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Topics - washuchan

Pages: [1]
Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / jobs
« on: September 04, 2003, 08:10:50 pm »
ok, we got all kinds of "revealing" topic, so I hope we can do another one.


how'd you earn your living? how'd u earn your pay?

(u marines/rangers should be familiar with the "questions")

engineer, currently working mostly on field engineering.
Future plan?
maybe I'll join OCS one day...

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / captioning program suggestion
« on: September 04, 2003, 04:35:37 pm »
to those who have the means to make vidcaps of DVD (or any movie media), what program do you use?

so far I mostly found powerdvd recommended in most site. However, I only got winDVD, media player, divx etc.. and print screen definitely doesn't work.

Any suggestions (esp. those cheap, shareware, or even freeware programs??)


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / captioning program suggestion
« on: September 04, 2003, 04:35:37 pm »
to those who have the means to make vidcaps of DVD (or any movie media), what program do you use?

so far I mostly found powerdvd recommended in most site. However, I only got winDVD, media player, divx etc.. and print screen definitely doesn't work.

Any suggestions (esp. those cheap, shareware, or even freeware programs??)


Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / why the name
« on: September 02, 2003, 04:43:15 pm »
Please excuse me before hand if this doesn't make sense at all/annoying  ^^;

ok, I'm just curious..there're character names, strange names, and some not so obvious names

Please let us know why you end up with ur usename on the first place. Who knows? Perhaps you'd show ur creative side and we all nod our head.
(eg. MrWhat....I'm always wondering if this got to do with:  Dr. who?...and Mr. what? (as in normal sentence)

As for me it's obvious,
washuchan: number 1 scientific genius, one among three sister goddesses. First character I relate so much with.
Well, tenchi muyo is really my introduction to the wonders of Japanese animation. The point when I realize it's more than just mere cartoon (with Ghibli's works throwing the hard, if not final punch)

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / why the name
« on: September 02, 2003, 04:43:15 pm »
Please excuse me before hand if this doesn't make sense at all/annoying  ^^;

ok, I'm just curious..there're character names, strange names, and some not so obvious names

Please let us know why you end up with ur usename on the first place. Who knows? Perhaps you'd show ur creative side and we all nod our head.
(eg. MrWhat....I'm always wondering if this got to do with:  Dr. who?...and Mr. what? (as in normal sentence)

As for me it's obvious,
washuchan: number 1 scientific genius, one among three sister goddesses. First character I relate so much with.
Well, tenchi muyo is really my introduction to the wonders of Japanese animation. The point when I realize it's more than just mere cartoon (with Ghibli's works throwing the hard, if not final punch)

El-Hazard Online / wanderers soundtrack search help
« on: August 21, 2003, 05:29:08 pm »
I'd gone through entire collection of EH soundtrack around 3 times weeks ago and I can't find this one:
the background music in episode 24 (or 25), where Ifreeta fell from EOG control pod and had flashbacks of her cheerful self.
It has similar pensive tone as Time Heals All Wounds

Please help if u know where to get it, or if I missed it.

El-Hazard Online / Most tragic character
« on: August 15, 2003, 08:07:27 pm »
OVA 1 Ifurita
hmm, after the reunion giveaway, I'm not sure if this one qualified anymore

OVA 2 Ifurita
this is definitely heartbreaking. I was bawling after the episodes end. Not only Ifurita become a mass produced thing (contract to the used-to-be-good lady in manga), the director/animator seems too fond of hurting character...only after watching grave of fireflies that I have higher tragic character tolerance.
But still, this will be my choice. All because of that sad little smile.

Tv Ifreeta
well, maybe it's only me but she seems to be tragic too.
Always being nice to everyone, regardless whther they're mean to her, scream at her, or abandon her *cough* Makoto *cough*....,.....,......and a hint in the opening credit shows a pensive looking Ifreeta sitting on a cliff by herself. That look there shook me a bit. I can draw an analogy with character washu in Tenchi Muyo who's always energetic/happy looking but within, she still carries deep pain from the past.

um...well, give ur reasoning?

