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Topics - Kathy Guinea

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It's probably the least sucky Megaman game made in the last ... oh 9 years or so :p

The Megaman X series sorely needed a game that didn't suck. I think the whole X plotline kinda fell apart after X3. So this was a refreshing look at it.

It's got an interesting battle system for an RPG and it took some getting used to. I thought the manual read like stereo instructions when I first got it, but maybe that's because I was trying to read it while I had a fever 9_9

Anyhow, I enjoyed the game very much and you can clear the main plotline within about 30-35 hours. Then it has a bunch of hidden bosses to find and other little extras and challenges (which is what I'll be working on now).

The game was actually pretty interesting right up til the end, and I must say the very last chapter was the best of all just because it all came together very nicely. (Another thing that the X series has lacked as of late is good writers. Whoever wrote the script for this one can pat themselves on the back).

Some of the things that happen in the game are a bit predictable (such as one of your new team mates betraying you right at the offset. Anytime you have a new character in Megaman X, nine times out of ten they are secretly evil). But the overall story was entertaining. Some of the voice acting was weird... I thought Cinnamon and Botos were a tad on the annoying side. But I think they finally got half decent voice actors for X and Zero (even if some of the VA's are from G-Gundam x_x )

The music was also pretty decent. I think that X1-3 had the best music... and it kinda went down hill from there. Most of the music is non-distracting and atmospheric but quite a few of the tunes from Command Mission are quite enjoyable ^^ (Axl has the weirdest genkiest theme song x_x I especially enjoy the executive battle song though, personally.)

Best line in the game:  When Zero says "Oh GREAT!" right before you fight Ferham... it wasn't what he said so much as how he said it. (I think he was a little tired of Ferham electric whipping him, in her pink pseudo dominatrix idiom).

Funniest fan fic fodder moment: When X and Zero stare at eachother for a rather awkwardly long moment after they are reunited in the middle of the game-- and Axl interrupts them. It was all kinds of shonen-ai wrongness. For not being gay (that we know of) Capcom certianly goes out of their way to make X seem like he has this freaky fanboy crush on Zero all the time. He obsesses over Zero waaaay too much x_x

Stupidest line: I'll say it's a tie between when you first meet up with Axl and you tell him about Zero and he says, "THE Zero?!" fanboyishly as if he never met Zero before... 9_9 jeebus Axl you only just fought along side him in X7 :p  Not to mention the fact that Zero saved your ass multiple times in the same game 9_9 The other was when Zero got pissed off and left after meeting X's rag tag team of friends and Massimo said, "Maybe Axl could change into Zero! That would sort of be like having a new friend!" ... ... ... ahh Massimo, filling the BIG DUMB SLOW robot quota for the game. (Though to be fair, Massimo was not quite as stereotypically dumb as SOME big robots are).

The only thing I kinda missed was Signas and Alia, especially Signas. Signas amuses me with the way he will straight out tell X to stop whining ^^; (At least X was a little less whiny than usual). Signas also has a great leader presence... he may not do much, but he does look good in that long military coat armor (ok I just want him there because he's eye candy). And Alia amuses me because while she is actually kinda annoying, I always thought it'd be hilarious if they started writing her spotter dialogue entirely in Cockney slang ... I think would increase her hilarity tenfold (she only points out the obvious anyhow). But that's just me. All the generic women in the game looked kinda like Alia... which was well, weird.

Overall a good game. I hear the GC version has more extras than the PS2 version and that the GC also renders the graphics better. But after getting hosed by the GC version of the Anniversary Collection, I just ASSUMED I should go with the PS2 version 9_9 I may end up with the GC version sometime anyhow ^^; because I'm a silly fan girl -- that and I wouldn't mind playing the game through again.

Well I went to the Marine Corps ball last night ^^ It was a fairly good evening... except for this one guy who was being really obnoxious about putting the moves on me :p He was getting too personal and I was politely trying to snub him.

The highlights of the evening were when a bunch of guys were taking pictures of themselves with me and this other teacher. I told them that this had to go both ways and made them get in a picture with me. ^^; If they are gonna brag about me, I wanna brag about them ^^;

The other highlight was when the creepy obnoxious guy left, this really really drunk guy came up to me and asked me to dance. I told him my feet hurt (which they did) then he offered me a rose and very sincerely and politely told me that I was beautiful... Which I needed after that other guy spent a half hour telling me how "special" I was. 9_9  So yeah that drunk guy made my evening ^^;

Anyhow here are some pictures ^^

Here's a woman in a traditional Korean Hanbok

Here I am at the ball

Some of my fellow single teachers at the ball.

