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El-Hazard Online / El-Hazard Round Robin, Part 2
« on: December 10, 2003, 11:08:50 am »

Since the old Round Robin thread was starting to get really, really ponderous, I thought I'd start a new one. Still the same storyline, though.


Had Over-Run been aware of Rune Venus's fantasies, he would have started crying. Sadly for the Mini-Con, years had NOT passed, and he had NOT managed to transform back into his original form. Instead, he spent most of his time propped against a wall in Ifurina's palace quarters, gathering dust and being bored out of his mind.

Then, the door popped open, and Over-Run's current master pranced into the room. As loathe as he was to admit it, he was happy to see Ifurina, as the girl was currently his only source of excitement. "Hello, Staff-chan!" the girl called happily.

"Hello, Ifurina," the staff answered. He had long since given up trying to break Ifurina of the habit of calling him "Staff-chan".

Ifurina happily launched into a discussion of her day, which mostly included sweeping the palace hallways, sweeping the throne room, and many other varieties of sweeping. It was mind-numbingly boring, but still better than the oppressive boredom that dominated Over-Run's life. "Man, what a wretched way for my crossover appearance to turn out," Over-Run thought to himself glumly.

"Oh, and guess what?" Ifurina said. Over-Run perked up. Could she actually have something non-sweeping-related to talk about? "I saw Mr. Fred in the palace, today!"

"Uh... Mr. Fred?" Over-Run queried.

"Oh, right, I didn't tell you about him. He's this guy I met in the Desert of Bleached White Bones! He's the one that..." Ifurina paused, eye moistening, "...the one that told me about how Katsy-Watsy died..." Then cheering slightly, "Anyway, it turns out that he actually works here in the palace, installing hexagons, or something!"

Over-Run pondered this. "What an unusual coincidence. The odds that you should find that a total stranger who you met in the middle of a vast and inhospitable desert also happens to work here in the palace are quite astronomically slim."

"Yeah, that's what I thought! Small world, huh?" Then, conspiratorially, she murmurred, "And you know something? I think he likes me! He was giving me all these weird glances, and talking about how glad he was that I was safe..." Ifurina giggled. "He's kinda cute, too!"

"Am I to understand that you wish to engage in a courtship ritual with this 'Fred'?" Over-Run asked, still curious about the vagaries of the human mating process.

Ifurina sobered at that. "Um... I don't know. I mean, he's nice, but I still miss Katsy-Watsy so bad... Fred kinda reminds me of him, in a weird way."

After a silence, Ifurina spoke again. "Anyway, it doesn't really matter! We both work here, so I'll have lots of time to decide, and see if he's really interested. So, how was your day?"

If Over-Run had had eyes in his current form, he would have stared flatly at Ifurina.


Dr. Schtalubaugh and the leader of the resistance stood quietly in solemn thought. The situation looked bleak, indeed. With both princesses unqualified to assume the throne, what hope was there?

Then, the doctor's eye twitched, as an unexpected thought came to mind. "Let us review the current situation... Why is it necessary for Princess Rune Venus to resume the throne?"

The resistance leader looked at Dr. Schtalubaugh oddly. "Well, that's simple. Only she and her sister can... control... the Eye of God..." The leader paused, eyes widening.

"Which is currently in pieces, with little hope of ever being repaired," the doctor nodded.

"You can't possibly be suggesting...?"

"I am," Dr. Schtalubaugh nodded.

"But where in the world will we be able to find blue latex pants in Rune Venus's size on such short notice?!"

Dr. Schtalubaugh and the resistance leader stared solemnly at one another for several tense seconds. Finally, "What?" Dr. Schtalubaugh asked.

"I... uh..." the resistance leader stuttered.

"What I was suggesting," Dr. Schtalubaugh continued pointedly, "is that we need not restore the princess to the throne. Any capable leader will do just as well. It is merely a matter of selecting the right candidate!"

