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Messages - dooky

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El-Hazard Online / Re: El Hazard OVA 3
« on: November 14, 2003, 11:34:10 am »
Apologies for veering off-topic, but I do adore Guu...


Speaking of, I just finished the TV series. And although I absolutely loved it, I was kinda miffed that they just ended it so abruptly with so many loose ends. Does the OVA finish things up? And where can I find the OVA anyway?

The 'Deluxe' OVA certainly continues the series and ties up some loose ends (particularly regarding Weda and Clive) but it's not a conclusion. There's another OVA being released starting in December, called Guu Final, so I assume we might have a genuinine conclusion. But to be honest, Guu never had that much plot and I'm not sure what there is to conclude. There's always the question of exactly what Guu is, but the more I watched the series, the less I wanted to find out. She's just some crazy force of nature with unlimited powers, and I think an explanation would just spoil the fun.

More than one person has hinted at the possibility of romance between Hale and Guu. Personally I think this is a ridiculous suggestion, although it would be damn funny ^_^

I'm afraid I can't advise you on where to get the OVAs- I'm reliant on others for my downloads due to having no internet connection of my own. They'll probably resurface on BitTorrent when the new OVAs start getting subbed. The OVA series does come highly recommended though... it's even funnier than the TV series, the stories are weirder, and there's even a Digi Charat crossover ^_^

Oh, and Alexei... It's true that I'm a yuri fan first and foremost. But a little yaoi never hurt anyone... permanently ^_~


(sorry, I'll stop scaring Alexei now)

El-Hazard Online / Re: El Hazard OVA 3
« on: November 12, 2003, 09:22:00 am »
Alexei-chan! (Glomps Alexei in an inappropraitely yaoi outburst) It's been so long... how I miss our debates about robotic maids and the Eurovision song contest ^_^ Wow, so many of the old crew from the EHML are showing up here...

What's the topic? Ah... continuations. It could happen- it's certainly not unlike AIC to resurrect an apparently long dead franchise. The main problem as far as I can see is that El-Hazard would be so bloody difficult to conclude properly. Th cast is enormous (and any new series would doubtless add more characters), and I don't think that an OAV would be sufficiently long to tie up all the loose ends, tell a decent story and do all the characters justice. We'd be looking at something approaching a TV series in length. If you take a look at most of the fanfics that conclude El-Hazard (even the unfinished ones), they're not short.

So while I'd be delighted to see more El-Hazard (and I would in any form, just as Sailor Moon fans are delighted with the new live action series despite freely admitting that it's rubbish), I've come to accept the fact that, more likely than not, there won't be any more. El-Hazard will always be my first love, but I've long since learned to live without it. Now, I've no idea how I'm going to cope when Jungle wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu finishes next year...

El-Hazard Online / Re: The Bugrom(the little topic)
« on: September 29, 2003, 06:57:14 am »

Saaay, but doesn't that make Diva the mother of all H.O.M.O.S.? ;D

Well, there's no denying she's a queen ^_~

El-Hazard Online / Re: The Bugrom(the little topic)
« on: September 25, 2003, 06:17:36 am »
One British reviewer of El-hazard pointed out that, if you say the word 'Bugrom' very quickly, it sounds like "Bugger 'em". As in, "subject them to..." well, you get my drift. Perhaps this explains why they're so feared in El-Hazard ^_~

This moment of poor taste was brought to you by the dooky.

El-Hazard Online / Re: Who gets Makoto?
« on: September 12, 2003, 06:29:36 am »

So all documents of mine related to AW will be using "Quawool", "Allujah", and also "Parnosse".

Parnosse? Even I've never seen that one before... ^_^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: What time do you usually visit EHOL?
« on: September 08, 2003, 06:08:44 am »
Yes! I am also GMT! (Although aren't we still in Britsih Summer Time at the moment?) I usually check the site between 10.30am and noon, but only on a weekday ^_^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: What time do you usually visit EHOL?
« on: September 08, 2003, 06:08:44 am »
Yes! I am also GMT! (Although aren't we still in Britsih Summer Time at the moment?) I usually check the site between 10.30am and noon, but only on a weekday ^_^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: why the name
« on: September 08, 2003, 06:04:20 am »
Well, like all the best names, 'dooky' comes from a reference so obscure that absolutely nobody I've ever met has successfully guessed its origin. It does in fact come from the song title 'Spooky Dooky' by Pink Kross. The term 'dooky' is meaningless, or so I thought... until I started reading Jhonen Vasquez's comics -_- Ah well, too late to change it now.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Re: why the name
« on: September 08, 2003, 06:04:20 am »
Well, like all the best names, 'dooky' comes from a reference so obscure that absolutely nobody I've ever met has successfully guessed its origin. It does in fact come from the song title 'Spooky Dooky' by Pink Kross. The term 'dooky' is meaningless, or so I thought... until I started reading Jhonen Vasquez's comics -_- Ah well, too late to change it now.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Plea for help from computer types
« on: August 26, 2003, 05:21:02 am »
Wondering if anyone can advise me on a bizarre email/spam issue I've discovered...
I came back to work today to find one of my hotmail accounts full of 'mail delivery failure' messages- each one containing a 100k attachment that I had allegedly sent. Of course, I hadn't sent any of these messages, and in the headers it looks like they originated from somewhere else, and were using my account as a cover. For instance, they all contain something like:

Return-path: <spookydooky@hotmail.com>
Received: from [] (helo=COMPUTER)
     by server1.24hostingnow.com with esmtp (Exim 4.20)
     id 19rQER-0007N3-Mi
     for broken@godesktop.com; Mon, 25 Aug 2003 18:54:41 -0400

or something. The exact details vary, but the 'received from' message is always the same. I've tried contacting hotmail about this, but it's nigh on impossible to find an actual 'help' email address. I don't have a clue what's going on, so can anyone help me?


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Plea for help from computer types
« on: August 26, 2003, 05:21:02 am »
Wondering if anyone can advise me on a bizarre email/spam issue I've discovered...
I came back to work today to find one of my hotmail accounts full of 'mail delivery failure' messages- each one containing a 100k attachment that I had allegedly sent. Of course, I hadn't sent any of these messages, and in the headers it looks like they originated from somewhere else, and were using my account as a cover. For instance, they all contain something like:

Return-path: <spookydooky@hotmail.com>
Received: from [] (helo=COMPUTER)
     by server1.24hostingnow.com with esmtp (Exim 4.20)
     id 19rQER-0007N3-Mi
     for broken@godesktop.com; Mon, 25 Aug 2003 18:54:41 -0400

or something. The exact details vary, but the 'received from' message is always the same. I've tried contacting hotmail about this, but it's nigh on impossible to find an actual 'help' email address. I don't have a clue what's going on, so can anyone help me?


El-Hazard Online / Re: Most tragic character
« on: August 18, 2003, 07:41:50 am »
Most tragic character:

Fatora. Will she ever get any? ^_^

Seriously, whilst I can'y dispute Ifurita's angst potential, I think that Rune should be up there on the tragic platform (OAV Rune, anyway). She just seems sad, pretty much all the time. Her fiance turned out to be an enemy spy, the only other guy she loved disappeared down a plot hole...  In one of my fics, I concentrated on how Rune had pretty much sacrificed her happiness to let Fatora be happy- and although I was making a few assumptions, I think the evidence is all pretty much there. I mean, can you see Fatora getting married? Nope, not without some major constitutional reforms, at least...

El-Hazard Online / Re: Question about El Hazard Ep Content
« on: August 18, 2003, 07:35:12 am »
Don't forget that Alielle is (sort of) naked during the OAV1 ending sequence. Plus, I seem to recall some slight Gilda boobage in Alternative World (Ep 7?) when Fatora finds her in the shower...

El-Hazard Online / Re: Question concerning English Voice Actor/Actres
« on: August 14, 2003, 05:51:18 am »
Yes, Ruby Marlowe is also the voice of Belldandy... frightening, isn't it? Also featured in the Oh My Goddess movie was Melissa Charles (Alielle) as Sora... Sora's line "We've just got our first new member, and I'm excited because it's a girl!" is so much funnier when said in Alielle's voice...

El-Hazard Online / Re: Question concerning English Voice Actor/Actres
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:04:36 am »
This is the most complete list I've seen so far, actually. A few more bits to add to the mix:

Ruby Marlowe (Fatora) is also known as Bambi Darrow/Darro. She took over Rune's role in Alternative World. I don't think Melissa Williamson ever did Rune's voice: I'd be surprised if she did, since she was still around when AW was dubbed, so why re-cast Rune?

Just from the sound of his voice, I'd say that Parnasse was voiced by Mona Marshall (Nahato). Oddly enough, I did once see a site that credited Marshall with Chabil's voice. This is clearly nonsense, and I suspect this may have been an error, replacing Parnasse with Chabil.

Alielle is, of course, Melissa Charles. She doesn't really speak in episode 1, but if you listen closely you'll hear her providing numerous background voices, including (one of my favourites) the servant who whispers "They'll never get away with it" ^_^

Londs: I'd say either Abe Lasser (Galus) or William Frederick. I think I remeber seeing Frederick credited with the role at some point, but Lasser is another possibility since the voices are very similar.

Finally, Iffy. Something I've always wanted to clear up. KT Vogt is always credited with this role, yet she doesn't appear on the credits. She could be using an assumed name, but are we sure about this?
Oh yeah... I think Iffy has a different voice in OAV2- fair enough, since it's a different character, and there was a different Japanese VA too. And she only really speaks once in AW, so I doubt they'd be too concerned with tracking down the original VA. I've a suspicion that the Iffy we heard in AW was actually Ruby Marlowe up to her old tricks again...

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