OAV Rune
yep, the lady in power, and sucha high position is usually a lonely place. Lots of fanfic depict this nicely

Tv Rune
um...orphan...but she got the guy, so?

hmm, he seems to be born baka/loser, he's not getting "any," & his own sister dislike him...now that can't be good/happy

if all Nanamis desperate attempts to win Makoto's heart are combined, added with the "scene" in alternative world, then I guess she's quite tragic afterall

she'll get over it, thanks to CH3-CH2-OH

being possessed by books, never knowing l-o-v-e yada yada, maybe tragic afterall

Allielle, Fatora
u've got to be kidding me

else (specify)?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / anime influence on US cartoon
« on: August 07, 2003, 08:53:15 pm »
I've been following a new show at cartoon network; teen titans

While finding my favourite character, Raven (it must be the hair, although I dislike the whole chakra thing),
I noticed that the style resembles a lot of those from japanese anime; the expressions o_O, ://), X(, O_O etc etc, some slapstick humor, and chibi sequences

Although it got some sharp critism at imdb.com, I think this new style might draw a lot of anime fans back to US cartoon (DC, marvel etc)

Well, do you notice the influence as well?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / anime influence on US cartoon
« on: August 07, 2003, 08:53:15 pm »
I've been following a new show at cartoon network; teen titans

While finding my favourite character, Raven (it must be the hair, although I dislike the whole chakra thing),
I noticed that the style resembles a lot of those from japanese anime; the expressions o_O, ://), X(, O_O etc etc, some slapstick humor, and chibi sequences

Although it got some sharp critism at imdb.com, I think this new style might draw a lot of anime fans back to US cartoon (DC, marvel etc)

Well, do you notice the influence as well?

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / age
« on: April 25, 2003, 03:36:22 pm »
usually this topic is existent in every forum, I tried using search with age as keyword. No result so here we go:

I'm curious, what is the age distribution in this forum. Well then, I'll start.

My friends sometime see me as childish and imaginative due to the "anime world" I live in. I try to explain to them anime is NOT equal cartoon that's often related with comic relief, simplicity, and kids enterntainment.

I'm as good as 21 and trying to finish my research report. I'm majoring in chemical engineering.

I think, my main magnet to some animes is that they provide some sort of utopia where things seem so profound.
Ifurita's case for example, for one to remain cheerful, full of charity, and kind despite being subjected to different harsh treatment, comment, judgement, etc etc is almost non existent in real life.
also in OAV Ifurita, such sense of self sacrifice, kindness, and faithfulness are those of gold values.
I'd like to adapt such personality (easier said than done though >_<  )

El-Hazard Online / Ifreeta & Rune design similarities?
« on: April 24, 2003, 11:05:56 pm »
Well, can't help but stick to this webpage for hours (geez, need to study for chemE finals... :-X )
I'm referring to page 12 & 30 of the Etrangere page
(I'd like to copy & paste the link, but dunno if that will be ok)
so what do you think, I personally believe/prefer/want....
etc etc Ifurita as a single unique entity, but looking at the 2 pics if you make the same color hair, then it would be hard to tell from a distance

El-Hazard Online / ending angst
« on: April 24, 2003, 12:15:14 am »
hi I'm new, and i've had this angst for too long...
-what do you think happens in El Hazard OAV 2 ending?
Is Ifurita spending eternity in loneliness & agony? :-[ From a discussion in AIC a member mentioned that she's just cherishing her memories with Yuba forever. :-/
I personally care for the character so much that I believe Yuba basically merge into her memory/heart when he saved her. When she's in agony, she'll just have to look into her heart and he's there. They spend eternity together.
Therefore she is NOT lonely at all as shown by a little smile in the end. :)
What do you think???
*edit: adding NOT...*

-Also what happen with Ifurita in the end of the Saturn games?  :-/
The screenshots show what I perceived as horrible ending for her, but hopefully that's not true
She's such a full of "charity" and kind character in Wanderers that I always want to write a fics about her but I always end up thinking it's out of character...oh well

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