"Oh, of COURSE that's what you were suggesting!" the resistance leader chuckled nervously. "Knew it all along! Naturally you weren't thinking of taking advantage of the princess's catatonia to act out various long-repressed fantasies! And neither was I! Eheh..." He reddened under the suspicious eye the doctor was turning on him. Then, Dr. Schtalubaugh's words sank in. "Any capable leader? But the Royal Family has led Roshtaria since the days of the Great Holy Wars! For another to assume the throne... it would be unthinkable!"

"Londs..." Rune Venus mumbled then. "It is to you... old friend... that I pass the Roshtarian Pendant of Leadership..."

The two glanced at her, and then back at each other. Gravely, Dr. Schtalubaugh sighed. "For the sake of the Alliance, we will indeed have to think about the unthinkable..."

El-Hazard Online / Cel Saga
« on: December 08, 2003, 09:50:40 am »
E-bay currently has quite a few El-Hazard production cels available for bidding. Most of them are of TV Ifurita, but I saw a very nice Nanami one there, too, as well as a few others. I'm not a big collector of cels, but I bid on one, just so that I can say that I own a TV Ifurita cel. ;D

Anyway, considering the ridiculous prices some cels reach, I thought these cels were priced fairly reasonably. Naturally, as this is E-bay, hotbed of forgeries and bootlegs, I can't guarantee that they're not fake, but if you're interested, have a look for yourself.

I only ask as a courtesy that no one else here battle me for the TV Ifurita cel in auction #3258408834. There's plenty of other TV Iffy cels available!

El-Hazard Online / Chat Roleplay
« on: November 14, 2003, 09:32:32 am »
As some of you know, Dragonprincess set up an IRC channel devoted to roleplaying El-Hazard. It's not the kind of roleplaying I'm used to, but I decided to drop by anyway.

She and I roleplayed a bit, and I thought the result was pretty cool, and so decided to post it here For Your Reading Enjoyment! ^_^V

This presentation has been rated PE, Poorly Edited. Viewers sensitive to spelling and grammar errors are advised to look away. If reading this feature causes weakness, headaches, or nausea, the reader is advised to, I dunno, shut off the computer and go get some excercise, or something.

*Stuff in purple with asterisks* = actions
"Stuff in quotes" = dialogue
.oO(Stuff in bubbles) = thoughts

[size=8]Kalia Meets TV Ifurita[/size]

Dramatis Personae

Kalia as portrayed by Dragonprincess
TV Ifurita as portrayed by Spanner

with guest appearance by

Katsuhiko Jinnai as portrayed by Spanner


The time is... well... sometime after "The Alternative World". Unbeknownst to all, Kalia somehow survived being melted into goo by Ifurita 2. Unfortunately for Kalia's plans for Universal Destruction, the Trigger of Destruction did not. So, deprived of her Ultimate Weapon, the mischievous and psychotic Demon God set out to find other ways to give everyone a bad day...

Kastuhiko Jinnai, for his part, has unearthed yet another Demon God. Unfortunately for Jinnai's plans for Universal Conquest, this Demon God is TV Ifurita, bright and bubbly but clumsy and all-but useless as an Instrument of Terror.

As we begin our tale, Kalia has infiltrated the newly-reconstructed Bugrom Hive. What possible Evil Plan could she have in store...?

