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Topics - Max_Ryan

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El-Hazard Online / Took me some time to find fellow El-Hazard Fans
« on: August 15, 2012, 06:21:20 am »
Should have looked online far earlier than this, still, got here in the end.

El-Hazard was actually the First ANIME I bought on video and collected, since then my collection has passed many hundreads of videos and DVDs, but El-Hazard is still my fav.

Thought I would share the cel's I have of El-Hazard, and still looking to buy more, so if anyone has any to sell, let me know;


I have only ever found and own one El-Hazard model, this is of Ifirita, and now I have seen one of Alielle, anyone know of any more? they seem extremly rare and hard to find if there is.

Need to go back to work now, chat later,


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