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Topics - wildweasel

Pages: [1]
Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Writers, critics, roleplayers...
« on: October 30, 2005, 02:45:35 am »
I realize this isn't the most active forum on the internet, and I also realize that having not been here very long myself, it's probably not a wise idea to be posting a thread like this - but I figure, it's worth a try.

I've been working on a little project for a while, and it has just now come to fruition.


Don't be put off by the Invisionfree location. We're moving in a while, I hope.

I suppose I ought to explain. The Writers' Guild is a place where writers, critics, and freestyle roleplayers can gather and discuss things like favorite authors, the best way to write horror, or pretty much anything else that involves the written arts.

There aren't that many members, and barely any activity as of yet, but that's mostly the reason why I'm posting this thread.

If anybody here has any interest in writing - fiction, fan-fiction, non-fiction, roleplaying, whatever - go ahead and sign up. It's not going to cost anything. My co-administrator and I will do my best to accomodate for whatever issues may arise.

El-Hazard Online / Enter The Weasel (goodies inside)
« on: October 20, 2005, 12:56:41 pm »
Don't let the topic name fool you - I'm neither a Bruce Lee wannabe, nor do I have the intention of just letting this be an "OMGOMG HI IM NEWB" topic.

I'm actually a pretty big fan of El-Hazard (what I've seen of it - which is the first two OAV's and the first three episodes of The Wanderers, plus the GBA port of the Saturn game). I found this website when I was trying to find the GBA game again, and discovered the Goodies section, plus scans of the deck of playing cards.

Now, I also happen to have a copy of Silver Creek Entertainment's Hardwood Solitaire 3, which has a deck creator function in it. How is this relevant, though, you might ask?

Well, I digitized the cards into the game. There are quite a few bugs with them (a few seams, the cards don't scale down very well, the cards aren't perfectly aligned, and I couldn't remove the number font, so there are redundant markings on them), but I must say that I'm proud of this accomplishment.

Heck, I even did the jokers.

For those interested (and those that have Hardwood Solitaire 3, which can be downloaded here), I've uploaded the deck installer to RapidShare until I can get someone to host it (perhaps link it from the EHO main page?).

Download the deck: http://rapidshare.de/files/6531208/El-Hazard__Magnificent_World.hwdck.html

And a screenshot of it in action:

<edit> Oh dear, I guess this should have been in the El-Hazard topical discussion forum, shouldn't it? If a moderator could kindly fix that for me please... ^_^

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Enter The Weasel (goodies inside)
« on: October 20, 2005, 12:56:41 pm »
This topic has been moved to [link=/cgi-bin/ehol/YaBB.pl?board=ehol;action=display;num=1129950920;start=0]El-Hazard Online[/link] by Saucer.

Pages: [1]

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