<Kalia> *Reading Jinnai's diary* "What an idiot..."
<TV Ifurita> *Enters the room, cheerfully sweeping with her broom.* "Oh! Hello! Have we met?"
<Kalia> *blinks at Ifurita* "Hey there" .oO(why do I get the feeling I know her)
<TV Ifurita> *Cheerfully* "My name is Ifurita! I'm a powerful Demon God, and this is my Master's fortress. Pleased to meet you!"
<Kalia> .oO(She's an Ifurita model? strange, I didn't know there were this types, I have no data on this) "So LGJ is your master?"
<TV Ifurita> *Puzzled* "'LGJ'? My Master's name is Katsuhiko Jinnai..."
<Kalia> *puts Jinnai's book down then stands up, going over to Ifurita* "Ya, that's Katsie Watsie all right, he laughs like this too" *tries to do an imitation of his laugh*
<TV Ifurita> *Smiles eagerly* "Oh, yes! That's my Master! Do you know him well?"
<Kalia> *smiles, oh ya, she's just a little sweet girl, riiiiggghhh* "Oh yes, we know each other pretty well, by the way, how do you know him exactly?"
<TV Ifurita> "Me?" *Screws up her face in  concentration* "Well... He's my Master. He's the one who woke me up, and wound me up with my staff... I think. My memory's a little fuzzy about that. But I'm sure he would never lie to me!" *She nods, confidently*
<Kalia> "Oh no, not LGJ, he'd never lie" .oO(I wonder if she's functioning properly)
<TV Ifurita> "Right!" *Smiles beatifically* "Would you like me to take you to him? I'm sure Master would love to see one of his old friends again! He can't have that many, 'cause he hardly ever talks about them, so I'm sure he'll be really really happy to see you!"
<Kalia> "No, that's alright, he must be busy making up a 'brilliant' plan, how about we talk alittle bit more?"
<TV Ifurita> *Nods solemnly* "You're right... Master spends so much time on his plans, and he gets so cranky if he's interrupted. Miss Diva gets so worried about him sometimes!"
<Kalia> "Yes, I'm afraid he's going to work himself to death one time" .oO(as if that would ever happen, he has one weird case of good fortune sometimes)
<TV Ifurita> *Looks genuinely frightened* "Oh, no! Do you think he really might?"
<Kalia> .oO(I think he wound this one a bit to tight and broke a screw) "you never know, does his eyes get all squinty and veins pop out on his face?"
<TV Ifurita> *Looking even MORE frightened* "Oh, yes! All the time!" *Clutches staff nervously* "Is it... serious?"
<Kalia> "oh my, does he sometimes just ramble on about nothing too?"
<TV Ifurita> "Yes! Well, mostly he rambles about 'That lousy rat Mizuhara', but sometimes he just seems to ramble..." *Chews her lip*
<Kalia> "my my, this is really bad, he might go at any minute!"
<TV Ifurita> *Almost in tears* "Oh, no! This is terrible!" *Looks determined* "We have to save him! Even if it means saving him from himself!" *Dashes out the door.*
<Kalia> "wait! come back! he can't know! it might kill him instantly!"
<TV Ifurita> *Is out of hearing range already*
<TV Ifurita> *Time passes... Then, Iffy returns, carrying a struggling and protesting Jinnai in her arms.* "Now, Master, don't you worry, this is for your own good!"
<Jinnai> "Ifurita! If you don't put me down this instant, I'll-" *Sees Kalia* "Ack! It's you!!!"
<Kalia> *smiles* "hey there LGJ, long time no see, I was just talking to my new 'friend' Ifurita"
<TV Ifurita> *Sighs happily* "It's so nice to see a reunion between friends! *Dumps Jinnai to the floor*
<Jinnai> *Levels his finger at Kalia* "Don't you give me that 'long time no see' crap! You BETRAYED me! And tried to destroy the world I've put so much care and effort into conquering!"
<Kalia> "oh my, Ifurita, I think he's getting worse! he thinks I want to destroy the world!"
<Jinnai> *Eyes get all squinty, and veins pop out all over his face* "'Getting worse??' What the hell are you talking about?! I - HEY!"
<TV Ifurita> *Has grabbed Jinnai's arms* "There, there, Master... Ifurita and your old friend will make it ALL better!"
<Kalia> "oh yes, we'll make it all better" *smiles but well sorta has that psycho smile, making sure Ifurita doesn't see it* "he even was babbling on about stuff like I said, my my, I think there is a cure but I can't remember" *taps a finger to her lips*
