made available in any shape or form.

 : March 30, 2015, 03:57:31 pm 
Ray Von Blaue - Ray Von Blaue
Wow, I stumbled upon the old forum after searching for some old fanfics, and it's good to see some posts still recently added.

I haven't been around regularly for nearly 10 years other than a brief stopover 7 years ago, what's new with all of you?

I hit my 30s, though I still keep up with the anime scene. I started writing fanfiction in my spare time again, with better results thanks to some confidence. Work has got me procrastinating on it though.

I had to re-register since my account (and the new one after it) got nuked when the website had permission issues ages ago.

Nowadays I tend to hang around SteamGifts and work on random website projects of my own. I also run some game servers in my spare time. Been so long since I've browsed the old threads. I miss the RPG, I wish it could have kept going. Loads of fun were had there.

I hope that Bluray set hits this side of the Pacific through a distributor.

Feel free to message me as I added my email to the profile.

Hey there!  Glad to meet another fan!  About those Blu-rays...they are gorgeous! (started a new topic here on the board with some info).

While I'm at it folks, a bit of shameful promotion here, but since it'd be appreciated by such folks around here I'd like to share a recent episode of a little podcast my friends and I are involved with: giving some love for El-Hazard!

Here's youtube link, got links for podcast and more there.

 : February 17, 2015, 04:25:23 pm 
Ray Von Blaue - Ray Von Blaue
As initially mentioned here, I felt compelled to do a follow-up after actually getting my hands on the recent release of EH on BD!

(Hope no one minds I made a new topic for any other news/follow-up's concerning this release; also hope no one's too jelly muahahaaa!)

As can be seen via previous link or a quick internet search, you can see a few screenshots to gaze at the quality for yourself. I can tell you from first-hand experience, it's immaculate. So here's just a few pics I snapped of the actual set itself:

The six episodes are spread out generously on two Blu-ray discs (because we all know a single BD could hold all of EH and then some) and four CDs are included as well. To date I've not yet explored these CDs (OST, I presume), as I am currently in a transition phase, complete with various prized possessions somewhat inaccessible at the moment.

In summary, I can't remember at the moment exactly how much I dropped for this set (mostly because I'd rather not remember!) but for me it was money well spent. El-Hazard is a gem, and it's only appropriate that a rare Blu-ray release of an otherwise OOP work joins my humble collection.

tl;dr If ever you have the opportunity to do so, BUY IT! It's got the English dub and everything!

BTW, if anyone is so inclined, I first posted about this acquisition on my forum home for the past few years Tenchiforum.com. I'd like this place (EHO) to be an outlet for whenever I have that EH itch to scratch, but if most folks have moved on or would like to discuss another one of Hayashi's works, check us out! We TM! folk love our 'sister series.'  ^_^V

 : November 13, 2014, 10:50:34 pm 
Ray Von Blaue - Thomas Jerome Newton
Glad to see another of the old guard stop on by. To think, we've almost got enough for a small party to throw for the old gal.

Would love to have someone on this side of the great pond pick up the BR set. Nozomi's already been in for The Wanderers DVDs, they should pick up the rest while they're at it.

 : November 12, 2014, 10:40:34 pm 
Ray Von Blaue - Shayla's Raven
Wow, I stumbled upon the old forum after searching for some old fanfics, and it's good to see some posts still recently added.

I haven't been around regularly for nearly 10 years other than a brief stopover 7 years ago, what's new with all of you?

I hit my 30s, though I still keep up with the anime scene. I started writing fanfiction in my spare time again, with better results thanks to some confidence. Work has got me procrastinating on it though.

I had to re-register since my account (and the new one after it) got nuked when the website had permission issues ages ago.

Nowadays I tend to hang around SteamGifts and work on random website projects of my own. I also run some game servers in my spare time. Been so long since I've browsed the old threads. I miss the RPG, I wish it could have kept going. Loads of fun were had there.

I hope that Bluray set hits this side of the Pacific through a distributor.

Feel free to message me as I added my email to the profile.

 : October 02, 2014, 01:31:28 am 
Ray Von Blaue - Thomas Jerome Newton
A pleasure to see another older member pop on by, hello from a new face.

I wish I had the money to spend for the set right now, but until then some teaser screenshots will have to do.


Full set of shots here.

 : September 27, 2014, 07:38:05 pm 
Ray Von Blaue - Ray Von Blaue
Even if it's just a trickle, it's great to see some replies from the old guard!

BTW I'm a tad late on this, but remember talk of a certain several-times-delayed blu ray set?


Also btw, they are going (more like "went" by the time anyone sees this) FAST!

If out of stock, some amazon-user vendors might be looking to make a profit on the turnaround, so don't lose faith too soon!

If I manage to get my hands on a set, I'll let you all know if the bang is worth the buck (which, I mean, come on....).  ;D

 : September 21, 2014, 06:45:51 am 
Ray Von Blaue - bakasama
holy **** my account here is still alive.
this is one of my oldest accounts, 13 years old and running.
will be reading around while reminiscing for the next few days.

 : June 23, 2014, 05:47:25 pm 
Ray Von Blaue - Thomas Jerome Newton
Regardless of the time of death, I still check in once a week or so, just in case.  ;)

 : June 22, 2014, 03:24:04 pm 
Insanely43 - Captain Southbird (EHOL Creator)
(Late, late reply)

The old PC port of the El-Hazard game fell out of maintenance and had a lot of issues. It was also pretty poorly "translated" (by which I mean I just filled in dialog off the cuff based on an outline) and it really wasn't up to par with the quality it should have been.

I pretty much keep looking for someone who wants to do a proper script for it and then I'd consider updating the code and making it work smoothly again. However to date no one has taken up this challenge.

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