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Topics - Katsuhiko JiNNai

Pages: [1]
El-Hazard Online / My custom bugroms for my RPG campaign (Tri Stat System)
« on: February 27, 2010, 04:51:53 pm »
Well, It is an amusing month for my creativeness. I'm creating El-Hazard maps, new and old characters, races, kingdoms and more informations about the "Alliance of 100 Tribes".

I collected a lot of sketches from the Art Book Gallery and I will use them for the vehicles, animals and NPC (like Sansuke, Alliance Soldiers, bugroms, etc).

So, just for fun, I include here some pictures of the new generation of bugrom.

the bugrom Emperor

bugrom regular soldier (with rifle)

bugrom shock trooper

bugrom elite trooper with grenade launcher

bugrom pilot

bugrom royal guard

El-Hazard Online / Pictures request
« on: February 13, 2010, 03:57:33 am »
I need the sketches (black and white) of the dolphin-bear and tree-fish from El-Hazard, where could I find them? I Tried to see the art book galleries but actually I do not found them. Thanks.

El-Hazard Online / Hallo from an italian fan of El-Hazard
« on: January 23, 2010, 05:02:16 pm »
Salve (Hello),
I'm Matteo, an italian 32 years old guy.
I live in the open country of Rigrasso in the little town of Savigliano, province of Cuneo. North-West of Italy, near the frontier with France (about 60km in the south of Torino, do you remember Torino 2006?)

Actually I'm a big fan of El-Hazard from about 13 years (when I bought the italian translated OAVS in VHS).
I was really impressed by the nice villain Katsuhiko JiNNai (and his insane laught) so I used its name as my nickname from 1998. In fact I usually use it in all the forums I joined. Unfortunately, in Italy are available (in my language) only the OAV and OAV2. So I never seen the other TV series etc...

Actually I bought on ebay the old RPG published by "Guardians of Order" and I'm considering to create a nice campaign where I will be the Game Master (yes I'm an old fan of RPGs too, In fact I have the old and new Robotech RPG too). The book is really nice, but some informations are poor. I hoped to find a clear map of el-Hazard with all the locations, but it is not present. Somebody could give me more informations about the El-Hazard world? I do not know exactly where are the nations of the alliance and the size of the world too (how much kilometers are from each city or locations? etc etc). Thanks. ;)

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