<Jinnai> *Struggling in vain* "Ifurita! Don't you DARE listen to a word spoken by this... this... Mata Hari! I'm your Master, and you must do as I command!"
<TV Ifurita> *Pityingly* "I'm sorry, Master, but this is for your own good! I can't let you just work yourself to death!"
<Jinnai> "Work myself to - Kalia, what have you been TELLING my personal private Demon God??"
<TV Ifurita> *Looks to Kalia hopefully* "You can help him, right?"
<Kalia> *puts a hand on her chest, looking innocent* "only the truth, he really has it bad Ifurita, calling me names that don't even exist!" *shakes her head* "I don't know, this is very very grave, he's so much worse then I thought"
<TV Ifurita> "Oh, Master!" *Tears fill her eyes*
<Jinnai> *Exasperated* "Ifurita, I'm fine! See? All limbs in perfect working order! BRILLIANT mind operating at 100% capacity! Everything this woman has told you is a LIE! Do you see?"
<Kalia> "oh no! That's the next phase, denial! his head might explode any minute now!"
<TV Ifurita> *Gasps* "Oh, no!" *Wraps her arms firmly around Jinnai's head in a desperate act to hold his cranium together. This frees Jinnai's arms, but...*
<Jinnai> *Muffled* "Ack! Leggo!" *Grasps futilely at Ifurita's immovable hold on his face.*
<TV Ifurita> *Looks desperately up at Kalia* "What now?!"
<Kalia> "go get something to put around his head while I watch him! hurry!"
<Kalia> "he'll be fine with me, trust me" *smiles, ooh so cute yet so evil*
<TV Ifurita> "Right! I'll be right back! Don't explode, Master!" *Runs from the room.*
<Jinnai> "Ifurita, wait, don't-" *Realizes she's gone.* "-oh, crap..."
<Jinnai> *Straighens confidently* "Now, I suppose that, simply because you have me cornered in a small room, with neither my Demon God nor my loyal Bugrom Legions, you believe that you have somehow obtained the upper hand. If so, you are sadly mistaken, my dear Kalia!"
<Kalia> *stands there, looking at him* "really? and why's that? you saw what I could do, do you really think any of that would help you?"
<Jinnai> *Laughs scornfully* "The REASON, my less-than-loyal former minion, is because not even a Demon God's incredible might is any match for my GENIUS-level intellect! Why, even now, I am concocting a plan so dire, so inescapably Machiavellian, that once you are trapped within its intricate workings there will be NO ESCAPE for you! HAhahAhahAHAhAhahAHahAHaHAhahAHAhAha!!!"
<Kalia> *blinks, blinkblinks then smiles a bit* "you have no idea what your going to do, do you? *taps a finger to her lips* "i wonder if something happened to Ifurita if you could bring her back"
<Jinnai> .oO(She can't possibly know what a waste of metal Ifurita is! Bluffing her should be a piece of cake!) *Smirks* "Don't you dare imagine that you can frighten me with your idle threats! You may have defeated that second-rate clone of that TRAITOR Ifurita, but I assure you that nothing you have can possibly stand up against the raw, rightious fury of my NEW Ifurita! Her power is without limit! Her tactics are instantaneous and without flaw! Her mind is as keen as - MPHH MPHHHH MPHHHHHHHHH!!!"
<TV Ifurita> *Finishes duct-taping Jinnai's head. It's completely encased with only the nose uncovered.* "There! What now?"
<Kalia> "perfect Ifurita, he's safe but only for now, while you where gone he went on and on about how he loves Makoto" *shakes her head* "I think he's to far gone to save"
<TV Ifurita> "No! That can't be true! He-" *Pauses and blinkblinks* "-loves Makoto? That doesn't sound right." *Looks puzzled.*
<Jinnai> *Staggers around blindly, hands outstretched.* "MMMPH!"
<Kalia> "exactly, he must of broke something in his head already, soon he may even want to marry him" *shakes her head* "we may need to.. go inside his head to fix it"
<TV Ifurita> *Shakes her head in confusion* "I... don't understand... Master wouldn't say that he loves Makoto... Not ever..." *Is clearly VERY troubled by this.*
<Jinnai> *Staggers into Kalia. By sheer, stupid coincidence, his hands land right on Kalia's chest.* "MMMPH...?" *Gives an experimental squeeze, and sweatdrops.*
<Kalia> "like I said, he's not thinking right, all that working must of pushed him-" *grits her teeth then grabs him and hugs him tight, very tight* "oh Katsy-Watsy! you poor poor thing" *knees him in the groin* "that tickled LGJ, should I tickle you too?"
