El-Hazard Online RPG / Re: *OOC* Post Character Specs!
« on: October 12, 2016, 08:38:45 pm »In order to play, you must first post your 'character specs'. For Example, here's what my character bio is.
Name - Mioto Fijisawa
Age - 16
Gender - Male
Birthdate - Septaria 3
Location - Roshtaria (Good)
Occupation - Martial\Arts tech
Height - 6'0
Hair Color - Dark Brown (Like his Father)
Skin Color- normal (Really, like fijsawa)
Eye Color - Blue
Blood Type - AB
Skills - Use of the Roshtarian Royal Tech, Use of the Miz water powers.
given water gauntlets from uncle Makoto n Aunt Shayla ...
Please post on the topic "EHOL RPG??? if you wish to talk here.[/b]