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Topics - Tim needs time to work it out

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El-Hazard Online / You all have NO idea what the Wanderers is about!
« on: June 01, 2004, 10:48:10 pm »

We have been watching the wrong series the whole time!

(Remember its a joke!)

El-Hazard Online / About "Pic of the Moment"...
« on: January 16, 2004, 12:17:06 am »
I have noticed that recently people have not been responding to them as frequently as usual.  It is time that I collect your opinions again.

What can I do to make it better?

El-Hazard Online / Question concerning English Voice Actor/Actresses
« on: July 30, 2003, 03:10:31 pm »
It's amazing.  Just looking up a few good sites, I have found almost every person who ever did the Japanese version of the show, which can be seen here...


...but I'm having a hell of a time finding the people who did the English acting, much less the names of the people.

Here's who I have found...

Christy Mathewson (Makoto Mizuhara)
Bob Marx (Katsuhiko Jinnai [duh to the max!])
Lia Sargent (Nanami Jinnai [duh])
Michael J. Sorich (Masamichi Fujisawa)
Melissa Williamson (Rune Venus[all?], Diva, Shayla (AW))
Ruby Marlowe (Fatora)
Julie Maddalena (Ura)
Dorothy Melendrez (Miz Mishtal)
Mimi Woods (Shayla Shayla; not Alternative World)
Patricia Ja Lee (Afura Mann)
Kate T. Vogt (Ifurita [OVA/OVA2?/Alternative?])
Dougary Grant (Dr. Schtalabaugh)
Abe Lasser (Galus)
Mona Marshall (Nahato)
Emily Brown (Quawool Towles)
Carol Stanzione (Gilda)
David Lucas (Dahl Narciss III)


Now, here's what I need...

Do any of you know any other Actors/Actresses for the following...

Ifurita Wanderers (if the actress is different)
Chabil ("AIC Guy")
Allujah (Arjah)

Any other actors/actresses that should get credit?

It would be greatly appreciative if you can help.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Congratulations, Spanner!
« on: July 26, 2003, 10:10:39 pm »

Don't worry, Makoto doesn't get it, either.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Congratulations, Spanner!
« on: July 26, 2003, 10:10:39 pm »

Don't worry, Makoto doesn't get it, either.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / It's da happy Kalia!
« on: July 23, 2003, 09:14:29 pm »

The picture is a legitiment cel from OAV2.

Possibly the happiest Kalia I have seen over the three days of searching for cel pictures, I just added the sun for emphasis.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / It's da happy Kalia!
« on: July 23, 2003, 09:14:29 pm »

The picture is a legitiment cel from OAV2.

Possibly the happiest Kalia I have seen over the three days of searching for cel pictures, I just added the sun for emphasis.

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Iffy Kitties
« on: July 20, 2003, 06:29:57 pm »

Ghost's Anime Kitties, El-Hazard edition.

Yep, there are the two versions of Ifurita as kittens.  The one on the right is particularly cute (as following Ifurita-2's personality).

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / Iffy Kitties
« on: July 20, 2003, 06:29:57 pm »

Ghost's Anime Kitties, El-Hazard edition.

Yep, there are the two versions of Ifurita as kittens.  The one on the right is particularly cute (as following Ifurita-2's personality).

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / I love these things...
« on: May 08, 2003, 12:33:11 pm »
During my 7th period class, we needed to answer 8th grade questionaires.

The three most common questions are:

"Are there plenty of (add synonyms for good looking or hot)girls in your school?"

"Is High School hard?"

"Is it easy to get a girlfriend?"

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / I love these things...
« on: May 08, 2003, 12:33:11 pm »
During my 7th period class, we needed to answer 8th grade questionaires.

The three most common questions are:

"Are there plenty of (add synonyms for good looking or hot)girls in your school?"

"Is High School hard?"

"Is it easy to get a girlfriend?"

El-Hazard Online / The Cat's Meow: Fatora
« on: February 01, 2003, 09:23:30 pm »
(Inside a dark room.  Ura is sitting there with Fujisawa who is recording her story.  With a lighter, she lights the cigarette and puts it in her mouth.)

Fujisawa - Hey!  Where did you get that?

Ura - Quiet!

(Grumbling, Fujisawa starts to write Ura's story in Japanese)

Ura - I can remember back 17 years.  I was born in a palace of luxury and style.  But I never know what I had to do to keep such "benefits".  About 3 months after I was born, there was a girl born.  Her name was Fatora.  God, I -

Fujisawa - Before we continue on, can I get a drink or something?

Ura - ...It's in the jar, dumbass.

Fujisawa - (looks inside) But this is water.  I need something... refined.

Ura - Not until I'm finished.

Fujisawa - Hmph.

Ura - Where was I?  Oh, yeah.  Fatora was her name.  God, I hated her.  Sure, the first few days were fun.  Then she grew up.  When she was 6, that's when everything went wrong.  She was fine up until that point.  That's when... she developed her dislike for boys.  It was not a nice day for her.  I remember it all... I believe it was a Tuesday... those boys were bullying around Fatora.  Yes, I remember it now.  The boys, I believe were hurting her feelings.  They were taunting her and the such.  One of the boy's names were Jack, another Daniel...

Fujisawa - That's it!  I need a drink!

(He ran for the door, but before he could reach it, Ura molded onto the latch and lock)

Ura - No dice!  Let me finish first, drunkard!

Fujisawa - Okay, fine... damn cat...

(Fujisawa and Ura return to their respected places.  Ura puts on a hat.)

Fujisawa - Now, that's just ridiculous.

Ura - Quiet!  Now these boys, they were making her feel upset.  When they left, she was crying her eyes out.  I went to comfort her, but all she did with me is throw me into a wall and scolded me for not protecting her.  It hurt.  I hurt.  She was only hurting me because she was hurting inside.  She's crazy.

Fujisawa - But, how does this help her become a lesbian?

Ura - Well, she disliked boys and started to like girls a lot more.

Fujisawa - But that's common in our society.  Girls don't like boys until they are in their teens.

Ura - I'm also reminded of another event that took place when she was about 15 years of age.  She was more like herself at this age.  She started to look at boys more often like you said, but one in particular made her feel good inside.  His name was Renalus.  He was a commoner, but she loved him very much.

Fujisawa - Wait.  I thought she was a lesbian.

Ura - This was before, okay?  One day, she was visiting him like any other day.  She came by to his place, and went in.  You know what she saw?  Him with another guy.  They were kissing.

Fujisawa - What?

Ura - That's right.  He was kissing another guy.  Fatora ran off crying her eyes out.  I ran with her.  I was trying to cheer her up, give her words of encouragement, but she had other plans.

Fujisawa - You mean make him upset.

Ura - Yes.  Do you know how?

Fujisawa - Get a girl, no doubt.

Ura - Correct.  She took one of the girls she knew in school and brought her over to him.  And she said, "Who needs you?  I got a 'friend' of my own." She kissed her for a good while.  Granted, she was shocked, but she also enjoyed it.  Do you know what he said?

Fujisawa - No, but I think I got a good guess of what...

Ura - He said, "That's good.  You can admit your true feelings.  I respect that." And he left.  Fatora was mad.  She wanted him to be upset.  She declared at that point that she will never like a guy again.

Fujisawa - And now we have Fatora as a sex-crazed lesbian.  Thank you very much.  I'm going to get a drink.

(Fujisawa leaves the room)

Ura - I'm going to get it for this.

(Fatora dashes out of the shadows)

Fatora - You sure are, you little rat!

Ura - Nyahhhhhhhhhh...!

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