<Jinnai> *Falls to the ground, clutching himself in pain.* "MMMPH!"
<TV Ifurita> *Doesn't notice Jinnai's predicament.* "Master hates Makoto so much... He would never say he loves him... No matter how sick he got..." *Begins to look angry.* "No matter what!" *Moving with surprising speed, interposes herself between Kalia and Jinnai.* "You're LYING! Master isn't sick at all!" *Lifts her Power Key Staff into a ready position.*
<Kalia> *blinks, lifting her hand and waving a finger* "you really shouldn't wave that thing around, ask your Master, it's very, dangerous" *says the last word with a hint of, well phycoticness, heck she could drain her right now but well ^^;*
<TV Ifurita> *Doesn't take her eyes off of Kalia.* "Master? Who is this person, really?"
<Jinnai> "MMMMPPPPHHHH!!!"
<TV Ifurita> *Sheepishly.* "Oh, right." *RRRRIIIIIPPPPP!!!!!*
<TV Ifurita> *Even more sheepish* "Uh, sorry, Master..."
<Kalia> *just grins* "if I was you LGJ, I'd call your Ifurita off"
<Jinnai> *Irritably* "THAT, Ifurita, is a former Demon God of mine! She betrayed me, and tried to blow up the world! She is very, very bad!!!"
<Jinnai> *To Kalia* "NEVER! For the humilation you've inflicted on me today, YOU MUST PAY! Ifurita! Kill!"
<TV Ifurita> *Looks concerned* "Uh, kill? Do I have to?"
<Jinnai> *Exasperated* "Oh, for PITY'S SAKE! Just make her go AWAY!!!"
<TV Ifurita> *Mournfully* "I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to leave." *Lifts staff threateningly*
<Kalia> "but I thought we were friends? don't you want to be my friend?" *blinks*
<TV Ifurita> *Guiltily* "Well, yes... But you lied! And anyway, Master told me to! It's even a command!"
<Jinnai> *Viciously* "That's right, Ifurita! Blow her away! Make your master PROUD!!!"
<Kalia> "but I didn't lie, you even told me that he had those problems, how could I lie when it's the truth?"
<TV Ifurita> *Pauses, confused* "I, well..." *Gaze hardens, and she shakes her head.* "No, I won't let you confuse me again!" *Fires a small blast of energy, clearly intended to miss. It blows a small chunk in the ceiling above Kalia's head.* "Please go away, now! I don't want to hurt you. Really!"
<Kalia> *just stands there* "you'd really hurt your own friend? how can you call yourself a friend then?" *evil, Evil, EVIL!*
<TV Ifurita> *Bites her lip* "Um... I..." *Brightens* "I know! I'll just stun you! It won't hurt at all, and then we can put you outside, and Master will be happy!"
<Jinnai> *Grins evilly* "Oh, yes... VERY happy..."
<TV Ifurita> *Smiles happily* "There, you see? Master even agrees with me! Now, get ready!" *Staff begins to power up.*
<Kalia> *shrugs, then gets an idea, smiling* "why don't you ask Master about his other Ifurita he had? are you not afraid he'll toss you aside like he did her?" *his torture is now, a more clingy ifurita*
<Jinnai> *Wild eyed* "Goddammit, Ifurita, just SHOOT HER!"
<TV Ifurita> *Startled* "What?" *In her surprised, trips and falls. An ENORMOUS blast of energy erupts from her staff and plows into the ceiling, blasting through it and through much of the hive above it.* "Uh, oh... I don't think that was a stun blast."
<Jinnai> *Holds hand to forehead.* "Ifurita, what have you done now?"
<TV Ifurita> *Lunges at Jinnai, and covers him with her own body as fully a fifth of the Hive collapses on top of all three of them.*
<Kalia> *blinks, looking up, not even flinching* "...crap" *gets burried underneigth it*
<TV Ifurita> *Some time later, Ifurita pulls Jinnai out of the rubble.* "Master? Are you all right, Master?"
<Jinnai> *Groggily comes to.* "Ungh... Is she gone?"
<TV Ifurita> *Nods rapidly* "Oh, yes!" *Then she frowns* "Only... I forgot to ask her her name!"
<Kalia> *swirly eyed under the pile of rubble*
<Jinnai> *Facefaults* "All that fuss and friendship talk and you didn't even know her NAME?!"
<TV Ifurita> *Looks a bit guilty* "Uh, is it really that important?"
<Jinnai> *Winces* "Oh, never mind. Just take me home, Ifurita. You did a good job..." *Looks around at the decimated Hive.* "...all things considered."
<TV Ifurita> *Overjoyed at the praise.* "Yes, Master!" *Merrily drags her Master inside.*