Some random people dancing.

Me with some random Marines ^^;

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Mr. Saturn Appreciation Day
« on: July 24, 2004, 06:53:59 am »

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Random Disturbing Thought
« on: April 23, 2004, 01:48:57 am »
In one class today I mentioned that the only reason we treat  computers like unfeeling machines is cos they cannot talk back to us. When we try to do things the computer can't do, we MIGHT be causing it "pain" but it has no way of expressing it. When you hit all the keys at once and it makes that "beep" noise, it might actually be crying out in pain with the only voice it has -- it's telling you to STOP what you are doing because it cannot handle it... I mean think about how many times the PC speaker beeps at you... that's your computer saying "owie!" ;_;

I posted this on my forum too but I thought Bob needed to see it ^_~

Yes, the transparencies were designed for my forum sorry they look so craptastic :p

Wait... are you an archeologist, or a paleobotanist? Just what the hell DID you study in college? Maybe you're an acheobotanist. So what's your theory Cain? Did you think dinosaurs had gardens behind their houses?

You know Cain, you might be digging toward an ancient 21st century gas line. Or, possibly, a sewer. It could even be a landfill. Did you even look at your map before you started this expedition?

Dr. Light might have been talking about his heart medication. I mean the guy WAS OLD. So maybe he wrote notes to himself reminding him to take his medication. And seeing as how he's dead, it looks like all those reminders were for naught. I think the more important question is, "Why the hell is Dr. Light's lab several meters below the earth?" He either had one helluva basement, or he was up to no good... like all roboticists. Also, if Light was so damned famous, shouldn't his lab be on your map?

... You really DIDN'T look at the map did you Dr. Cain? Or maybe you bought your map from the same guy who sold maps to the Donner Party?

That's one BIG ASSED capsule! Weren't you afriad that it might contain earth shattering EVIL?! Or did you just assume that because Dr. Light was educated that he was also enlightened? **coughWilycough** If it's running a diagnostic program, don't you think you should LEAVE IT ALONE 'til it automatically shuts off? I'll bet Dr. Light is running Windows 20XX. If you shut it down in the middle of a program you'll corrupt the hard drive. Or worse, suffer the Blue Screen of Death! The 20XX version of the BSOD features a 3D holographic image of Bill Gate's disembodied head cackling at you. As for the green indicator lights, maybe Dr. Light was color-blind and those were supposed to be red. I mean, he DID name Protoman, Blues, and he's red. But Megaman is blue. Why isn't Protoman Rock and Megaman Blues?! It's cos he was colorblind! Colorblind like a dog!!!! Those green lights mean DON'T OPEN MEEEEEE!!!!

Being a scientist, I'm sure you don't get to hang out with many humans. I'll bet X has had more human interaction than YOU have and he's been in a glass tube for the last 30+ years.

Did you actually ASK X if he wanted to go back to your lab? Or did you just stuff him into a crate? And exactly how much of those plans would an archeobotanist  understand?

Letting X WATCH is not the same as letting him help. The Reploid probably started arguing with you because you put him together backwards and he was trying to tell you what was WRONG!

Reploid#1: You crossed these wires.
Cain: I thought they'd look better that way.
Reploid#1: Yeah but you also reversed the polarity on this!
Cain: That was purely an aesthetic thing...
Reploid#1: How can that be an aesthetic thing?
X: I gotta agree with...
Cain: SHUT UP X! I didn't see YOU helping me!
X: You wouldn't let me...
Reploid#1: I don't feel so good...

Dr. Cain, taking an Intro. to Robotics course your first semester as an undergraduate, does not qualify you to build robots. Especially when you're an archeobotanist who studies the gardening habits of dinosaurs.

So, like what happened to all the robots of Dr. Light's time? They say that robots will be one of the first inventions that will be able to build themselves, some might even be able to build better, more advanced versions of themselves. So, logically, there should be equivalent, if not better robots running around by this time. So, why would robots and humans working together seem weird? It wasn't so weird 30+ years ago. All of Dr. Light's original, killer, industrial robots were supposed to work with humans. I think you spend too much time in the lab... alone... because you have no friends.

Did you forget that your first Reploid told you that you put him together backwards, so now ALL the Reploids based on your h4xX0r3d design are flipping out? If you had listened to X and generic Reploid #1 none of this would have ever happened. And how did you become too dependent on the Reploids in a little less than 3 months? I mean, does everyone in 21XX have an electric pencil sharpener? No, probably not. Why? Cos some people like manual ones. I can't see how in 3 months the human race would be so sold on your h4xX0r3d robot design that they would forgo their LIVES. Auto mobile companies recall stuff ALL THE TIME. Your product should be no different. Unless you planned to take the money and skip town... >_>

As for Sigma (who "has assigned" to lead the hunters), are you saying all the other Reploids were made from shoddy surplus Cold War Communist parts cos you saved your pennies to build Sigma to be your golden child? I think that's exactly what you're saying. No wonder they malfunction.

