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Messages - Kathy Guinea

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 29
Well I went to the Marine Corps ball last night ^^ It was a fairly good evening... except for this one guy who was being really obnoxious about putting the moves on me :p He was getting too personal and I was politely trying to snub him.

The highlights of the evening were when a bunch of guys were taking pictures of themselves with me and this other teacher. I told them that this had to go both ways and made them get in a picture with me. ^^; If they are gonna brag about me, I wanna brag about them ^^;

The other highlight was when the creepy obnoxious guy left, this really really drunk guy came up to me and asked me to dance. I told him my feet hurt (which they did) then he offered me a rose and very sincerely and politely told me that I was beautiful... Which I needed after that other guy spent a half hour telling me how "special" I was. 9_9  So yeah that drunk guy made my evening ^^;

Anyhow here are some pictures ^^

Here's a woman in a traditional Korean Hanbok

Here I am at the ball

Some of my fellow single teachers at the ball.

Some random people dancing.

Me with some random Marines ^^;

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Robot Maids...
« on: November 02, 2004, 03:13:56 am »
Actually... I meant it to be funny... but apparently I wasn't.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Robot Maids...
« on: November 01, 2004, 07:33:17 am »
Robot maids. Robots. SCREW ROBOTS!

... Screw... Robots?!

:: grabs nearest male robot and runs off to do just that ::

... what?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Chinese cookie fortunes... -in bed
« on: November 01, 2004, 07:24:04 am »
Behind an able man, there are always.
??? Always what? A dominitrix with a strap-on? -in bed

LOL! wow... that's an image I didn't need ^^;

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Video Games
« on: November 01, 2004, 07:22:33 am »
I can't imagine ever getting rid of my games ;; I can't let go. Because I know that as soon as I get rid of them I'll suddenly have the urge to play something :p

The games I most frequently replay are:

Megaman 3, 4, and 6, and X1
Sonic 1, 3, Sonic & Knuckles and chaotix (for like 30 min at a time)
Castlevania 3, 4, and Symphony of the Night
Final Fantasy 5 and 7
The Legend of Zelda (original), Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask
Super Mario Bros. 3 and Mario World

and there are tons of others I could never part with... like Little Nemo, Bucky O' Hare, Battle Toads, Maniac Mansion, any of the classic Mario Bros. games

the list goes on and on ... I currently have 86 console games (non-bootleg) and I'm not going to bother counting my GB and GBA games because they are in another room and I'm lazy :p

so yeah...I don't get rid of anything because I never know when I'll want it back (eventhough 90% of the games I own can be easily emulated on the computer :p )

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: "Ahh, you damn otaku..."
« on: October 30, 2004, 02:42:48 am »

El-Hazard Online / Re: Dub Jinnai or Sub Jinnai?
« on: October 22, 2004, 03:55:14 am »

I just knew you were going to beat me to the punch. ^^;

So Saucer... how do you like your women?  ;D

El-Hazard Online / Re: Boxset ... for $1
« on: October 20, 2004, 07:31:50 am »
Not until they invent a Fleshlight-like peripheral to go along with those import bishoujo games!

How about a Hitachi Magic Wand add on for the ladies? ^^;

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Video Games
« on: October 13, 2004, 05:18:28 pm »
My sister is 24 and she still plays video games.

Indeed... playing Megaman X Command Mission right now. Which so far isn't sucking... so far... Capcom has disappointed me much lately. But the game seems to be pretty unsucky at the moment. I hope they make more like it.

El-Hazard Online / Re: El Hazard, Year 10
« on: October 06, 2004, 03:00:13 am »

It seems the perception that "frames are evil" has stuck, though: not many sites use them anymore, often applying CCS as an alternative.

I just took a grad credit web class over the summer and THEY basically said, "DON'T USE FRAMES! EVER!" Mainly because people go nuts with them and clutter the whole page and there are all sorts of other problems with them... :p They encourage you to use tables in place of frames.

But in this case I'm sure one additional frame won't hurt.

El-Hazard Online / Re: If Steven Spielberg will make the El Hazard mo
« on: September 20, 2004, 05:46:08 pm »
Ifurita - Nicole Kidman - Watch "Batman Forever".

Let's cut movie costs and cast me as Ifurita... I think I can pull off the Iffy look.

And as for acting... I'm a teacher. I have to find ways to entertain 8 hours a day 5 days a week... :p sooo yeah... I can do that.

Actually, if I were to do things over again, I would have gone into theatre instead of art ed... buuuuuut I probably wouldn't have a job right now either ^^;

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: Robot Maids...
« on: September 20, 2004, 05:36:43 pm »
that was profound... kinda... ah the limiting and confusing quirks of human languages.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: THIS is why Japan rules...
« on: September 20, 2004, 05:33:57 pm »
wow... I kinda like the art on that pillow actually ^^;;;;

I must be tired.

Not every soil can bear all things. Be practical-- in bed

I'll "call" your 80-year-old bishounen robot that looks 25, and I'll "raise" you with a 20000-year-old bishoujou demon-god that looks 25.  

:: looks at 80-year old bishounen robot :: Well he's got us there.

Although, unfortunately, a 25-year-old female of any kind is a bit too young for me now.

It's funny you feel that way... I get hit on by middle aged guys about 10 times more often than guys my own age :p I mean... more power to them if they think they look good enough to date a girl could could very well be their daughter... buuut ... _I_ personally find it creepy to date a guy as old as my dad. I also find it disconcerting that  don't get hit on by guys closer to my age range... I think there is something wrong with me.

Here's another fortune: "No one conquers who doesn't fight-- in bed."

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