If you enjoyed that, and think it's something you might like to try, Dragonprincess wants everyone to know that she'd love to do more roleplaying, and anyone is welcome to drop by her IRC channel #ElHazardRPG at irc.esper.net

Non-El-Hazard Topical Discussions / What would YOU like to see?
« on: November 06, 2003, 11:09:30 pm »
As some of you know, I'm on the planning staff for Anime Detour, the first anime convention in Minnesota. (Yes, Minnesota. Stop looking at me like that. -_-)

Anyhow, I'm helping out with Video Programming, and we're trying to decide on what shows we're gonna show during the 'con. We're trying to figure out a good mix of shows, both old and new, some subbed, some dubbed, some that appeal more to guys, some that appeal more to gals, some that appeal more to older con-goer, some that appeal to young, and so on.

What I'd like to know is this: What would you like to see if you went to a convention? What do you think that other people would enjoy seeing? Naturally, I'll be pushing for El-Hazard to be included in the lineup, but that still leaves plenty of time for other stuff.

Naturally, it all has to be licensed stuff (or stuff that will be licensed and released by March of next year), we're trying to avoid stuff that's been shown on Cartoon Network (and other cable stations), and there will be no hentai (unless we decide to reserve a late-night block for that ^^; ), but within those constraints we're open to suggestions.

So, what are your thoughts?

El-Hazard Online RPG / *OOC* Introduction and Rules
« on: June 20, 2003, 09:21:20 pm »
Welcome to the El-Hazard Online Role Playing Game!

The Premise:

Roughly two generations after Makoto reunited with Ifurita on Earth, El-hazard is in a state of uneasy peace. For many years, the Alliance, the Bugrom, and the Shadow Tribe have co-existed, none directly attacking any of the others.

Then, one day, the Eye of God began to exhibit some strange behavior. For the space of a few weeks, every day it opened two or three small dimensional gateways. A number of individuals were drawn through these gateways.

Now El-Hazard is playing host to several new travelers, each wielding a strange new power. Will these newcomers tip the balance, and plunge El-Hazard once again into war? Or will they be the salve that heals the broken world once and for all?

El-Hazard Online RPG / *OOC* Comments and Questions
« on: June 18, 2003, 10:53:08 pm »
At last, the RPG begins! I have posted the opening scene for the RPG under the new topic, "The Adventure Begins". Please, when posting under "The Adventure Begins", or any other official game topic, ONLY POST IN CHARACTER. If you have questions or comments, well, that's what THIS topic is for. :)

Anyone can start playing pretty much anytime they want to. My initial post set the stage. Your character can arrive anytime within the two-week period mentioned by Harim. Or afterward, if you'd prefer to wait. Native El-Hazard characters can, of course, show up anytime.