The Maverick attacks have stopped cos you ceased embezzling money from your own company.

X can sense evil. He is uncomfortable because he's living with the bane of the human race, and it ain't Sigma.

Sigma only decided they were inferior because he got to know YOU. I mean, if you were MY creator I think I'd flip out and go Maverick too. That and he saw your business records and how you limited the growth of Reploids by building them out of shoddy surplus Cold War Communist parts instead of forking over the dough for "good" stuff. Sigma feels like he's doing the world a favor. He's ridding the human race of the disease "Chronic Stupidity," something that you suffer from, by ensuring that you and no one in your extended family reproduces.

They aren't hiding, or trying to flee, they are searching for YOU Dr. Cain! They plan to lynch you and mutilate your worthless corpse. They want to send a message to all the know-it-all archeobotanists of the world. Only a complete dumbass would mess with something he doesn't understand. Especially when evil, color blind, roboticists are involved (and we all know Dr. Light was just a little evil. After all, he built Auto).

Of course X is taking the news of the war seriously. You basically raped and maimed HIS schematics to make those foul legions of doom that you call Reploids!

You see, it's not about the Sigma virus. It's not about the Zero Nightmare. The most basic problem in the Megaman X series is, once again, that plague of mankind, a fatal condition known as "Chronic Stupidity." And Dr. Cain was the carrier.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Sound Advice
« on: March 03, 2004, 05:57:25 am »

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Happy New Year!
« on: December 31, 2003, 03:06:10 am »
Let's start this year off right,

by robbing Marth of his manhood.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Happy Holidays ^_^
« on: December 24, 2003, 10:47:33 pm »
Happy holidays everyone!  

Now for a little scary fairy magic:

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Megaman 8 Snapshot Request ^_^;
« on: August 06, 2003, 02:14:01 pm »
Any of the Rockman fans on the forum have a snapshot of Astroman's level?

The part I want a picture of is the second part of the level where you have to solve that puzzle with the different switches and the sliding doors. The background is M.C. Escher-esque and I regret not taking a snapshot of it before I packed up my computer :p

What I really want is a shot that has a fairly good view of the background with all the impossible staircases. This background shows up again in the second sliding door/switch puzzle later in the level. (So, you can see it in two different places).

If anyone can get me a snapshot I'd greatly appreciate it! I am writing up a biography on M.C. Escher and it's always helpful to tie topics like that into the interests of the students (and I think most kids know Megaman).


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Megaman 8 Snapshot Request ^_^;
« on: August 06, 2003, 02:14:01 pm »
Any of the Rockman fans on the forum have a snapshot of Astroman's level?

The part I want a picture of is the second part of the level where you have to solve that puzzle with the different switches and the sliding doors. The background is M.C. Escher-esque and I regret not taking a snapshot of it before I packed up my computer :p

What I really want is a shot that has a fairly good view of the background with all the impossible staircases. This background shows up again in the second sliding door/switch puzzle later in the level. (So, you can see it in two different places).

If anyone can get me a snapshot I'd greatly appreciate it! I am writing up a biography on M.C. Escher and it's always helpful to tie topics like that into the interests of the students (and I think most kids know Megaman).


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Ph33r
« on: May 27, 2003, 01:52:37 pm »

nuff said...

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Ph33r
« on: May 27, 2003, 01:52:37 pm »

nuff said...

For those of you who know me well... umm Rob/Tim  ;D no, I did not change the text in this picture... although, it sounds like something I would write:

I remember when I first saw that panel. I started cracking up and promptly showed it to Hayley who in turn cracked up ^_^

I just rediscovered it tonight when looking up something about Dr. Tenma's wife (heh turned out I was in the wrong volume...) hee hee... ahh I love random shit!

For those of you who know me well... umm Rob/Tim  ;D no, I did not change the text in this picture... although, it sounds like something I would write:

I remember when I first saw that panel. I started cracking up and promptly showed it to Hayley who in turn cracked up ^_^

I just rediscovered it tonight when looking up something about Dr. Tenma's wife (heh turned out I was in the wrong volume...) hee hee... ahh I love random shit!

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Happy Birthday Astro Boy!
« on: April 07, 2003, 08:40:50 pm »


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