Have fun, everyone!

El-Hazard Online RPG / The Adventure Begins
« on: June 18, 2003, 10:48:27 pm »
"So, what's the news?" Administrator Harim Aldazar querried.

"No change," Chief Technician Miriam Dulielle responded grimly. "The Eye is continuing to exhibit its aberrent behavior. The latest experiment failed to have any effect."

Harim stroked his long, pointed beard thoughtfully. "We have discovered so much about the Eye in the past few decades... But there is so much we still do not know. Why is something like this happening now, after all these years? Could it have something to do with the Phantom Tribe's tampering."

"Unlikely, sir," Miriam responded, voicing the answer Harim already knew. "Makoto and Ifurita both verified that the Eye was clean of their sabotage."

"A pity they aren't here now," Harim said sourly. "I would dearly like to know what they would have made of the current situation."

Harim began to pace. "Two weeks ago, for no discernable reason, the Eye of God blinked, and briefly opened a path to another dimension. Since then, it has continued to open gateways at a rate of two or three a day. We have yet to verify whether anything was transmitted through these gateways either way, but I'd guess it's only a matter of time before something DOES slip through."

Still pacing, "And the rest of the time, the Eye is perfectly normal. We've had the Priestesses Seal and Unseal the Eye numerous times. We've attempted to have the princesses shut the Eye down. They've even gone so far as to TEST-FIRE the blasted thing for God's sake. All appears normal. But just when things seem to be back to normal, BAM, another gate opens."

Wearily, Harim sat down. "The only solution I can see is to have the princesses man the Eye continuously, since the Eye has never had one of these... episodes while the princesses have been using it. Which, of course, is an absurd solution. Even if the princesses had the endurance to operate the Eye indefinitely, the Alliance cannot afford to have its leaders so occupied."

"I am at a loss Miriam," Harim confessed. "Our department, the Council for the Continued Study of the Eye of God, has been trying for years to understand its complexity, so that the vile trap the Phantom Tribe set for us can never be repeated. It is at times like these that I wonder if we are any closer to unravelling its secrets than we were when we first began. Now, I must give my report to their royal Highnesses. It is unfortunate that all that I can tell them is that we must wait, and hope for the best."

Miriam wanted to comfort her superior, but was uncertain how to began. It was true; the situation looked hopeless. At least so far, there had been no recorded injuries or deaths as a result of the Eye's antics. But how long would that last?

El-Hazard Online / How were you hooked?
« on: June 11, 2003, 10:34:10 am »
To this day, I still can't really figure out what drew me to it... the cover art was not particularly inspiring (anyone who wants to see what the VHS covers looked like back then, I'll be scanning and donating them to Rob, hopefully by next week ^_^), and the blurb describing it made it sound pretty generic ("High school students are transported to another dimension... gain strange new powers... save the day..." Gee, where have we heard that before?). Still, I picked up the first volume of OAV1, and was instantly hooked!

I wrote this in the "age" topic in the "Not El-Hazard Online" forum. So, the answer to how I got hooked, was I pretty much picked up El-Hazard on a whim, even though there was nothing about it that should have attracted me. (Well, I did think that the girl on the cover of volume one - Nanami - was cute... Maybe that was it. ^_^) I'm sure glad I did, though.

So, how about the rest of you? How did you learn about El-Hazard? What led you to try it out? Or, in the case of some of our members, what led you to hang around in El-Hazard forums even though you haven't actually seen the show? ;D

There. I have now finished reading ALL of the archived posts in both the El-Hazard Online forum and the Not El-Hazard Online forum.

This puts me in the rather interesting position of knowing a whole lot more about all of you than you know about me!

I think Katsuhiko Jinnai said it best, when he said:


There. I have now finished reading ALL of the archived posts in both the El-Hazard Online forum and the Not El-Hazard Online forum.

This puts me in the rather interesting position of knowing a whole lot more about all of you than you know about me!

I think Katsuhiko Jinnai said it best, when he said:


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